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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Bad Neighbours was always going to be shite and uninspiring. It's a standard Seth Rogen film with a tired premise. There was also absolutely no reason why the wife was Australian. No reason.

Perhaps because Rose Byrne is Australian? Not sure if you're serious here.
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Harry Potter 1: Philosophy Stones 6.5/10

Watched under light duress, lad goes to public school and beats up big bully in the woods.

They get better, although my arse still hasn't forgiven me for sitting through the first two in the cinema.

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They get better, although my arse still hasn't forgiven me for sitting through the first two in the cinema.

We normally take turns and I was going to spring for 'The Wind Rises' at the Artoplex but the sun wilted us into early submission and we watched the nearest unwatched DVD. I'm sure the whole series is dotted around the house in some form or other so I dare say I'll see them all eventually before I die. It wasn't terrible, hence the halfway decent rating, just not my bag really.

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Seven Pounds

Really enjoyed this. Will Smith changes the lives of 7 people before committing suicide (Death by jellyfish)

Very emotional story but Smith played it well



Put it in a spoiler you total moron. It's the end of the fucking film.

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Bad Neighbours was always going to be shite and uninspiring. It's a standard Seth Rogen film with a tired premise. There was also absolutely no reason why the wife was Australian. No reason.

I enjoyed it. Is that a tired premise? Can't say I've seen too many films like that.

Her being Australian didn't bother me, she was a college exchange student who fell in love with Rogen. Nothing ridiculous about that.

And the impressions scene was absolutely hilarious.

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Perhaps because Rose Byrne is Australian? Not sure if you're serious here.

I don't know if she plays it as an Aussie for a reason or why the guy is a bit annoyed about her playing it as an Aussie, but she played a Yank in Insidious so she's obviously capable of the accent.

I don't know what the issue is but thought I'd just point out her capabilities :P

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I don't know if she plays it as an Aussie for a reason or why the guy is a bit annoyed about her playing it as an Aussie, but she played a Yank in Insidious so she's obviously capable of the accent.

I don't know what the issue is but thought I'd just point out her capabilities :P

I was aware of that, thanks.

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Mistaken for Strangers 7/10

The documentary made by Tom Berninger (brother of Matt Berninger of The National) following said band on tour. It was pretty unusual - for a documentary that follows a band on tour there is very little about the band from a musical perspective. Its more like a simple drama of the tensions between two brothers and how they reconcile one being more talented and successful than the other and all the guilt and resentment that comes with it. Props to the band for allowing some less than flattering portrayals of themselves - for a band that has come from an indie background we see how much thought is put into maintaining their image and how ruthless their management is in keeping them an efficient operation. Wankers!

Very original but could have done with a bit more substance.

Watched this last night.

Found it grim and quite difficult to watch at times.

The guy Tom was clearly a bit socially inept and it was painful seeing all these folk that clearly didn't have any time for the guy dealing with him. The tour manager seemed like an absolute c**t.

I like the band's music but they didn't come across very well in this at all. Seemed like folk that had really been affected by fame and let it go to their heads. Although it's all about his brother and him not getting on due to that kind of dynamic it was his brother who took him on tour, let him live in his house to make his film etc. Generally looked out for him.

Was pretty compelling though and I think the fact it was just over an hour really helped. For anyone who has a brother I'm sure they'd see a bit of their own relationship in the two guys and it was good to see in the end that they both had each other's best interests at heart.

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World War Z.

Watchable Brad Pitt flick, effects were very good ,kind of kept asking myself all the way through the film what Pitt was actually meant to be doing ,not as good as 28 Days Later ,I think the whole global virus thing is starting to look a bit jaded now, 6/10.

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Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning - prequel to the remake from about ten years ago. A deformed and abandoned baby is discovered and raised by inbred hillbillies, before starting work at the local slaughterhouse as an adult. When the slaughterhouse (and the town) closes, mayhem ensues.

Aside from the first ten minutes or so, this is virtually identical to the first film, so the whole 'prequel' concept adds nothing but the guarantee that Leatherface and his family will survive beyond the end of the movie. This one seems more concerned with piling on the revolting backwoods cliches, so it might be worth a look if you're struggling with an upset stomach and want to move to the conclusion without sticking your fingers down your throat. Really has nothing to offer in terms of story or suspense, and R. Lee Ermey is the main focus, which is all well and good but surely not the reason why you'd buy the ticket in the first place.

However, there's a fair amount of comedy value in the way that almost everybody in the movie is very willing to graphically insult a 7ft tall, built-like-a-brick-shithouse, (supposedly) mentally deficient slaughterhouse worker while he is holding the tools of his trade :lol:

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Pacific Rim - 3/10.

Pretty much garbage, hammy and badly acted throughout.

To be fair it did exactly what it was meant to do. Will never win any awards but i love it

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It actually did win some of the science fiction awards, as well as one or two for special effects, plus a BAFTA nomination!

I gladly stand corrected!

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