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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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You are aware of SFL TV, yes?

Yes that really gives the game so much exposure it's no surprise sponsors are all so desperate to invest money into the lower leagues...

The BBC should be doing more to promote the Scottish game by at the very least showing a highlights package or does nothing outside of the SPL matter?

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Yes that really gives the game so much exposure it's no surprise sponsors are all so desperate to invest money into the lower leagues...

The BBC should be doing more to promote the Scottish game by at the very least showing a highlights package or does nothing outside of the SPL matter?

That's not what you said. You said that there should be a highlights package, which there already is. Plus, it isn't up to the BBC to promote SFL.

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That's not what you said. You said that there should be a highlights package, which there already is. Plus, it isn't up to the BBC to promote SFL.

Pedantry aside, I think it's pretty clear the reference was to a proper slot on national TV not an online highlights package on an SFL website. In media terms the exposure the former would provide would far outweigh the latter.

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Would anyone realistically watch a highlights package? I mean, outwith the own fans, it isn't massively highly attractive. I've never even attempted to watch a game on BBC Alba involving the SFL, some of the games they show have no appeal, if a fan of a fellow SFL club isn't interested I doubt a non SFL fan would be.

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On the S4C chanel, they have a weekly football show called 'Sgorio'. It features highlights from the Welsh Premier League (also Spanish games). From what i've seen, the Welsh Premier is comparative to our 2nd or 3rd Division in terms of crowd size. I see no reason why BBC ALBA shouldn't make a weekly highlights show as the level of interest would be the same if not greater than Sgorio. It would also increase viewer numbers as people who don't usually watch that chanel would tune in.

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  • 2 weeks later...

so what happens next i appreciate the league isn't over but i can't for the life of me see the pars throw it away now. the club has come on leaps and bounds over the last few years mcglynn has no doubt caught the attention of the football world coupled with a squad that is getting older campbell ellis and murray are well into their thirties and the tightening of budgets next season. i don't think we can put in a sustained title challenge again more a case of cementing first division status.

or am i talking compplete shite

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so what happens next i appreciate the league isn't over but i can't for the life of me see the pars throw it away now. the club has come on leaps and bounds over the last few years mcglynn has no doubt caught the attention of the football world coupled with a squad that is getting older campbell ellis and murray are well into their thirties and the tightening of budgets next season. i don't think we can put in a sustained title challenge again more a case of cementing first division status.

or am i talking compplete shite

nah man, i don't think you're talking complete shite at all. me and my brother were speaking about this yesterday post game - seemed the right time to talk about the future of the rovers.

next season, i can't see us making a serious title challenge - tade will more than likely be gone, mcgurn could be on his way, and im not sure what is happening with davo? is he still linked to dundee united or was that just pish?

my guess at players leaving the club would include...





k mcbride

either to pastures new (ie tade, mcgurn), released due to being out of favour with mcglynn (a la ferry), or not being good enough at this level (ie weir, which saddens me because i've always liked him, even though he hasn't scored for about 2 years.) dont think we could afford to sign kevin mcbride for next season but then again i'm not at all clued up on what finances mcglynn will have to play with for next season.

i'm pretty confident that we've got one or two players to step up and start to take over in the defence - dougie hill would ideally replace grant murray for me, sparky and laurie are only 32 and 31 ( i think..) so they probably still have two or three decent seasons left in them at CB, maybe more. not sure what the crack is with wilson, as he's not really been the same player since he came back from injury, probably a confidence thing. hopefully he can turn it around for next season, as he's easily one of our best attacking players when he plays well. have to add i'm a fan of willie dyer at LB, should be first choice in that position IMO.

as for up front, i really hope we have johnny baird for next season, he's been terrific. with tade probably going, we'll need to look at someone to come in to replace him. who would that be? gary wales getting signed and finally given a chance? damien casalinuovo? kevin smith? latter two look like they're improbable for the first division next season - club will need to cut back because of the poorer gates we'll get next season due to the ammies coming down to replace the pars and fake plastic club fc coming up.

one thing it definitely is is uncertain, but i still think we'll have the sqaud to not have to worry too much about being in danger of getting relegated!

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Walker, Baird and Ellis are the ones we must keep. All three have been utterly fantastic this season. I think our defence is pretty much cemented. Up front we could do with a forward to compliment Baird, Smith would be good, Casa would be a dream. For me, Weir, Williamson and Wales should go. I think we'll maybe see Ferry go, which is a shame. He has easily shown himself to be a good enough midfielder. It's a shame we have a squad with such excellent players: they really do merit a better attendance than what they get for average home games. Such is the fickle nature of part time supporters. <_<

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I reckon Weir, Williamson, Tade, McGurn, Wilson, Wales will all be away. Thats quite a big change of players and I cannot see us challenging next year. If we can get in K McBride, possibly Casa and 3/4 other players of a similer level or slightly better we should still easily be top half.

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I think we've got this season and next the wrong way around. If we'd had a harmless mid-table season this time around like Morton or Partick Thitle we'd have been delighted, and looked to challenge the next season. As it is, with us bound to lose a couple of players and apparent budget cuts with the loss of the derby, I can only see us having an incredibly underwhelming and entirely boring season. It's been a while since we've had a "meh" season, in fact having checked we've had one in ten years, the year we finished seventh in the Second. We've always had something to play for up until the end of the season otherwise. Can only see crowds dwindling, particularly given the expected price hikes.

Sorry for the pessimism. Or is it realism? I don't know.

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So far we've improved every year under McGlynn, it's going to take a phenomenal effort for that record to continue next season. For the last few months we've only really been on mid-table form, which is about right, and given the players we're likely to lose that's still where I'd expect us to be. Anything more will be a bonus again, as this year.

I don't see that as pessimism, we've still got an outstanding manager who'll make the best of our resources, and is at least as likely as anyone else to mount a promoion challenge once again, this year or in the course of time. That we went so far so fast and will very likely have to take a small step back doesn't affect my confidence in the general upward trend in the health of the club.

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Mind you, that's all assuming McGlynn stays.

Which I am assuming at the moment, mostly because I can't see, in terms of specifics, who might be likely to come in for him at the moment. But that could change.

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Mind you, that's all assuming McGlynn stays.

Which I am assuming at the moment, mostly because I can't see, in terms of specifics, who might be likely to come in for him at the moment. But that could change.

Has he taken us as far as he can? He's already been operating on a shoe-string, and it's going to be even less next season. Dundee are looking strong and Falkirk will get rid of the deadwood, although maybe not Pressley. Livi will likely spend big, Morton are building well and Partick might even have a pop. That's without even taking into account Hamilton.

Mid-table would still be a decent achievement of course, but given it'll be just as unlikely that we'll challenge next season as it was this, despite his wonderful success, might McGlynn himself be getting a bit frustrated and looking for a way out?

The summer is going to be interesting down Stark's Park way, I think...

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Losing Tade might be the best thing that could happen to Raith in honesty, losing him and bringing in a new player would surely result in Raith using a different gameplan? only thinking this could improve things because the gameplan of hoofing the ball to Tade and hoping to god something came out off it just really didn't work yesterday at all.

Keep McGurn, Davidson/Murray,Davidson and Baird and you have a really strong spine to work off, in saying that I expect a 4th/5th placed finish next year would still be a good achievement.

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