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Alien on Film4 just now, simply because I'm just home and it's a classic. However... how the f*** do you go around unaware that there's something the size of an American football in your chest??


Eta: Despite having seen it plenty of times, I've only just clocked that Parker is played by Kananga.

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10 hours ago, munro7 said:

Thor Ragnarok tonight. Very, very funny!

I saw it last night too. Great film and up there with Iron Man 2 and Guardians 1 as the best of the MCU so far.

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15 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

Alien on Film4 just now, simply because I'm just home and it's a classic. However... how the f*** do you go around unaware that there's something the size of an American football in your chest??


Eta: Despite having seen it plenty of times, I've only just clocked that Parker is played by Kananga.

In fairness,  his awareness increases fairly rapidly.

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The Meyerowitz Stories (New and Selected) - 7/10 (Netflix)

Surprisingly watchable Netflix film starring Ben Stiller, Adam Sandler and Dustin Hoffman. When Sandler isn’t phoning in horrendous idiot comedies, he’s a half decent actor.

I think it's Punch Drunk Love that sees Sandler put in an incredible performance aswell. It's such a waste that he spends his time taking the easy route of shite comedies.
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1 hour ago, Mark Connolly said:

IM2 was awful. IM3 was below average.

I stand by the first GOTG and CA:TWS still being the best 2.  So far anyway.

I actually quite liked IM3, but I agree Winter Soldier and GOTG are the best MCU films. Spiderman 2(Toby Maguire) is also up there as one of the best

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14 hours ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

I actually quite liked IM3, but I agree Winter Soldier and GOTG are the best MCU films. Spiderman 2(Toby Maguire) is also up there as one of the best

Spider-Man 2 is indeed brilliant.

Edited by Gaz
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The Party 1/10

Total and utter shit. Embarrassing! (cinema)

Beyond the Black Rainbow 4/10

Visually stunning with an incredible soundtrack but ultimately pointless. Basically a really long music video. I wouldn't be surprised if the makers of Stranger Things had seen it but fair play to them they came up with a storyline. It's not really a film according to the missus. (DVD)

Vertigo Sea 9/10

Gorgeous tri-screen art/avant/documentary film with oblique ruminations on migration and slavery using the sea as a focus point. Director had permission to use anything from the BBC Natural History archive so some of the shots are just like WOAH and the stuff he set up himself is not shoddy. Save the TV licence! (Talbot Rice Gallery)

Edited by Christophe
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