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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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43 minutes ago, Jmothecat2 said:

Someone actually phoned us on our house phone, waking up my daughter who I had put in the hallway. Who the f**k still uses housephones? I didn't even know anyone had our number. I had unplugged it after the same thing happened about six months ago. Obviously some fool has decided to reconnect the bloody thing. I'm chucking it out.

She no got a room?

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6 minutes ago, Jmothecat2 said:


She does but that room also houses the tumble drier which was on. She'd fallen asleep in her pram so decided to just keep her in the hallway. Made sense before the phone rang.


So she doesn't have room she just gets bounced about between utility room and loabby.

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Came to visit my parents on the way back up to Aberdeen and it's hard to talk to them as they keep fucking Heartbeat and now The Royal on the TV fairly loud. They also seem to be engrossed in all this shit despite seeing them all before.

But still moan that I'm not here enough or whinge when I don't stay for tea.

Is this what we're all like when we're older? Will my kids (if they happen) come to visit and I block them out playing Mass Effect or watching Top Gear go to the north pole again? Think I will. Stupid younger people.

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1 minute ago, Jmothecat2 said:


They probably aren't worth it. Last time I had one it led to me having to turn my utility room into a bedroom.

By hanging some teddy-bear curtains then wheeling the pram in? Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen must be shitting himself.

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By hanging some teddy-bear curtains then wheeling the pram in? Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen must be shitting himself.

A few toy boxes, chest of drawers, a bed, picture of a squirrel and carpeted it. Worked quite nicely. But I had nowhere else to put the tumble dryer.
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I am not begrudging them from making money but because it is the school holidays the soft play complex at the bottom of Leith walk have put their weekday prices up from £4.95 to £7.95. Slightly expensive trip out for a couple of kids and adults.

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