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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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23 minutes ago, GordonD said:

So long as they don't try to force their beliefs on others. Apparently until this year it was illegal for pubs in the RoI to open on Good Friday.

My first year in TFS, I headed off to the pub on Good Friday only to find it shut! Shocked wasn't the word for it, particularly as I could have done with a couple or four


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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

Not really petty, but the fact that religious fuckwits say that they will continue to harass women looking for councilling and help from an abortion clinic in London where the local council has been obliged to introduce a buffer zone to keep these fucking halfwits at bay.


The woman I saw on the telly the other day said they were there to offer support/alternatives rather than harass/intimidate

I always feel as if when I see someone talking about this sort of thing as if they're acutely aware the whole time that they're peddling vile shite but don't want to admit it. It's really weird.

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7 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

There are a lot of religious people who are good, kind, decent folk, but I think they would have the same qualities if they didn’t believe in a sky fairy.

I find a lack of rationality, particularly on major issues, to be a worry.

It’s true.  I didn’t know about until this year when the law was changed.


Some things simply cannot be dealt with by rationale though. With certain things in life if you did , you wouldn't sleep at night. Religion as a coping mechanism in these circumstances makes sense IMO.

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23 minutes ago, sjc said:

Some things simply cannot be dealt with by rationale though. With certain things in life if you did , you wouldn't sleep at night. Religion as a coping mechanism in these circumstances makes sense IMO.

I don’t want this develop into a tedious exchange (though some will say it already has), but I cannot endorse the view than an adult using fantasy as a coping method for reality is a good or positive thing.


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1 minute ago, Granny Danger said:

I don’t want this develop into a tedious exchange (though some will say it already has), but I cannot endorse the view than an adult using fantasy as a coping method for reality is a good or positive thing.


You don't get out of it that easily! :P 

What do you think coping mechanisms are? They're effectively a fantasy that help the user detach themselves from the reality of a situation in order to cope. The key is not to lose yourself from reality within the fantasy permanently.

I personally don't use religion but have used other forms of coping mechanisms to productive effects.

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Not really petty, but the fact that religious fuckwits say that they will continue to harass women looking for councilling and help from an abortion clinic in London where the local council has been obliged to introduce a buffer zone to keep these fucking halfwits at bay.

They are having a referendum over here to allow abortion. The anti ads are up already. A 9 week ultra sound with I kick and burp - I'm alive... I wonder where they got the 9 week scan as its a pain in the tits for getting a 12 week scan here.
So long as they don't try to force their beliefs on others. Apparently until this year it was illegal for pubs in the RoI to open on Good Friday.

And in the shops. I couldn't believe it last year I could not buy beer and wine with my weekly shop. This year there was a few tuts in the queue but I wasn't fussed.
Religion is weird.
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57p (11 shillings and 5 pence*) to post a standard first class letter, and that’s with reduced rate because it’s a franking machine.

* no doubt some (half)wit will say “aye Granny you’ll remember the penny black”. No I don’t but I remember when it was a lot less than that.

And no, what I’m posting can’t be emailed.

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13 minutes ago, Hedgecutter said:

Had a bit of a tidy up this morning and uncovered a muddy daysack that I've used for hillwalking / caving for the past few months. Contents of which were: 1x mildly soggy sock, 1x Silva compass, 1x squashed white chocolate/cranberry cookie, bureau de change envelope containing US$420 in hard currency, 2x flight detail print outs and 1x rotten satsuma. Productive morning, although I'm raging with myself about that overlooked money from December tbh.


Question is: convert and bank, keep until the exchange rate becomes more favourable (whenever that may be), or just keep until a holiday sometime?

People who have so much money that they forget that they have foreign currency stashed away somewhere. ;) If I'm ever fortunate enough to come home with any currency left over, changing it back is one of the first things I do!


Also, svchost.exe process on my laptop going over 2 million K usage.  I've had to stop the process 12 times this morning already, just to keep my laptop functional.

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I'm still raging with myself about this FWIW  ('First World Problems' etc etc).

Anyway, another PTTGOYN of the day is when you start pishing into a urinal and the flush automatically comes on, needlessly making you worry about the possibility of a pish-filled waterfall and soggy pish-splashed shoes for the rest of the day.

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11 minutes ago, Hedgecutter said:

I'm still raging with myself about this FWIW  ('First World Problems' etc etc).

Anyway, another PTTGOYN of the day is when you start pishing into a urinal and the flush automatically comes on, needlessly making you worry about the possibility of a pish-filled waterfall and soggy pish-splashed shoes for the rest of the day.

What about the new "no water" ones, which in my experience seem to be a standard urinal, which utterly reeks of pish due to the baffling "no water" feature.

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What about the new "no water" ones, which in my experience seem to be a standard urinal, which utterly reeks of pish due to the baffling "no water" feature.

Think you’ve been pishing in those dyson hand dryers mate
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I'm still raging with myself about this FWIW  ('First World Problems' etc etc).
Anyway, another PTTGOYN of the day is when you start pishing into a urinal and the flush automatically comes on, needlessly making you worry about the possibility of a pish-filled waterfall and soggy pish-splashed shoes for the rest of the day.

That’s just the excuse you have for having pish stains on your trousers as you haven’t given yourself enough of a shake afterwards.
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3 minutes ago, throbber said:


That’s just the excuse you have for having pish stains on your trousers as you haven’t given yourself enough of a shake afterwards.


You're obviously confusing me with McKee



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You're obviously confusing me with McKee

I’m just reading between the lines. You can also blame the tap that you were washing your hands with that was more powerful than you had thought !
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Think you’ve been pishing in those dyson hand dryers mate
Another toilet Petty Thing then....

When (as at my work) you find yourself having to make do with an old school, non highpowered hand dryer.

The type that sounds like a harrier taking off whilst delivering an amount of air roughly the same as a dormouse farting, but hotter than the core of the sun.
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12 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Another toilet Petty Thing then....

When (as at my work) you find yourself having to make do with an old school, non highpowered hand dryer.

The type that sounds like a harrier taking off whilst delivering an amount of air roughly the same as a dormouse farting, but hotter than the core of the sun.

I find old hand dryers don't even dry your hands, merely manoeuvres the water around your hands and up your arms. The Dyson Airblades are excellent and should be mandatory in all public lavatories. 

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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

57p (11 shillings and 5 pence*) to post a standard first class letter, and that’s with reduced rate because it’s a franking machine.

* no doubt some (half)wit will say “aye Granny you’ll remember the penny black”. No I don’t but I remember when it was a lot less than that.

And no, what I’m posting can’t be emailed.

And the weekly wage was about £25. What's your point?

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