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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/11/22 in all areas

  1. 15 points
  2. Back of the net , it's a 10 (TEN) for Friday. Over to you now Ecuador to take inspiration from that.
    13 points
  3. I was thinking earlier in the week that around this time 10 years ago I was struggling massively. I have come back a decade later to answer this question - yes, I was lucky. I thought that life was not worth living anymore, and that I had wasted my chances to become better than what I was. That was not true. There are too many things to list that I would have missed out on if I had not been prevented from hanging myself by a complete stranger. Here is a few of the things I would have never got to experience: 1. Getting into unversity to study Mental Health Nursing. 2. Seeing my nephew grow up. 3. Learning to drive. 4. Meeting my ex-girlfriend. We may have broken up now, but that was a really fantastic time in my life. 5. Ayr United winning the league in 2017/18. I was in my early 20s when I posted that. The idea that nothing positive will happen in your life when you're that young is ridiculous. It's never too late for good things to happen. It's going to eventually become my job to promote recovery in other people's lives. I know that recovery from mental illness is possible, because I am evidence of that. If you're struggling, don't give up. You have so much to offer, no matter who you are or how you feel. Jamie xxxxxxxx
    13 points
  4. 10 for Friday, so I don't need any help from England tonight. USA! USA!
    10 points
  5. A pleasing Full House to end the week. Wasn't sure on the Ancient dude so a nice surprise to get the 10
    9 points
  6. Made it, Harmsworth Park looks no bad like
    8 points
  7. @AJF fighting harder over a minute point on this thread than he did to save the original club.
    7 points
  8. Shouldn't these c***s be on the Airdrie thread, asking where to order their "We beat Falkirk" medals?
    7 points
  9. POINTS @TxRover & @German Jag - Switzerland 1 v @Leeds Saint - Cameroon 0 No celebrations from the Cameroon scorer. @Bully Wee Villa - Uruguay 0 v @Duszek - South Korea 0 One for the purist, two poor teams. @101 - Portugal 3 v @Jacksgranda - Ghana 2 Goals!!!!!! Went to bed at half time. ffs @Tynie Bagstock - Brazil 2 v @scottsdad - Serbia 0 Any good? A rundown of the first game points.
    7 points
  10. Thanks @sophia for reminding us all to say: f**k Billy Dodds. f**k Scot Gardiner
    7 points
  11. Hate is a strong word but I fucking hate these parasites. That statement : Para 1-admiiting the current model isn't appropriate Para 2 - these should have been the starting points, not something for 5 years time when we'll have had save the jags 2 at this rate Para 3 - they were fine with accepting the shares before they consulted anyone. Also they're consulting club employees (wonder who? ) and sponsors, good to see who they actually represent Para 4 - everyone knows they won't respond to anything remotely critical so they might as well have added a PO Box in Guatemala as a contact address.
    7 points
  12. They just don't get it. Every time the PTFC Trust make a statement, The Jags Foundation sees a bump in its membership. Every. Single. Time. They fundamentally seem not to understand why it is that the fans feel the need to protest in the first place. It's really pretty galling to see precisely the people who divided the support, by going behind everyone's backs, thwarting fan ownership, refusing to democratise, failing to engage with the fans for three months after being appointed, voting to re-appoint the Club directors en-masse, then turn around and tell other people that they have responsibility for uniting the fan base. The most unifying thing two things that could happen at our football club right now would be Club Board resignations and a full set of Trustee elections.
    6 points
  13. 6 points
  14. Hello! Never dipped into this thread before as Kid A is 19 now and it wasn't around when the world imploded and she was created! Now, six months short of 20 years later, B&C are on the way. Identical twin girls due on December 22nd. Anyone in the twin club? I've been buzzing since that early scan back in May, though Mrs Christophe has had a few wobbles trying to get her head around it. It is quite the thing, planning and budgeting for one only for everything to double! We are only 4 weeks or so away now and i forgot how fast everything goes, the time really does run away from you!
    6 points
  15. Rutherglen Glencairn 2-2 Neilston, WoSFL First Division, 23/11/22 A dreadful first half of 'action' followed by a really entertaining second half. Little happened before the break, with the only real flashes of skill provided by Neilston's Peter Haggarty on the left wing. Sadly, he faded out the game and got hooked in the second half. Glens went ahead in the second half with a long-range shot that possibly took a deflection. It certainly confused the keeper and looked a strange one to me. Neilston came back into it and got themselves ahead. Their equaliser came from a penalty for which the keeper didn't receive a card for the foul. Neilston's bench (right in front of me) erupted in fury at no red card, or even a yellow. The referee explained to them exactly why. It was an attempt to play the ball, so a red is downgraded to yellow, a yellow downgraded to nothing. In this case, the attacker was going away from goal so it's a yellow downgraded to nothing as it's a penalty. I thought the referee handled the situation really well, but the full Neilston coaching staff, quite inexplicably, seemed not to know the rules of the game that they coach a team to play in, and just kept giving him abuse until he booked one of them (I think Derek Carson). Mad behaviour. Who'd be a ref? Anyway, Neilston were the better side overall, but failed to see it out and Glens got a late equaliser after really poor defending from a cross ball. So, a really enjoyable second half, with four goals, both teams hitting the bar, the penalty controversy, and some decent passages of play.
    6 points
  16. @DoingThe42 Not a random match as it was Cove v Morton last Saturday. However, with that stadium ticked off it’s 42/42 for my son and 40/42 for me.
    5 points
  17. They wanted back in the junior cup now hes saying its shite, what a slap in the face to the sjfa. Because Darvel have been knocked out suddenly they make comments about the competitions being small and over-rated. If that is the case why enter them? They entered the Junior Cup to try and win it. You can be assured that they wouldn’t be saying it was small or over rated if they got to the final. John Gall yet again illustrating that he’s a classless asshole.
    5 points
  18. The blame for any harm which comes to the club because of this protest is entirely the fault of the PTFC Trust, and Jacqui Low. Their actions have made this inevitable. I can’t make it through tomorrow, but totally stand with those protesting and hope everyone possible does join.
    5 points
  19. At least we'll never stiff our creditors like you c*nts did. Now why don't you f*ck off?
    5 points
  20. This concern trolling act is fairly running its course eh
    5 points
  21. Nope. It shows 51 to 40 in our favour.
    5 points
  22. The Labour Party that exists inside Jedi’s head sounds brilliant. I’d be overjoyed to vote for it if it wasn’t entirely fantastical.
    5 points
  23. What a steaming pile of shite. So 60% to leave the Union but leaving the EU was 52% - and could have been 50% + 1 vote. As ever the Britnats move the goalposts any time the SNP meets or looks like meeting their criteria. What democratic route is there? We could return 100% of a vote for independence parties and they can still ignore it.
    5 points
  24. Thursday First night I arrived in Dundee, I met my friend's husband for some pints on Perth Road. Had one in The Phoenix, food and drinks in Tonic then went to Mennies. Some bloke who looked like Postman Pat kept gurning and singing 'Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner' in my ear all night. There was also some Bald Bloke telling everyone to shoosh for some reason. In the side room, there was a group of extremely small but attractive women. Friday Friday was probably the most chilled. I did some cultural stuff during the day (McManus etc.) Had a few in Dynamo then met @Meadow_Jock where we grabbed some food from The Tail End. Back to Dynamo where we met 'The Shetland Pony' who was there to see his daughter's graduation. A small smartly dressed bald man talking in wingdings who switched from being extremely happy to aggressive every ten minutes. He was infuriated when we said he looked sixty. He advised he was a Celtic fan but 'hated all the Irish shit'. I never knew if he found his daughter in Trades or not... Saturday Got to Trades at 11am. I had to neck some water as I was struggling badly. Cheeky vegan sausage roll and then we started in Frews pre-game good crack. I could barely face the pints from the night before. Two pies and a cuppa during the game helped me back on track. After we went to Whites and then The Glens to see some old rockers my mate knew (I was flirting with the barmaid in French for some reason). We went to that awful lodge place in town to see the infamous photo of Saddam Hussain outside their toilets. The place was miserable. Like a living room from the seventies. Felt very dirty afterwards but saw the Saddam photo. Sunday Started at Phoenix around 3ish. Was feeling beyond shite at this point. Drinking and eating slowly. Few froths in there then we went to The Nether Inn to play pool and put some horrible songs on the Jukebox. Then went to Club Bar to absolutely stroll the karaoke and make some friends from Glasgow. Also met a local guy I called The Troll who kept singing AC/DC and kept trying to chat up a lesbian. I had some food from Wee Mexico but they made it extra spicy because I'd fucked them off. Monday Long sober train journey back. I will definitely be back!
    5 points
  25. Reading the third of their thread it's clear what the PTFC Trust's tactic is here. They are calling on The Jags Foundation to renounce the planned protest at tomorrow's game while being fairly certain that they'll do no such thing. They can then claim that the Jags Foundation are condoning action that will harm the Club. To be fair TJF did similar with their call for the PTFC Trust to vote for the removal of 4 directors at yesterday's AGM. They can't possibly have thought that they would do so. It's pretty much Civil War now. The PTFC Trust would be well advised to try to avoid going further down that route. TJF have the support of a large section of the Thistle support, have moral right behind them and are just a damn sight better at it. The PTFC Trust may, over the passage of time, become the fans' organisation that the current Trustees you imagine/hope aspire to become but those current Trustees won't be the winners of this civil war. I'm not entirely sure how this will end but it's going to be messy and damaging before it does that's for sure.
    4 points
  26. Motherwell 6-0 Hearts - SFA Youth Cup, K-Park, 25/11/2022. Hearts' youngsters fail miserably to honour the anniversary of Robbie Neilson's famous last-minute winner in Basel in the 2004-05 UEFA Cup group stage by taking an absolute chasing from Motherwell. It was 5-0 after 30 minutes and a genuine bloodbath seemed on the cards. Fortunately, Motherwell seemed to ease off a bit and Hearts stabilised things, with the loss of only one goal in the second half seeming merciful. Not much celebrity spotting at this one, Stevie Frail being the only one I noticed.
    4 points
  27. It's fairly easy to get an emergency Scottish election. FM resigns - if the post is not filled within 28 days there would be fresh Scottish elections. That would be better than a de facto GE strategy as it would be fully focused on Scotland plus the SNP/Greens would have complete control over the timing of the election.
    4 points
  28. Wouldn’t this be true of any party? You might have voted for, say, the Liberal Democrats (I know, right?) on the basis of their opposition to tuition fees yet not have supported their policy on, say, fox hunting. You don’t get to pick and choose which bits of their manifesto they then enact (or don’t). At any rate, this is again falling into the trap of playing nice (and playing along) with the UK system, as though this were a business-as-usual GE coming up. If I were the SNP I’d take advantage of every dirty trick possible to disrupt the next election and prevent it from proceeding as they usually do. Westminster has told us that playing nice and following their time honoured approach avails us nothing. f**k them.
    4 points
  29. This guy's parents must have known what they were doing!
    4 points
  30. "Silent majority" is just code for "imaginary voters upon which my argument depends." Carry on.
    4 points
  31. Source = Trust me m8 By all accounts Wolves are a bit of a shambles where theres huge pressure to buy, and play, players who Jorge Mendes represents, with him having the final say on whos sold and when. Its understandable a rookie manager isnt firing head first into that situation.
    4 points
  32. Since the UK's supreme Court has decided the nation of Scotland and therefore the union does not exist.....what are Scottish "Unionists" going to call themselves now?
    4 points
  33. Mic drop… Wordle 523 1/6 Knew it would be along those lines today.
    4 points
  34. No it clearly has changed, given that: a) the demand is now rooted in the idea that there's now a cost of living crisis in UK society and b) a universal, 10% pay increase from a negligible increase in funds is apparently The Only Possible Solution to a). That's an entirely different context to regular pay bargaining. The reality is that large groups of people in society are going to have to take a hit because of the utter nonsense political economy that we have lolloped into. Partly due to crap decisions made from 2016 onwards (Brexit); partly from crap decisions made in 2020/21 (setting the economy on fire because of the zero Covid cult); and last but not least the utterly moronic economic war that western Europe was goaded into fighting earlier this year to the sole benefit of US and Middle Eastern energy exporters. No amount of ideal-world political grandstanding is going to change the fact that right here and right now, there's not enough to go round to cover inflationary pressures. The only relevant question then is which groups should lose out in relative terms. Well-paid senior teachers should absolutely lose out in comparison to their junior colleagues - because their decades of higher earnings shield them to a far greater degree from harm. Teachers in general should lose out relative to support roles whose staff are absolutely in need of a full increase with inflation. The same principle should apply across the board. A flat cash cost of living increase allows more support for those who need it. If unions are going to preach about a cost of living crisis, then they have to reflect that in their actions right now as well.
    3 points
  35. Probably not common because they are all loaded and too busy sunning themselves in the Bahamas! The above post may or may not be in jest.
    3 points
  36. I don't know the ins and outs of the teaching pay debate, nor do I have any particular interest in getting into it, but looking after the lowest paid staff as a priority should always be the goal of a union in my opinion. I work at a university, and our local branch of the UCU had all but agreed a pay deal for their staff (generally the highest paid at the university) before consulting with the other campus unions (GMB, Unison, Unite) and realising that the (generally lower paid) staff in those unions weren't getting anywhere near what we were. They therefore joined forces and presented a joint position to the university which eventually led to an agreement last month - ultimately the deal I ended up getting was exactly the same as what would have been agreed before (3%), but the other two unions got a far larger uplift. That, to me, is the whole point of trade unionism.
    3 points
  37. Got a mate who is a Patriots fan. He's moaning about missed calls against the Vikings this morning. The irony of almost 20 years of Brady getting away with murder is lost on him.
    3 points
  38. No. If you think 1 trophy in 9 domestic trophies is anything other than pish for one of the two teams whose budgets dwarf all others, then you’re just wrong. He got a move on the back of his name. Not his managerial capabilities. And his disastrous time at Villa backs that up.
    3 points
  39. Easy fix there: a legal referendum on whether or not we want to be part of Brexit Britain. Only one side is refusing this. Also, it hardly needs to be said that the continual discussion of the constitution kind of indicates that there is a sizeable problem with the constitution. It’s almost like a motheaten, uncodified constitution founded on an imperial movement isn’t fit for purpose in a globalist, post-imperial world. Fudges like the condescending “devolution” and lies about “unions of equals” really don’t seem to have provided a solution to modern problems like intra-UK Brexit divisions and differing immigration needs and wants.
    3 points
  40. The illiterate face of somewhere.
    3 points
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