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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Scott was 11 days late. My wife was due to go to the hospital at 9am to get induced. Went to bed the night before, alarm all set and so on. In bed 10 minutes and her waters broke. He was born about 4 and a half hours later.
  2. The website says: "Away games will be broadcast subject to access to power supplied by the home club and adequate 4g broadband coverage in the area." The PPV page says PPV is not available. Can't see any reference to the match.
  3. I don't understand why these politicians use Whatsapp to send messages like these. Surely they must know that somewhere, somehow, they might come put. I mean, in most workplaces you don't put these opinions and so on in emails. Especially with the chance that someone might put in an FoI request. This happened at a previous employer of mine. Early on the senior management started referring to him as X in emails, suspecting he would put in an FoI, which he did. He was sacked for embezzling money and was going down swinging.
  4. What's the quality of Pars TV like? I've been stung before, paying for what looked like a guy in row Z with a shaky cameraphone. If it's decent this might have to do for me.
  5. The wife is being seconded to another role for 12 months, starting in April. Higher pay scale. She is very happy.
  6. This is true in my case. Working the odd Saturday for an open day, for instance. But the flip side for me is that I don't really have set hours. If I want to head off for the afternoon and sit in the pub, I can. All that matters is my outputs. My wife works in HR for the same employer and has set hours. If she wants to change them there are procedures she has to follow.
  7. Lionel Richie's song "All Night Long (All Night)" has some African-sounding lyrics in it, but they are gibberish. No meaning at all.
  8. I've been the same. I assumed that Twitter was down to Twitter itself turning into a binfire.
  9. You can't say that stuff out loud! The provisional wing of the Star Wars thread will be long soon to explain how some obscure spinoff about someone who was in a movie for 10 minutes is actually the best TV show ever made, eclipsing The Sopranos for drama, plot and excitement.
  10. Grew up in Alloa, so I have an affinity for the club. Have went along to quite a few matches over the years.
  11. I am very much enjoying this. Episode 3 was excellent, and good to learn who the baddies behind the scenes are. Worf alluding to his old friend, an honourable man, was a subtle but touching tribute, I thought.
  12. When I was in chronic testicular pain post-snip, this is the drug that worked best. Took away the constant ache. No side effects for me. Pregabalin on the other hand turned me into a different person. Angry, moody, short tempered.
  13. The Invasion of Time Good 6-parter to finish off the series. Back on Gallifrey where the Doctor is now President of the Time Lords and trying to stave off an invasion. Loads of scenes inside the Tardis, which looks suspiciously like the inside of an old (1950s ish) school or hospital. No more Leela, which is a shame as I was warming to her. She apparently stayed on Gallifrey to be with a guy she just met and barely said two words to; very different to when Jo Grant stayed with a guy she met and fell in love with. Enjoyed this one quite a lot.
  14. When I was a kid, my mum would drive me and my pal to nursery. We sat in the boot of the Cortina Estate, no seatbelts, and had great fun rolling about as the car went round corners. Kids these days have booster seats and seatbelts, and a joyless outlook for the future.
  15. Guenther Steiner is frankly the best thing about DTS. I like that they caught on camera his "I would have hugged the whole paddock" for points quote. No matter how many times I hear it, it sounds like he said he would have fucked the whole paddock.
  16. 9 episodes of Drive to Survive season 5 completed. Basically the Christian Horner show.
  17. I worked in the Alloa Somerfield when this store (when it was Safeway) opened. Overnight about a third of the money brought in went. The shop didn't last long after that.
  18. @buchan30 - my niece had this very issue about 5 years ago when she was still at school. It was awful, I don't think folk realise how destructive the relentless nature of online bullying is. With old style school bullies, at least kids got away from them when they came home. Now it is day and night. My sister-in-law tried everything, including confiscating my niece's phone in the evenings. None of that worked. For months it was harrowing. In the end, if I remember correctly, she managed to find out the address of one of them and went round to speak to the parents, armed with the messages. It died down after that.
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