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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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I also wasn't at the Ramsdens final, nor will I be there on Saturday. I know none of the money goes to Rangers (did anyone?), but it's a point of principle. I despise the atmosphere and hostility that they bring and prefer to avoid it. I attend all the games I can, minus this one, and i'll get back to Stark's for the final home game.

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I don't get many opportunities to see the team since I moved down south last october but I'm really glad we decided to take the trip through to Greenock yesterday, thought the support was awesome and the attitude of the squad was first class, thorough enjoyed the game/atmosphere.

Gutted I'm probably not going to get to support the team during the playoffs. Will be watching online when I can!

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Add me to the list of those who'll be there, but absolutely understands why someone wouldn't want to be. 


The home games against Rangers recently have been some of the worst Rovers games I've ever attended. I went to Ibrox once, to check it off the list, and it just happened to be the Cup game that we won. I can't imagine how utterly miserable it must be to endure that in defeat. 


That said, sticking it to them was joyous, and I wouldn't want to miss it if we did it again. 

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In recent years i've only been to one of the league games we have played against The Rangers, the 4-0 game at the start of last season. To be honest there wasn't any trouble at that game but I always get the sense there is a potential for something to kick off. I remember the last league game we played against them in the Premier League as it was one of the worst experiences that I've had following the Rovers. The "Home End" was infested with Rangers fans and they were getting in the faces of any Rovers fans who dared to object to them celebrating goals. I ended up walking out well before the end as it was clear the stewards and police didn't really care and I might have ended up getting lifted myself.




I meant to add that due to other committements I can't make it to every home game anyway, so I might as well pick games not involving The Rangers.

Edited by mrpaddyx
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Apart from yesterday I haven't seen rovers win in Greenock in quite a few yrs , I normally just go to the away games around the central belt but decided to go yesterday against my better judgement because I felt the team needed the extra support in such a vital game, glad I went because it was a cracking atmosphere and the fans got right behind the team, I'm really sadden that a few Rovers fans aren't going this Saturday because it's Rangers! Admittedly I'll never set foot in Ibrox again because I refuse to give them a penny/ treatment of visiting fans but I'll be there on Saturday cheering the rovers on.

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Remember the crowd atmosphere for the win against Hibs, more, much more of that against sevco would be fantastic.  Must admit hate going to the Rangers games at Starks but the team are playing well and have built up a brilliant run of results and they deserve us to turn out in numbers to cheer them on.  

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It is strange people saying they aren't going due to the hostile atmosphere, but they were happy to deal with that when a cup was at stake.

Rovers need and now frankly deserve our support.

If people don't want to attend Rangers matches on principle then they aren't going to no matter what anyone else says. In fact the more people go on the more entrenched they will no doubt become. That said add me to the camp of those who doesn't understand why anyone who wants to watch their team every week would not go one week because of who they are playing.


For what it's worth though, and the demographic of the away supporters might be different in Fife to D&G, but we've had far more issues with the two Edinburgh teams in terms of problems with the travelling support than we have with Rangers.

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If people don't want to attend Rangers matches on principle then they aren't going to no matter what anyone else says. In fact the more people go on the more entrenched they will no doubt become. That said add me to the camp of those who doesn't understand why anyone who wants to watch their team every week would not go one week because of who they are playing.


For what it's worth though, and the demographic of the away supporters might be different in Fife to D&G, but we've had far more issues with the two Edinburgh teams in terms of problems with the travelling support than we have with Rangers.

Out of interest, what difficulties have there been with the visiting supports from Edinburgh?

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Out of interest, what difficulties have there been with the visiting supports from Edinburgh?

Hearts last season on both visits had a "young team" who caused considerable problems. There were skirmishes outside the ground, an attempt to come around to the home terrace and enter via the open gate at the Arena side just before full time and a number of seized items including a pool ball. Hibs haven't been a problem this season, and haven't arrived in anything like the same numbers as Hearts and Rangers did but had a group of trouble makers and let off smoke bombs last season. One or other of them, I think it was Hearts, also had an incident with the catering staff at the away end.


There had been no problems at all with Rangers over the previous four visits until the recent one when a few were arrested for refusing to remove that banner they were flying from covering the advertising hoardings. Even then they weren't offering any issues towards our fans, just refusing to do as they were asked to do, which was hold their banner up if they wanted to wave it, not cover up adverts that were paid for.

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Hearts last season on both visits had a "young team" who caused considerable problems. There were skirmishes outside the ground, an attempt to come around to the home terrace and enter via the open gate at the Arena side just before full time and a number of seized items including a pool ball. Hibs haven't been a problem this season, and haven't arrived in anything like the same numbers as Hearts and Rangers did but had a group of trouble makers and let off smoke bombs last season. One or other of them, I think it was Hearts, also had an incident with the catering staff at the away end.

There had been no problems at all with Rangers over the previous four visits until the recent one when a few were arrested for refusing to remove that banner they were flying from covering the advertising hoardings. Even then they weren't offering any issues towards our fans, just refusing to do as they were asked to do, which was hold their banner up if they wanted to wave it, not cover up adverts that were paid for.

Did a rangers fan not attempt to hit someone with their phone in one of the queens wins last season ? Edited by Broony88
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Hearts last season on both visits had a "young team" who caused considerable problems. There were skirmishes outside the ground, an attempt to come around to the home terrace and enter via the open gate at the Arena side just before full time and a number of seized items including a pool ball. Hibs haven't been a problem this season, and haven't arrived in anything like the same numbers as Hearts and Rangers did but had a group of trouble makers and let off smoke bombs last season. One or other of them, I think it was Hearts, also had an incident with the catering staff at the away end.


There had been no problems at all with Rangers over the previous four visits until the recent one when a few were arrested for refusing to remove that banner they were flying from covering the advertising hoardings. Even then they weren't offering any issues towards our fans, just refusing to do as they were asked to do, which was hold their banner up if they wanted to wave it, not cover up adverts that were paid for.

Thanks. I'd not heard anything about the Hearts youngsters being a problem.

There has of course been some sectarian singing when Rangers have visited, which would see you or I arrested for similar.

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Just checked out the RRFC's crowds this season. For a team pushing for a play off win to get into the Premiership, the attendancies has been pretty poor. I hope your club is succesful in the play offs as I'd rather have the Scum and Hibs still in the Championship. The reason why? We'll get better away crowds and more money in the bank for us push into the Premiership. I'm being pedantic I know, we've had it tough for the last 3 seasons due to ex-directors being completely off the mark, but we've a new backroom structure and we're on our way back.


Good luck.

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Just checked out the RRFC's crowds this season. For a team pushing for a play off win to get into the Premiership, the attendancies has been pretty poor. I hope your club is succesful in the play offs as I'd rather have the Scum and Hibs still in the Championship. The reason why? We'll get better away crowds and more money in the bank for us push into the Premiership. I'm being pedantic I know, we've had it tough for the last 3 seasons due to ex-directors being completely off the mark, but we've a new backroom structure and we're on our way back.

Good luck.

A crowd w**k and talking about a push for Premiership having just come up. Aye the Pars are back right enough

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Just checked out the RRFC's crowds this season. For a team pushing for a play off win to get into the Premiership, the attendancies has been pretty poor. I hope your club is succesful in the play offs as I'd rather have the Scum and Hibs still in the Championship. The reason why? We'll get better away crowds and more money in the bank for us push into the Premiership. I'm being pedantic I know, we've had it tough for the last 3 seasons due to ex-directors being completely off the mark, but we've a new backroom structure and we're on our way back.


Good luck.

And no Rovers fans currently give a f**k about it. We're, strangely enough, focused on Rovers. 

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Just checked out the RRFC's crowds this season. For a team pushing for a play off win to get into the Premiership, the attendancies has been pretty poor. I hope your club is succesful in the play offs as I'd rather have the Scum and Hibs still in the Championship. The reason why? We'll get better away crowds and more money in the bank for us push into the Premiership. I'm being pedantic I know, we've had it tough for the last 3 seasons due to ex-directors being completely off the mark, but we've a new backroom structure and we're on our way back.

Good luck.

Ex-Directors being completely off the mark? Is that how you describe the mess your club was in? Great stuff, keep it coming m9.

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Just checked out the RRFC's crowds this season. For a team pushing for a play off win to get into the Premiership, the attendancies has been pretty poor. I hope your club is succesful in the play offs as I'd rather have the Scum and Hibs still in the Championship. The reason why? We'll get better away crowds and more money in the bank for us push into the Premiership. I'm being pedantic I know, we've had it tough for the last 3 seasons due to ex-directors being completely off the mark, but we've a new backroom structure and we're on our way back.


Good luck.


Is this your coping mechanism at work?

In another few years you'll have completely forgotten about the thieves and liars who run your club.

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Will we be at home for the first leg (the Wednesday night game) due to finishing 4th? I'm Backshift so I'll need to put in for a half shift, if we're away I won't make the home game as I have a wedding on the 7th.

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Is this your coping mechanism at work?

In another few years you'll have completely forgotten about the thieves and liars who did run your club.

Fixed for you.

Looking forward to getting to Starks next year, fave away day. For that reason I hope you get punted out the playoffs, soz.

Is the Abbey still open?

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