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1 minute ago, ebobsboy said:

Cracking night for a new 👀✍️ any news @Bainsfordbairn

I'm sure you realise that if there were I couldn't comment, but as there isn't the answer is no. 

I was thinking about the squad size the other day. Minus the three who're on loan we have 21, of which 3 are the young boys. None of them look out of their depth though. Lemon was good at Airdrie, Weekes is getting regular sub appearances and Williamson hasn't dropped any clangers that I can think of. They all look capable of doing a job if called upon. . 

I have a suspicion that the management are happy enough with the squad and will only move if the right guy becomes available. That's pure speculation on my part though and could be proven wrong with a phone call. I was a bit surprised it wasn't asked in the the FFCTV interview on Saturday.  Maybe Lewis is waiting until the last weekend before the window closes, which I think is the 31st. 

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12 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:

I believe had they got permission to speak to Brian Rice he would have got it. 

Speaking to someone doesn't really make him first choice tho or does it ?

Didn't we get refused to chat with Rice in any case ?

We seem to have a 2nd choice afore Sheerin now !


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49 minutes ago, Bainsfordbairn said:

I'm sure you realise that if there were I couldn't comment, but as there isn't the answer is no. 

I was thinking about the squad size the other day. Minus the three who're on loan we have 21, of which 3 are the young boys. None of them look out of their depth though. Lemon was good at Airdrie, Weekes is getting regular sub appearances and Williamson hasn't dropped any clangers that I can think of. They all look capable of doing a job if called upon. . 

I have a suspicion that the management are happy enough with the squad and will only move if the right guy becomes available. That's pure speculation on my part though and could be proven wrong with a phone call. I was a bit surprised it wasn't asked in the the FFCTV interview on Saturday.  Maybe Lewis is waiting until the last weekend before the window closes, which I think is the 31st. 

Whilst the young lads have all done very well when called upon, I think it would be a mistake not adding a few more to the squad. 

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42 minutes ago, Bairn in Exile said:

This. We're all desperate for a new striker and the question wasn't asked.

Sheerin did say in the interview that Dowds went out on loan because we had too many strikers for one position. Sounds to me if we do get anybody else they will need to be able to play in any of the forward positions.

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1 hour ago, Mevilc Bairn said:

Sheerin did say in the interview that Dowds went out on loan because we had too many strikers for one position. Sounds to me if we do get anybody else they will need to be able to play in any of the forward positions.

Can see that coming back to bite us if that's the case. Keena's the only striker of any note that we have on the books IMO. Ideally I'd like any newcomer to be a partner rather than a potential replacement for him.

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8 hours ago, Stainrod said:

Rawlings rightly rejected the cash as it would have derailed his plan. In business the man in control calls the shots and he got in first. IMO I’d rather have one guy that knows what he’s doing than 10 guys remortgaging their homes to stick their nose in . As admirable as their intent was be honest it would be a lot safer for them if they did not put their cash in as it’s almost certain they would lose the lot. There is no money to be made out with the old firm by owning football club shares in Scotland. Ask Martin Richardson  how his involvement went from an investment perspective . 

Money to be made owning football club shares in the Old Firm? As David Murray one asked me, "how do you make a small fortune?". Answer, from him, "start with a large one and buy a football club". Putting money into football is either an ego trip or a donation.

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1 minute ago, JustLuvinThepian said:

Covid outbreak at The Rangers.  Let's see if they are forced to play their games or will the league allow them a postponement

They must have a squad like a Cecil B De Mille crowd scene so surely they have enough players... 😒

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Guest Caractacus Potts
9 hours ago, JustLuvinThepian said:

Covid outbreak at The Rangers.  Let's see if they are forced to play their games or will the league allow them a postponement

We didn’t have anyone unavailable because of Covid and subsequently ran Cove ragged. 

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14 hours ago, Ontovictory said:

Money to be made owning football club shares in the Old Firm? As David Murray one asked me, "how do you make a small fortune?". Answer, from him, "start with a large one and buy a football club". Putting money into football is either an ego trip or a donation.

Or you could go ask Fergus McCann. Neither ego trip nor donation. Very healthy seven figure profit.

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19 hours ago, Back Post Misses said:

It has absolutely NOTHING to do with Rawlins and the Boards plan for the club. 
NB and the club agreed on most things

1. Need for a DOF/SD so you have a structure in place when you change your manager 

2. Youth Development

3. Balanced ownership model

It fell over because the NB board suggested structure was not acceptable to the Board and they refused to compromise. That was despite the NB investing nearly double Rawlins and NB happy to keep 4 of the 6 (including the Rawlins) in the current structure. 
People can make their minds up as to why they rejected investment on that basis. 
So if you are going to post on here and make statements at least furnish yourself  with the facts. 

So basically the proposal was rejected because it would change the decision making structure and the existing board found that to be unworkable.  Sounds like you're pretty much confirming what I said?  

Or are you saying that before NB came along the board & Rawlins had no existing plan for the club whatsoever? C'mon.  Its pretty clear that they saw the NB as a threat to their decision making ability. 

You can furnish yourself with all the nitty gritty of it you like but fundamentally the reason the suggested new structure wasn't accepted was because the existing board looked at it and decided they felt they were better off staying as is.  


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17 hours ago, ShaggerG said:

Can see that coming back to bite us if that's the case. Keena's the only striker of any note that we have on the books IMO. Ideally I'd like any newcomer to be a partner rather than a potential replacement for him.

Would also prefer a partner for Keena.  We're unlikely to be able to bring anyone able to cover Morrison or Nesbitt to the same standard so may need a change to 442 if either of those two end up being out for any length of time.  

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Would agree we are definitely a player short in the squad at the moment (in terms of quality anyway). Ideally they would be able to play anywhere across the front and up top eg in the mould of Reilly/ Ruth. Surely that was the point of sending Dowds out on loan, hopefully just waiting to get the right player in 

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