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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Companies whose online ordering system takes you beyond the payment details section, before only then trying to slap on delivery costs to the order as well. Sleekit behaviour of the lowest form and they forfeit my custom on that point of principle. 

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8 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

a) The vast quantity of ice they put in these McDonalds type things falls into your face beyond a critical angle that's unavoidable drinking it normally.

b) It reduces dissolution of your tooth enamel, which becomes a bit of an issue when your dentist reminds you that your teeth are thinning (because you're drinking pretty much anything that's not plain water) and that they're meant to last a few more decades. 

The solution to a is to order without ice. You get much more of the actual drink, and it doesn't end up as juice flavoured water.




I'd still use a straw to drink it, mind.

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7 minutes ago, die hard doonhamer said:

The solution to a is to order without ice. You get much more of the actual drink, and it doesn't end up as juice flavoured water.

I'd still use a straw to drink it, mind.

If you pour out a drink from a cup full of ice into another cup, you'll find you've got about a third of the drink you've paid for.

Yes, I am aware that petty shit like this is why nobody likes me.

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If you pour out a drink from a cup full of ice into another cup, you'll find you've got about a third of the drink you've paid for.
Yes, I am aware that petty shit like this is why nobody likes me.

I'm similarly sad and did this with a large and medium cup of juice from McDonalds. If I get a McDonalds now I buy a medium exclusively as the difference is shockingly little.
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Not so petty but some of my wife’s family are in the middle of a huge argument that’s probably going to cause a permanent breakdown in relationships. Just amazing how fucking stupid and obstinate people can be.

People are going to lose contact with their children and grandchildren over nothing.

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TV shows, where the writers haven’t an end game planned. Usually Sci Fi type things, which I’m a sucker for. Current one doing my nut in is ‘Manifest’. Just finished Series 3, big cliffhanger ending, but clearly, nowhere near the very end. NBC cancelled a Series 4, but apparently, with Netflix showing the first two series, there’s currently a campaign for Netflix and NBC to join forces and actually commission a series 4. This also happened with a series like the 4400, or the one (name escapes me), where the power all over the world went off and never came back.

Writers, TV companies, whoever - should never be allowed to start something, unless there’s a beginning, a middle, and an end. Just my opinion.

At least ‘Lost’ got to the end.

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10 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:


When it comes to vast quantities of ice, it makes a big difference.

My dentist actually recommends even fruit juice through a straw.  She never mentioned anything about beer,

I heard an urban myth as a student that drinking beer through a straw got you pissed quicker. Supposedly something to do with oxygen intake.

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2 hours ago, ICTChris said:

Not so petty but some of my wife’s family are in the middle of a huge argument that’s probably going to cause a permanent breakdown in relationships. Just amazing how fucking stupid and obstinate people can be.

People are going to lose contact with their children and grandchildren over nothing.

Sorry to hear it. Don't suppose you want to give any vague idea what it was about?

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7 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

I'm similarly sad and did this with a large and medium cup of juice from McDonalds. If I get a McDonalds now I buy a medium exclusively as the difference is shockingly little.

Do this all the time in 7/11 where it's self service. 12baht for a medium latte, full to the brim without ice(it's already cold).  The faces I get when at the till (they have to put the lid on) are priceless.

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6 hours ago, tamthebam said:

I heard an urban myth as a student that drinking beer through a straw got you pissed quicker. Supposedly something to do with oxygen intake.

The rumour round these parts was a straw in the drink but you nip that with your finger and drink out the bottle still. Something to do with less oxygen. 

You see all manner of young women doing it with smirnoff ice and WKD's. 

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9 hours ago, pozbaird said:

TV shows, where the writers haven’t an end game planned. Usually Sci Fi type things, which I’m a sucker for. Current one doing my nut in is ‘Manifest’. Just finished Series 3, big cliffhanger ending, but clearly, nowhere near the very end. NBC cancelled a Series 4, but apparently, with Netflix showing the first two series, there’s currently a campaign for Netflix and NBC to join forces and actually commission a series 4. This also happened with a series like the 4400, or the one (name escapes me), where the power all over the world went off and never came back.

Writers, TV companies, whoever - should never be allowed to start something, unless there’s a beginning, a middle, and an end. Just my opinion.

At least ‘Lost’ got to the end.

Aye that sounds annoying, especially as you've invested yourself in the journey of the characters. 

To the bit in bold, very few TV shows are written completely (I think True Detective was one, and it's why series one is one of the best things I've ever seen on TV) and almost all are written series to series. I guess it's just part of the gamble of watching a TV show. 


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22 minutes ago, velo army said:

Aye that sounds annoying, especially as you've invested yourself in the journey of the characters. 

To the bit in bold, very few TV shows are written completely (I think True Detective was one, and it's why series one is one of the best things I've ever seen on TV) and almost all are written series to series. I guess it's just part of the gamble of watching a TV show. 


Similarly, it appeared that Breaking Bad had a five-season story to tell. When there was obviously an appetite for more of the same, there was no Lost-style stretching of the story, with off-a-cliff effect on quality. Instead, we got Better Call Saul, which, while sharing much with the parent series, was very much its own thing. 

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2 hours ago, Mr. Alli said:

The rumour round these parts was a straw in the drink but you nip that with your finger and drink out the bottle still. Something to do with less oxygen. 

You see all manner of young women doing it with smirnoff ice and WKD's. 

That's just basic physics so they can neck it. The liquid is displaced by air from the straw as the liquid goes into your mouth.

Only gets you drunk faster by allowing you to drink faster.

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52 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Similarly, it appeared that Breaking Bad had a five-season story to tell. When there was obviously an appetite for more of the same, there was no Lost-style stretching of the story, with off-a-cliff effect on quality. Instead, we got Better Call Saul, which, while sharing much with the parent series, was very much its own thing. 

Yep, Vince Gilligan said it was easy to wrap up BB as the main character only had a short time left to live due to his illness.  He said it was always going to be a time span of 2 years from Walt's diagnosis to his death (even though he died of a gunshot wound which I thought was the better way to end the show), and that he knew in his head that Walter was going to die one way or the other, and that the had the ending in his head pretty much from the start.

Some American TV show's are horrendous for writers just writing more and more episodes for a show, utterly terrified of it ending and their cash cow dying presumably.

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10 hours ago, pozbaird said:

TV shows, where the writers haven’t an end game planned. Usually Sci Fi type things, which I’m a sucker for. Current one doing my nut in is ‘Manifest’. Just finished Series 3, big cliffhanger ending, but clearly, nowhere near the very end. NBC cancelled a Series 4, but apparently, with Netflix showing the first two series, there’s currently a campaign for Netflix and NBC to join forces and actually commission a series 4. This also happened with a series like the 4400, or the one (name escapes me), where the power all over the world went off and never came back.

Writers, TV companies, whoever - should never be allowed to start something, unless there’s a beginning, a middle, and an end. Just my opinion.

At least ‘Lost’ got to the end.



PS I thought Manifest had a promising start, but I had to stop midway during season 2 - it had just been turned to complete mince by then (imo).

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1 minute ago, Boghead ranter said:



PS I thought Manifest had a promising start, but I had to stop midway during season 2 - it had just been turned to complete mince by then (imo).

Yeah, Manifest started strongly, as did The 4400, and Revolution - appreciate the reminder. Lost too - if you like these sort of shows, then going back and watching the pilot or first episode of each of them, reels you in with the premise, and the prospect of an entertaining ride. I get that not all series make it to the end, but surely to goodness, the team behind something like ‘Manifest’ must have worked long and hard to even get it made at all. Surely, when they sat down initially together, they came up with the premise, and had in mind why the flight disappeared, why it came back, and had an idea in mind as to how to wrap it up. If the network didn’t allow them to wrap it up, then go online, post a video explaining what your endgame and reason for it all was meant to be. Watching Manifest Series 3, I think we were edging towards that point. It had indeed gone a bit mental, but having stuck with it for three series, was prepared to keep going with it. 🤨

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43 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

Yep, Vince Gilligan said it was easy to wrap up BB as the main character only had a short time left to live due to his illness.  He said it was always going to be a time span of 2 years from Walt's diagnosis to his death (even though he died of a gunshot wound which I thought was the better way to end the show), and that he knew in his head that Walter was going to die one way or the other, and that the had the ending in his head pretty much from the start.

Some American TV show's are horrendous for writers just writing more and more episodes for a show, utterly terrified of it ending and their cash cow dying presumably.

He should have applied such clinical execution and halved the show's entirety. Biggest slog of my life. A good final season but by god the build up in the first few seasons was horrendously paced. 

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4 minutes ago, SANTAN said:

He should have applied such clinical execution and halved the show's entirety. Biggest slog of my life. A good final season but by god the build up in the first few seasons was horrendously paced. 

I disagree and think that was actually the case for BCS.  The first 3 series of that were painful.  I thought BB was great as there was always some tension and you were always wondering how Walt and Jesse were going to get out the bother they'd gotten themselves into.  

What I will concede, is that the BB episode 'Fly' is probably the worst episode of television in history.

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