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The Falkirk FC Thread

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Elvis is Campbell Christie's Earthly representative. Official.

I think the f**k up by the journo there got Pressley out of jail to be honest.

His "denial" was suspiciously short on content, and big on saliva spitting blustery.

The article read exactly like something Pressley would have said.

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So North stand shut for the games against Dumbarton and Cowdenbeath.

More concerts to be announced.

Players leaving in January.

80k borrowed till January.

Want 4g pitch to locate the team back in Falkirk as costs are far too high.

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Ditch the academy and go part time if we have to. I certainly hope we do that rather than getting the begging bowl out again, which is frankly embarrassing.

EDIT: Just reading it's 500k-£1m for a 4G pitch? Might be best for the long run but that is 1/3 to 2/3 of our annual budget, not a chance we could or should be doing that.

Edited by Marshmallo
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What the f**k are the club playing at?

The tit who gave the first talk at the FSS meeting and told us we'd break even without selling players should be out of a job. He made a total c**t of the numbers for last year as well. The possibilities are he thinks we are stupid and tried to lie to us and thought we wouldn't notice, or that he is incapable of doing primary school level addition. Either way, he shouldn't be in the job.

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The tit who gave the first talk at the FSS meeting and told us we'd break even without selling players should be out of a job. He made a total c**t of the numbers for last year as well. The possibilities are he thinks we are stupid and tried to lie to us and thought we wouldn't notice, or that he is incapable of doing primary school level addition. Either way, he shouldn't be in the job.

That part of the meeting really annoyed me. We made 200k profit but sold players for a minumum of 400k.

Its pretty simple maths to work out that if we hannt sold the players we would have been in the red.

I just dont get how the club can make such a mess of the numbers so consistently. It seems to be like they were again banking on selling some of our players in January but with the team being in such poor form no-one would be interested in anyone (other than maybe Taylor)

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That part of the meeting really annoyed me. We made 200k profit but sold players for a minumum of 400k.

Its pretty simple maths to work out that if we hannt sold the players we would have been in the red.

I just dont get how the club can make such a mess of the numbers so consistently. It seems to be like they were again banking on selling some of our players in January but with the team being in such poor form no-one would be interested in anyone (other than maybe Taylor)

Sibbald or Fulton would be our most valuable players. Neither would be as valuable as they would have been in the summer though, and we shouldn't be selling either so early in their careers anyway.

You are right that the club keep fucking up the numbers so consistently. I don't trust them with my money, either at board level or for the saviour of Scottish football in the dugout to spend the very competitive budget they give him.

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Apparently players will leave in Jan, who could it be I would imagine Smith would be a certainty to leave and maybe Duffie sold ( if anyone would bid) maybe one of the younger players I.e Murray Wallace last season and loaned back.

More concerts also to be announce soon.

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Current form and current playing style has us having no real sell-able assets on the park other than a 30-50k to an SPL club....FACT

As mentioned previously re meeting with fans, the account numbers did not add up, the best part of 600- 1M came in last season with bonus payments via Huddersfield, transfers and semi final with Celtic.

You really felt they had learnt there lesson ala George Craig era of not spending money they dont have.......seems they haven't......

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You really felt they had learnt there lesson ala George Craig era of not spending money they dont have.......seems they haven't......

This is the thing that worries me the most.

We can recover from having a poor manager/playing badly. We will struggle to recover from more money mismanagement.

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This is the thing that worries me the most.

We can recover from having a poor manager/playing badly. We will struggle to recover from more money mismanagement.

The two are inextricably linked though. You can't treat them as isolated.

Their budget planning for this year was always going to be difficult, due to Pressley driving away yet more fans, both ST holders and Walk Up.

But that's their own fault, for keeping the useless clown.

I read some of Pressley's comments from the AGM. It would be amusing if it wasn't so sad.

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The two are inextricably linked though. You can't treat them as isolated.

Their budget planning for this year was always going to be difficult, due to Pressley driving away yet more fans, both ST holders and Walk Up.

But that's their own fault, for keeping the useless clown.

I read some of Pressley's comments from the AGM. It would be amusing if it wasn't so sad.

I was thinking that they were more closely linked than I was initially thinking.

Of the fans that do walk away, not all will return. So inevitably the club will be losing some fans forever.

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What's it being spent on though? I've questioned before where the money has gone from last season (note to Kiddy - this isn't an allegation of any criminal activity, before you start throwing that accusation about and then attributing it to me :1eye)

I'm turning round to the position where we should scrap the academy. There's no point in having one if you are punting all of the academy into the 1st team squad aged 17/18. It's a sure fire way to burn them out.

I haven't been this season but gather the likes of Murdoch and Duffie are a pale imitation of last season? There's nobody to sell and if Pressley and the board have visions of a Man Utd/Giggs/Scholes/Beckham side being formed they are as deluded as I thought they were over the summer.

I've stopped going because in my eyes it's the only way Ritchie will take notice. I know of many others who feel the same way. I feel sorry for those who continue to hand over their cash as the board are letting them down time and again. I sometimes feel guilt for not helping out financially but it's clear that lessons have not been learned. I'm not throwing cash down Ritchie's pan anymore. I feel sorry for the latest and the next mug he goes begging to.

I'm sick of hearing the plaudits from the various associations and media. The board are all too keen to pass those messages on to the fans. The fact is the way we are going about our business (the "correct" way according to the SPL, SPFA, various papers) is killing us. We don't have the resources to put a competitive side on the park while maintaining an academy that produces sellable assets.

Sorry, we don't have a board of directors and a management team in place that can put a competitive side on the park while maintaining an academy that produces sellable assets.

Last season saw the dregs of Pressley's 1st full season squad mixed in with academy boys. Now it's academy boys with 2 or 3 senior players. A recipe for disaster.

I'd gladly take part-time football right now as the alternative is the club going bust.

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I'm turning round to the position where we should scrap the academy. There's no point in having one if you are punting all of the academy into the 1st team squad aged 17/18. It's a sure fire way to burn them out.

While I don't agree with scrapping the academy, I do think the club need to seriously look at its structure as a matter of urgency. If the costs of running the academy are stifling the club and hampering the development of the first team then that balance has to be restored. We simply cannot afford to stick 17/18 year old kids into an underperforming first team to be led by 18 and 19 year olds acting as veterans. Not sustainable and a complete recipe for the kind of season we are seeing now.

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Ditch the academy and go part time if we have to. I certainly hope we do that rather than getting the begging bowl out again, which is frankly embarrassing.

EDIT: Just reading it's 500k-£1m for a 4G pitch? Might be best for the long run but that is 1/3 to 2/3 of our annual budget, not a chance we could or should be doing that.

The state of the art 3G pitch in my local town cost about £650k excluding the fencing ect. I wasn't really sure 4G had even been fully developed yet.

What stand will we be in on the 15th?

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