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Anyone ever heard of a song with these lyrics? I've just had a flashback to a school play when I was tiny and Google's turned up a blank. Starting to wonder if it's something the music teacher made up for us.

"Crepe suzette and avocado pear,
<something something possibly about jugged hare?>
Love a Roly Poly, but it's all in vain,
Here comes the butler with some more champagne,
No more, no more,
Cabinet pudding is a great big bore."

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Anyone ever heard of a song with these lyrics? I've just had a flashback to a school play when I was tiny and Google's turned up a blank. Starting to wonder if it's something the music teacher made up for us.

"Crepe suzette and avocado pear,
Love a Roly Poly, but it's all in vain,
Here comes the butler with some more champagne,
No more, no more,
Cabinet pudding is a great big bore."

Maybe would help if you uploaded a video of you singing it? *

* it wouldn't but it would provide some entertainment
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6 hours ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

Anyone ever heard of a song with these lyrics? I've just had a flashback to a school play when I was tiny and Google's turned up a blank. Starting to wonder if it's something the music teacher made up for us.

"Crepe suzette and avocado pear,
<something something possibly about jugged hare?>
Love a Roly Poly, but it's all in vain,
Here comes the butler with some more champagne,
No more, no more,
Cabinet pudding is a great big bore."

I think I recognize the tune, maybe your music teacher fucked about with the lyrics? 

I reckon Swarley is right upload a vid of you singing it, or if you are shy vid walking round your local park with you singing the song behind the camera. It would be like an Mtv video? 

The good thing about music video is that if none of us can work it out we can send it round to other social media outlets then someone is bound to get it? 


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10 hours ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

Anyone ever heard of a song with these lyrics? I've just had a flashback to a school play when I was tiny and Google's turned up a blank. Starting to wonder if it's something the music teacher made up for us.

"Crepe suzette and avocado pear,
<something something possibly about jugged hare?>
Love a Roly Poly, but it's all in vain,
Here comes the butler with some more champagne,
No more, no more,
Cabinet pudding is a great big bore."



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On 05/10/2016 at 07:46, Grim O'Grady said:

I think I recognize the tune, maybe your music teacher fucked about with the lyrics? 

I reckon Swarley is right upload a vid of you singing it, or if you are shy vid walking round your local park with you singing the song behind the camera. It would be like an Mtv video? 

The good thing about music video is that if none of us can work it out we can send it round to other social media outlets then someone is bound to get it? 


Failing that we could get £250 for it on You've Been Framed.

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4 hours ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Is there a worse pain than when the dentist hits a nerve with that metal toothpick/scraper?

Standing on a stonefish. Worst pain known to man.

Alternatively, listening to me sing the song further up the thread.

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15 hours ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Is there a worse pain than when the dentist hits a nerve with that metal toothpick/scraper?

Sulphuric acid in the face and eyes. I honestly wished that I would die so the pain would stop.

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30 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Standing on a plug... Striding big toe first into a door... boot to the sack

Women say that childbirth is the greatest pain; men say it's a boot to the sack. Obviously there's no way to compare them directly as nobody can experience both, but consider this:

Boot a man in the balls, then ask him if he wants another one. He's obviously going to say no.

But lots of women have more than one child...

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Sulphuric acid in the face and eyes. I honestly wished that I would die so the pain would stop.

Heard a horror story from the guy running my offshore safety training course.

Involved a guy who had a potentially nasty chemical spill down his leg and treated it with something given to him by a colleague 'off the back of a lorry'.

Guy goes to bed in a fair bit of discomfort and eventually wakes the others up with the most horrendous screaming, as the guy finds a chemical burn so bad that you could see the shin bone. Turned out to contain some horrible slow acting acid which burns your skin from the inside out. For somebody's sake I really hope it was a tall scare tale.

Eta: sounds like hydroflouric acid which may not feel too painful at first as it fcuks with your nerve functions. Blood from Alien type stuff:

And now for another gruesome and tragic tale: in 1995 a chemist working in Australia was sitting working at a fume cupboard and knocked over a small quantity (100-230 millilitres, about the equivalent of a drinking glass full of water) of hydrofluoric acid onto his lap, splashing both thighs. He immediately washed his legs with water, jumped into a chlorinated swimming pool at the rear of the workplace, and stayed there for about 40 minutes before an ambulance arrived. Sadly, his condition deteriorated in hospital and, despite having his right leg amputated 7 days after the accident, he died from multi-organ failure 15 days after hydrofluoric acid spill. Remember, that was a spill the size of a glass of water.

Because hydrofluoric acid interferes with nerve function, burns from it often aren’t painful to begin with. Small accidental exposures can go unnoticed, which means that people don’t seek treatment straight away, making the whole thing worse. Do a Google image search on ‘hydrogen fluoride burns’ and you’ll see some images that will really turn your stomach.

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4 hours ago, supermik said:

Sulphuric acid in the face and eyes. I honestly wished that I would die so the pain would stop.

Aye, c'mon, more details.

Does that mean you're blind/partially-sighted, Mik?

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