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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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3 minutes ago, Big chungus said:

In one way I can actually “admire” the bold decision to sack Ian Murray after game 1. Your CEO makes a valid point that it’s just the norm to sack a manager after 5 or 6 games when you’re potentially already 12-15pts behind your rivals. If the board has formed an opinion that Murray isn’t the man then the decision has already been made. 

However, it’s clear there has been some major investment into the club these past couple of seasons and your board are obviously banking on getting promoted this season. Not a wise business model if you ask me. They clearly budgeted to finish top and also budgeted to progress out the league cup. Again, one would have to argue this is pretty short sighted and puts the clubs finances at risk if goals are not met. Moreover, some of the contracts you guys have dished out is insane imo. 3 year deal to a 34 year Paul hanlon is the pick of the bunch. A 3 year deal to a 32 year Josh Mullin as well last season. None of those contracts are sensible nor financially sustainable. I also think you have quite an aging squad. Think I read the other day the average age of your starting 11 against Airdrie was 29. Not the worst but certainly not the best and must put your squad as one of the oldest in the league. 

In summary your board have either played an absolute blinder (if they get the next appointment correct) or you guys might be in some trouble next year if you don’t get promoted. 

That's a lot of guess work there mate. 

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A lot of folk had a go at me for my comments about Murray and our absolutely horrendous approach to playing football at a professional level. Glad the few people who actually matter seen it as well and pumped him out, not before time. 

Anybody who defended that utter garbage being passed off as football under him definitely needs a trip to specsavers or away and watch the Pars if you want and are happy with mediocrity. 

Absolutely delighted that he's gone and hopefully the right person to take us forward is appointed soon. Queue Goodwillie as new boss 😂😂😂


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Decent enough interview.  Can't help but feel that if we'd been beaten by Partick then he would have been away, and wonder if getting to the final just made it that bit more difficult to make that call.  That was the time though.  

It was fairly clear on Saturday that something was wrong - and I didn't see anything in 2024 (even excluding friendlies) to suggest we would be challenging for a title again - and didn't see anything to suggest that the lessons that needed to be learned had been.  Don't think it all lands with Murray however, there are some obvious gaps in the recruitment so far.

Whether or not its a "good" decision however completely depends on this appointment.  Its an absolutely massive call.

Edited by CALDERON
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Listening to it again.  I fully get what he says about the performances since the turn of the year.  We all noticed that we weren't creating as many chances and didn't look as free flowing.   

I also kinda understand what he's saying about wanting to give Murray a chance to improve things at the start of this season.  But it seems like firstly Murray had no idea the board had concerns about the performances, so you're giving him time to fix something that he doesn't know you're concerned about.   Also, what if we'd beaten Airdrie, do you keep him in the job then a few weeks later if we don't play well then, sack him at that point?  Really came across that unless we'd come up in the pre-season and League Cup games and blown teams away then he was always getting sacked at somepoint early this season.  He was effectively a dead man walking and had absolutely no idea. 

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2 minutes ago, McGuigan1978 said:

What are you suggesting here? That it was the season ticket holders fault that we barely had a shot at goal versus Stranraer? 

Did you actually read my post? What I’m implying is that the fans being critical of the performances is another factor in the board making the decision they did. At no point did I say the performances were the fault of the fans

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3 minutes ago, Raithie said:

That's a lot of guess work there mate. 

I do concede that tbh. I would throw it back at you and ask do you think your board hasn’t invested lots? Is a 3 year deal to a 34 year old not a bit strange? 

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Just now, Big chungus said:

I do concede that tbh. I would throw it back at you and ask do you think your board hasn’t invested lots? Is a 3 year deal to a 34 year old not a bit strange? 

Maybe not so strange if hes one of the potential managers.........who knows though

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Just now, Oberon43 said:

Did you actually read my post? What I’m implying is that the fans being critical of the performances is another factor in the board making the decision they did. At no point did I say the performances were the fault of the fans

I did aye, it’s why I’ve responded.

You said the fans need to take some responsibility, which feels wild if you’re talking about Ian Murray being sacked. 

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2 minutes ago, CALDERON said:

Decent enough interview.  Can't help but feel that if we'd been beaten by Partick then he would have been away, and wonder if getting to the final just made it that bit more difficult to make that call.

It was fairly clear on Saturday that something was wrong - and I didn't see anything in 2024 (even excluding friendlies) to suggest we would be challenging for a title again.

Whether or not its a "good" decision however completely depends on this appointment.  Its an absolutely massive call.

Then it’s up to the players to prove us all wrong, it’s absolute bullshit to blame the manager if the players  won’t or can’t perform to the letter. It’s a 2 way street imo. 

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20 mins of rehashing the official statement really.

Only interesting point for me was the 'back and forth' between the squad and Barrowman, aka arguments or disagreements.. that led to the senior players being pulled to the side later for more discussions.

100% new manager already agreed triggering Sundays decision..


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26 minutes ago, McGuigan1978 said:

Watched the interview and appreciate the sit down in general, but you’re not telling me that if we’d beaten Airdrie on Saturday, (aye I know that’s unlikely but bear with me here) that everything would be okay and Murray’s position would be hunky dory? 

It must have been a talking point for a while now, and I do wonder if we’d lost to Partick rather than Ross County if it would have happened a few months earlier? 

I’m not sure I’m any more or less assured from the interview, or even more clued up as to why it happened to be quite honest.

Regardless, the phrase “best interests of the club” was used willy nilly, so I suppose we’ll hope for the best and take it from there. 

Strikes me that there likely was some discontent in the 2nd half of last season, maybe a sense that certain results could have been avoided that has grown and finally reached a critical mass. 

It may well have been, as you say, that getting to the final saved his job in the short term. The board then have either erred by not ripping the plaster off earlier, or by over reaching and chopping him when he still might have gone on to a half decent season.

It's likely Potter will still lead the recruitment and we'll get what we get. In that respect, can Murray be blamed for a "quiet market" and apparently being 3 bodies short? Surely not wholly anyway.

I dunno, Dundee emptied Bowyer for the sin of winning a league with insufficient flair and margin so despite a season that at it's worst had us 4th in the form table, it's not without precedent to get rid of a "successful" manager.

It's a huge call by the board and you hope they have lined their ducks up, otherwise it's a risky knee jerk call.

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Its brave and appreciated that Andy takes time to talk. The football way is to put out a bland statement and ride it out. He had as much to win as lose and doing the interview gives us some content to work with.

I'm reassured though still think Ian Murray deserved the chance to see it through.  

Basically boils down to "took us as far as we thought he could"  Not sure they have a replacement ready to unveil but daft to think they don't have someone in mind. 

This board don't hang around and this is their biggest decision after the honeymoon. Time will tell.

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35 minutes ago, SanStarko said:

But it seems like firstly Murray had no idea the board had concerns about the performances, so you're giving him time to fix something that he doesn't know you're concerned about. 

I think that's the bit which sticks out for me. I know football doesn't operate like most businesses, but if an employee is underperforming then first of all you see if there's any support they need (e.g. further training, more resources) and if that doesn't help then you tell them that performance needs to improve, and if not they'll eventually they get the tin tack. Murray being surprised by his sacking seems rather strange and suggests that he was always going to be binned at some point before Christmas.

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On 04/08/2024 at 14:48, Higgenarse said:

Martindale is another excellent candidate.  He knows Raiths business and has plenty of contacts. He could really help build the infrastructure, bring in new revenue and really take them to the next level. Not to be sniffed at

Raith Rovers would never hire a convicted criminal. Only unconvicted criminals for Raith Rovers.

On 04/08/2024 at 17:08, shizzlemanizzle said:

I understand that some Raith fans were questioning Murray’s tenure but he had you a solid Championship team challenging at the top and a baws hair away from promotion to the premiership. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Sometimes there isn’t even grass on the other side and sometimes it’s a bog. A sludgy, midge infested bog with human waste. I’m an Ayr fan. I’m speaking from experience.

A comparison to Ayr's recent history is pretty apt actually. If Bullen had gotten the bullet after matchday 1 last season there would have been a much less nuanced response from the fanbase than that present on here for Murray. That he was permitted to continue playing hellish anti-football until the end of the following January minus the cheat code striker he'd had the previous year (or indeed any strikers at all tbh) is only mitigated in hindsight by the club once again making a novel replacement in Scott Brown and it working out much better this time.

Realistically that's where Rovers are right now. It's either an expensive and fairly unlikely move for Rhys McCabe, or grabbing whichever one of the various Sportsound co-commentators had the longest spell since the last time he took a club straight down. They can't go spending a month doing due diligence on better candidates if they realistically still want to win the league.

52 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:

I find it all really interesting as Barrowman is able to cut through the nonsense that many fans tell themselves about when or why managers get sacked. Its become customary for managers to lose their jobs on the back of a really bad runs but in this instance it seems to be more a case of Raith just not being convinced that they can progress further with Murray as a manager which I think some fans may have been thinking themselves.

It is also customary, not only in football but also in many other jobs, for one to be given some actual inkling that one's performances are unacceptable prior to one's contract being terminated. Indeed this is mandatory in most places. Football managers being sacked with no warning is not historically an indication of a board that knows what it's doing.

The next step will confirm if it's banter years again. The funniest option would be for them to openly announce they were trying to poach McCabe only for him to then turn them down. (Then for them to somewhat bemusedly accept a phone call from Jim Magilton obvs.)

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We only have to look back at last season and the backlash Murray would receive after a bad result to use the last 2 Arbroath games for example . Have lesson been learnt no IMO we are still vulnerable at set pieces and still lacking a real threat up front, Players still being played out of position . The main issue is the shock of Murray’s departure to most outsiders when really most Rovers fans would acknowledge at times there was some poor performances , tactics , Player selections etc . The new owners have transformed the club on and off the park over the last year aided by fantastic backing by the fans , The transparence is refreshing and I totally trust their decision in sacking Murray which Barrowman rightly pointed out only time will tell if it’s the right decision .  Would I have been happy for Murray to stay absolutely  but I understand the boards rational 100%, As for a successor it’s clear going by the interview they are way way down the line with a new appointment and in Andy’s words substantial funds are available to strengthen further . Showing my age but I remember Jimmy Thomson stepping in after the Tommy Maclean disaster and was allowed to spend the family silver on mediocre players ie club record for Paul Harvey who hardly kicked a ball and the following season almost went to the wall after relegation , Now flip it on its head and we now have a board who have backed Murray with some cracking signings especially this season and have now came to a point we don’t trust or believe you can take the Rovers to the next level money now stops and we appoint a new manager who will be provided with these resources that’s a board who only have the best interests of the club and have a long term goal , The alternative is do the usual Scottish football club thing go with Murray until Christmas because that’s the right thing to do and let him blow the budget by then cos that’s the decent thing to do .

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To those who weren’t that enamoured with the interview, I’m curious to understand what you wanted from the interview and what your expectations were? 

He was never going to come out and cause headlines over the place by his comments and it’s pretty naive in my view to expect more than what we got. 

felt he said enough in general and left us able to read between the lines with stuff.


The biggest and most important take is that it’s not a knee jerk and that the board have clearly done their due diligence. 

I still think it’s going to be someone we haven’t really considered and I’m looking forward to finding out more on who it is  





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39 minutes ago, Railwaystand said:

To those who weren’t that enamoured with the interview, I’m curious to understand what you wanted from the interview and what your expectations were? 

He was never going to come out and cause headlines over the place by his comments and it’s pretty naive in my view to expect more than what we got. 

felt he said enough in general and left us able to read between the lines with stuff.


The biggest and most important take is that it’s not a knee jerk and that the board have clearly done their due diligence. 

I still think it’s going to be someone we haven’t really considered and I’m looking forward to finding out more on who it is  





I've tried raithtv to get this interview without success so where can I see it?

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9 hours ago, Beachbum said:

I think it's McCabe we're after. 


I think the early sacking also suggests this. When the first round of sackings happen in the Premiership he'll be a strong candidate so if Raith had waited and done the usual of waiting until October/November to sack Murray they'd possibly be too late so could be trying to get in early and ask the question.

Hopefully I'm just reading too far into it!

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