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I'll probably work till I'm about 80 or dead whatever comes first but in an ideal world it would be like the old boys that sit in the pub just now, few pints in the afternoon, bet on the horses then down the road for the wife making mince and tatties for dinner. Maybe even a wee Viagra once a month for a bit of the other 

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Genuine best wishes to you all. Quite jealous as I have a ton of stuff I'd like to do without the spectre of work, but at least somebody's still able to live the dream  :thumsup2

Just now, Bert Raccoon said:

I'll probably work till I'm about 80 or dead whatever comes first but in an ideal world it would be like the old boys that sit in the pub just now, few pints in the afternoon, bet on the horses then down the road for the wife making mince and tatties for dinner. Maybe even a wee Viagra once a month for a bit of the other 

There's an auld boy who's been coming into my local every day for about a decade - pops in for a breakfast, then spends his days slowly sipping pints and working his way through a library's worth of novels. Sometimes takes a seat by the fire during the winter.

That's the kind of shit that seems depressing as f**k when you're young, but the older you get, the more appealing it seems.

Edited by BTFD
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42 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:

My old boy has dedicated his to hypocrisy. Before he retired his pet hate was (for whatever reason) old folks with bus passes - 'takes them fucking forever to get on and off the b*****d thing...half of them don't need it, they should means test it....'. Now he's got one and you'll phone him and ask him what he did that day - 'oh, me and Alan went to Edinburgh. Just for a pint. Got the bus through'. He lives in Ayrshire. 

That's what I'm going to do 

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1 hour ago, BTFD said:

On a more cheerful note, a thread on people's plans for retirement might be a pleasant read. Maybe folk could even make some suggestions for the codgers who are struggling with their newfound free time (which seems to be a genuinely sad phenomena).

I retired 20 months ago.  Walking between 5 and 8 miles every day, drinking wine and posting shit on here can take up an surprising amount of time.

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1 hour ago, BTFD said:

On a more cheerful note, a thread on people's plans for retirement might be a pleasant read. Maybe folk could even make some suggestions for the codgers who are struggling with their newfound free time (which seems to be a genuinely sad phenomena).

Codgers 😂. I can still cover 30-40 miles on the bike, with a fair bit of climbing involved. Not so much in the winter months I’ll admit, but that’s when I’ll take advantage of my bus pass. Queen’s away games high on the agenda. 

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Just now, oldbitterandgrumpy said:

Codgers 😂. I can still cover 30-40 miles on the bike, with a fair bit of climbing involved. Not so much in the winter months I’ll admit, but that’s when I’ll take advantage of my bus pass. Queen’s away games high on the agenda. 

Might want to get one of those modern bikes and put away the Penny Farthing, granddad.

Yeah, I used to fancy getting to more away games in my dotage. Tickets will be likely cost £100 by then, with access to the stand limited to those with a secure line of credit  :shutup

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7 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

I retired 20 months ago.  Walking between 5 and 8 miles every day, drinking wine and posting shit on here can take up an surprising amount of time.

That's all fair and well, but can you do all 3 at the same time??

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13 hours ago, The DA said:

I'm taking a month out to do f**k-all other than whatever fancy takes me at 9 am each day.  After that, I might get serious.

When I retire (again) I'll be in my kip at 9am!

Enjoy the retirement - no doubt you've earned it times over.

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6 minutes ago, Newbornbairn said:

My retirement plans -


Withdraw every remaining penny and spend the lot on a Saturday night with hookers and ching. I don't expect or want to see Sunday.

That's my weekly plans. If (and its a huge if) I make retirement I'm going to live out my days in the wilderness.

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I’ve a slightly fatalistic approach to retirement.

I’ve had four pals fail to get past 56/57 (3 cancers and an aneurysm) and my old boy managed to croak it 4 days short of his 65th birthday.

I can’t see me dribbling into my soup in a home aged 80. I’ll enjoy my money now while I can - and no doubt hastening my own demise in the process - and if I’ve anything more than a pot to piss in when it arrives, I’ll be happy enough. 

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21 hours ago, The DA said:

Thought I'd let you know that, as of 2pm, I am retired.  41 years work post-uni and it hasn't really sunk in yet that I can forget all my passwords, leave my phone switched off at night and do whatever I like(*).


* subject to permission from the wife.

Congratulations.  You can't retire from the purgatory of trooping to Tannadice though.

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When I punched out of the workforce two years ago, the biggest change was the spending mindset. Working in a secure job with reasonable pay, you could, to a certain extent, buy because you liked it. Retired, the income is fixed, no overtime or extra shifts, it rises by less than inflation yearly, and you have to actually figure if you can afford that splurge. Also, life changes can hit much harder in retirement…losing a good portion of one’s assets and pension is not uncommon these days, and there’s a constant calculation of if you can still get enough hookers and blow, or are you going to have to rejoin the workforce.

So far an adjustment of the quantity and quality of the hookers and blow, respectively, are working out.

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