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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Is it just me who is considering not going to the Rangers home game? I remember the last time we played Rangers in a league game and the home end was filled with opposition fans. It was just a nasty horrible atmosphere and not one I really want to repeat. I've got a season ticket and I have considered buying the seat next to me so that i'm guaranteed not to be sitting next a Ranger fan!

I'm skipping the rangers game, far too much hassle.

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What worries me is that nothing seems to have changed since the start of this year (or really November 2013 if you want to go back to when it really all started).

There are two things Murray seems to be failing on consistently. This is not any overreaction to the last 2 games which we all expected to lose but things that have happened in the majority of games this calender year.

Firstly, Murray seems incapable of identifying our defensive problems. During this year we've played 3 different goalkeepers in competitive games and countless different defences yet the same mistakes keep happening. It surely can't all be down to the lack of ability? The 1st goal for Hearts at the weekend sums it up perfectly.

Secondly, Murray seems to have no tactical awareness. On Saturday he gave Gomis and Buaban the freedom of Kirkcaldy when we could all see it was crying out for an extra midfielder. He seems intent on humping long high balls up to Nade when we all know he is not that type of player and needs the ball to his feet. Changes need to be made and he always either doesn't make them or leaves it until 5 or 10 mins left when it's just far too late.

I've got nothing against Murray and we can all see his clearly a good guy. He was my and most other fans clear choice when McGlynn left but he's now had over 2 years to put his stamp of this team and we are just going backwards and backwards. This is his team, his tactics, his choices and we have been failing miserably.

For those who say that we have beaten Alloa and Dumbarton and this is some sort of knee-jerk reaction, take a look at our performances and results since last November. We have been awful. Like you will say a few defeats doesn't make him a poor manager, 2 wins against teams (one against Dumbarton who have now conceded 11 goals in 3 league games but who bossed the first 50 mins of our game) doesn't all of a sudden make him infallible and immune to criticism.

What will now be interesting is to hear his post match interview on the website but if this is anything to go by it'll be his unusual "first and foremost" speel.


As for the board, well we were promised a bigger and more competitive squad and they have failed to do this. We once again have no options on the wing and lack any sort of proven goalscorer. Nade and Stewart have done well for us so far but we knew they weren't 15 goal a season players. No doubt we'll get the usual "we know best" comment on the site soon enough!

Definitely this, he seemed to fancy going toe to toe with two far better sides and got fucked for it, he should've packed the midfield in both cases, instead of going for a 4-4-2/4-4-1-1 style as he did. He'd have been better sticking Fox and Moon sitting in the midfield and telling Scott to hang off of Gomis' shoulder for the Hearts game, stuck Stewart and Conroy or even Stewart and Anderson out wide, leave Nade up front by himself.

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Ditto. Will watch it on BT Sports with a few tinnies and a pizza.

Another in the same boat, keep getting called a "shitebag" from mates over it but I just cannot be arsed with dealing with being near that lot on our own patch.

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It's bad when in an attempt to mock the Rovers, you make yourself sound utterly pathetic.

Cowden 4-0 is 50/1. Guy can't afford £2 (understandable) but if he puts his 50p on he'll get £25 back. Reach for the stars!

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Seriously? Unless I was living under a rock during that period it didn't come across like Murray was the favoured choice from the fans however it was almost a dead cert he'd get appointed as he was the cheapest option.

As far as I remember people were more than happy for him to get the job. Continuity was the word used a lot. People were worried about his lack of experience but were hoping Smith stayed, which he did, to help him out. I can't really remember anyone being against him being appointed. Some had concerns but most were glad to have a fresh face in management instead of a mercenary.

That's what I would tell anyone if they asked about the reaction to Murray being appointed. I haven't an actual clue if I am correct or not :lol:

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I'd change your bookie. 90/1.

BetVictor. Those shit adverts put me off.


I had just checked Bet365.I already had an account with them before the disembodied head of Ray fucking Winstone started noising me up during games.

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BetVictor. Those shit adverts put me off.


I had just checked Bet365.I already had an account with them before the disembodied head of Ray fucking Winstone started noising me up during games.

Have to ask though. Regardless of annoying adverts or Ray Winstons head why would you not want the best odds going?

Could it possibly be because you're a bit thick?

You're obviously unable to comprehend gambling if you think i wouldn't rather stick a couple of quid on Cowden beating Rovers than winning the lottery.

Bit of a fail all round really mate. How was your maths at school?

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