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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Safe House

Brilliant action thriller with Denzel Washington,Ryan Reynolds and Brendan Gleeson. DW plays his usual role as the coolest man on earth , this time in the guise of a rogue CIA agent, RR does a great turn as the newbie agent given the role of minding the evil genius of washingtons character. Superb action and very good performances make this an excellent film. 9/10

Pacific Rim

Maybe you have to be a sci-fi fan to appreciate its charms but just not for me this one, I know they are doing B movie schlock but personally I didn't get it. 2/10

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Pacific rim, whilst cheesy and not a classic by any means, was one of those films that was pretty impressive on a big scale in the cinema. Dredd was like that too. Not sure how they'll hold up at home though.

Killing Them Softly

Starts off very well, in a sort of Elmore Leonard manner with lots of chat about characters who haven't been on screen and then becomes a bit twisty. Some pretty obvious statements that crime is based on financial problems, starting at the government level, and has some pretty good performances whilst making urban america look like a shite hole.

Unfortunately it feels pretty rushed in the end and left me feeling a bit "meh".

Also, I don't think Brad Pitt eats in it.


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Almost Famous, for the first time in years. That situation, at that time, would have been a dream come true for me. What I'd forgotten is that, while the film itself is a solid 7/10, the soundtrack goes all the way up to 11!

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Didn't think much of Pacific Rim either, and I do love me some giant monsters. It felt more like Godzilla of 1998 than Godzilla of 2014. Although it still pissed all over the former.

Slightly horrified at the mooted concept of Godzilla 2 being a Pacific Rim crossover.

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I thought safe house was as average as you can get. Washington just went through the motions and it's just a very beige film.

I think Washington did the calculated rogue agent well in all honesty, nobody does that kind of roll better than him IMO, (Training Day another example ) ,on reflection I would maybe mark it down a wee bit for being a little formulaic

gleesons character turning out to be the bad guy was pretty cliched and DW saving RR character at the end was another tired old scene,bad guy not being all that bad at all etc...

but all in all loved it though possibly because i'd just endured Pacific Rim beforehand ;) .

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The Bourne Legacy

As a stand alone film it would be pretty good, but as has been mentioned on so many forums etc.. as a Bourne film it's a bit lazy and basically not required. All they've done is piece together parts of the three previous films and made this one, shame as Renner plays it well ,I quite liked his character,had a bit of a cheekier side to him and could have been an ongoing part of a re-invented franchise but basically this is just a re-hash, the only way it was ever going to work is if they'd taken it into a new direction , just a not required attempt to squeeze a little more out of the Bourne saga, 5.5/10

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Almost Famous, for the first time in years. That situation, at that time, would have been a dream come true for me. What I'd forgotten is that, while the film itself is a solid 7/10, the soundtrack goes all the way up to 11!

I love the bit when they're all sitting on the bus on major comedowns, and out of nowhere they all start singing Elton John - Tiny Dancer.

That scene is beautiful.

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I love the bit when they're all sitting on the bus on major comedowns, and out of nowhere they all start singing Elton John - Tiny Dancer.

That scene is beautiful.

Yep, that one and Kate Hudson dancing alone in the empty ballroom.

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Captain America 6.5/10

The first film. OK but not sure what all the fuss was about...............what am I missing people?

If it's overrated, I'm thinking it's because everyone was expecting it to be jingoistic nonsense, so it was a relief that it wasn't. Plus, it was an entertaining romp to boot. I was certainly surprised.

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Phenomena - one of Dario Argento's more entertaining murder mysteries. A young Jennifer Connelly is sent to a Swiss boarding school by her father, a wealthy actor, in the midst of a spate of murders in the area. Connelly's innate ability to communicate with insects is discovered by disabled etymologist Donald Pleasence, who wants to use her abilities to discover the killer's identity.

Not quite as batshit as it sounds, assuming you're willing to swallow the whole talking-to-insects thing; this is quite an atmospheric little thriller, with an impressive soundtrack to match. Well worth a watch - it's a shame Argento stopped producing films of this quality.

Play Misty For Me - one of Clint Eastwood's early outings behind (and still in front of) the camera. Poor Clint plays a slutty DJ who sleeps with the wrong groupie; fans of Fatal Attraction should know where this going. Jessica Walter makes for an impressive lunatic, and Clint works through his full array of incredulous facial expressions to good effect. A nicely effective thriller, which has been mercilessly ripped off in the decades since.

The Beyond - zombie-tastic shocker from Dario Argento's deranged spiritual brother, Lucio Fulci. A hotel in Louisiana is home to one of the doors to hell; when the property is inherited by a woman from England, bad shit begins to go down, mainly in the form of random deaths that add nothing to the plot.

This is generally considered to be Fulci's best film, which speaks volumes for the rest of his work in the horror genre. The film plods along at Fulci's usual turgid pace, spending a lot of time going nowhere. There are many death scenes that drag on forever, sometimes watched by characters who appear to have no sense of self-preservation, and always involving special effects that are so bad that even a brief glimpse would break any sense of disbelief. The story is almost non-existent, and you'll be struggling to stay awake by the time the end arrives. See Zombie Flesh Eaters instead; it's better by miles.

Alien Abduction: The McPherson Tape - early found-footage-fest, purporting to be a real-life recording of an American family's Thanksgiving gathering, which is interrupted by a hostile alien invasion. Talking head interviews with law enforcement, moviemakers and FX dudes are interspersed at points where the tape starts to drag (which it does, frequently).

The po-faced found-footage conceit is frankly laughable considering the level of acting on display, combined with the need to pixelate anything approaching a special effect (alien witchcraft messing with the camera, apparently). Far worse is the fact that virtually nothing happens during the running time; you're left watching an extended family argument while the aliens presumably dance around outside shining laser pens of death through the windows (effects that could not be replicated, according to the experts).

This is truly dire stuff, and the constant reinforcements that this is OMG TOTES REAL AND COULD NOT BE FAKED!!! cross the line into being offensive; nobody is as stupid as the filmmakers seem to have believed.

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I liked the first one, I've not seen the 2nd yet but I'm looking forward to it.

Like most of the origin marvel films it was alright without it being brillant as they need to lay so much groundwork

With that being said Winter Soldier takes it up a good few notches and is probably now my 2nd favourite Marvel film of the year

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b*****ds 8/10

Brooding, slow paced, twisty mind f**k noir from Claire Dennis featuring a typically atmospheric soundtrack from the mighty TINDERSTICKS (didn't hear much evidence of Earl Harvin tho)

If you've ever wanted to see a young burd get a corn on the cob shoved up her in no uncertain terms then this is the film for you!

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Star Wars 4: Nude Hopes 8/10

Two dudes and their gay robot m8s twat a massive flying space snooker ball.

That's Red Dwarf, isn't it? :huh:

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b*****ds 8/10

Brooding, slow paced, twisty mind f**k noir from Claire Dennis featuring a typically atmospheric soundtrack from the mighty TINDERSTICKS (didn't hear much evidence of Earl Harvin tho)

If you've ever wanted to see a young burd get a corn on the cob shoved up her in no uncertain terms then this is the film for you!

Heading to Lovefilm right now! :thumsup2

Huh...there are a surprising number of films with "b*****d" in the title...

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