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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Pan's Labyrinth- On the strength of the reviews in the best films of the 21st century thread, I got hold of this. I'm not feeling the love for this I'm afraid. It's a decent enough way to spend a couple of hours but it didn't really hit home for me. A lot more violent than I was expecting. 6.5/10.

Some of the comments on that thread are cringe inducing nonsense.

My favourite being :

Guardians of the Galaxy: I described it to someone as "feeling like the last Star Wars movies should have felt" and I stick by that feeling.

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Unforgettable - Ray Liotta injects himself with a spinal fluid serum in order to relive the final moments of the dead and hopefully uncover the murderer of his wife.

An entertaining wee mystery with a nicely daft central plot pillar. If you like your thrillers high-concept, you could do a lot worse than this, despite the fact that I called the killer within five minutes of the film's beginning. Also, Ray Liotta's face looks slightly less like soft cheese than normal.

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Pan's Labyrinth- On the strength of the reviews in the best films of the 21st century thread, I got hold of this. I'm not feeling the love for this I'm afraid. It's a decent enough way to spend a couple of hours but it didn't really hit home for me. A lot more violent than I was expecting. 6.5/10.

Depends on how literally you take everything that happens. Plenty of folk say its a fantasy film, plenty say its just her imagination to escape a terrible childhood.

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Psych:9 - a young woman starts night shift work sorting old records at an abandoned hospital, while a serial killer with a particular MO stalks the neighbourhood.

This film manages the impressive trick of being both confused and also eminently predictable throughout, to the point of leaving a grand reveal to the end that had practically been spelt out half an hour beforehand. Cary Ewles is his usual self (but more so, these days), and Michael Biehn strolls on once or twice, virtually to say, "Hello, I'm Michael Biehn; you may know me from such movies as Aliens and The Terminator, before my career died on its arse". Actual lead Sara Foster is dreadful, but isn't helped by a poorly-written character and cliche-ridden script.

This is one of those films that I'm pretty much guaranteed to forget about in a years' time and watch again, unfortunately. It won't be any better the second time through.

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Inside Out - 10/10

Absolutely outstanding from start to finish

Mansome - 3/10

Morgan Spurlock documentary on male grooming. Some decent parts, but largely a borefest.

Margin Call - 5/10

Business in trouble. Moneymen get worried. Nothing special

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Frost/Nixon 7.5/10

As you may guess a dramatized version of the build up to and the interviews with Nixon done by David Frost in 1977. Very good film and reliant on acting as opposed to CGI type shenanigans. Only reason I took a 0.5 off was that, at times, Michael Sheen's Frost sounded like Ricky Gervaise.

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The Legend of Barney Thomson - Black comedy, borderline farce at times, which not everyone will find funny, but I really enjoyed. Most people in the audience liked it too judging by the laughs it got. Robert Carlyle is great but Emma Thompson steals the show. 8/10

Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation - Quite possibly the best in the series. Plot/villain a bit weak as usual with this series, but there's plenty of exciting action scenes (best motorbike chase ever put to screen?) and good humour throughout. Cruise/Pegg/Renner/Rhames are on good form, but Rebecca Ferguson is the standout, she is terrific. Spectre has some real competition to be 2015's best spy/action film. 8/10

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Watched a few the last week or so:

Crash - Bunch of strangers who all end up randomly bumping into each other. The majority of the characters are all racists and some of it I found a bit too much. However I did like they way all their stories crossed over. 5/10

Copland - A lot of Big hitters in this one and its a decent crime thriller about corrupt cops. 7/10

Tropic Thunder - Daft comedy following the attempts to make a film based on the Vietnam war. Pretty enjoyed and I've seen it a few times now. 7/10

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Maggie (7/10)

I enjoyed this more human take on the zombie genre, and I was pleased to see Arnold Schwarzenneggger given a chance to act rather than throw one liners in between blowing shit up. The famous line "I'll Be Back" is rolled out in this movie, though it is said TO Arnie, not by him.

The end is truly a marmite one, which some may feel a cop out. It certainly wasn't predictable.

Southpaw (7.5/10)

Not a fan of boxing films but I do like Jake Gyllenhaal, and he seldom disappoints. There's little scope for originality an this type of film which has to rely instead on creating good characters that you can quickly develop an interest in, and then maintain that. This film succeeds in that respect and is well worth watching for the performances of Gyllenhaal, Whitaker and McAdams.

The subject of many an internet search, Forest Whitakers's eye is the topic of direct conversation between Whitaker and Gyllenhaalm which raised a smile.

Ant-Man (8/10)

After the large scale destruction wreaked in the Avengers movies it's nice to have some small scale destruction in the same universe. Decent story, nice effects and very, very funny. Make sure you remain after the film for a post credits spoiler....

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Indiana Jones - Raiders of the Lost Ark

Was on BBC 1 last night and it is still one of those films that despite owning it on DVD and never watching it if it is on the telly I can't change the channel. Some bits have aged pretty badly but that is to be expected. It is still a brilliant film though that takes me back to my childhood. It is actually my least favourite of the original three (I'm one of those weird Temple of Doom fans. Last Crusade is still number 1).


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Temple of Doom's great if you don't go into it expecting the same kind of film as the other two, although Spielberg's wife has some pie-related issues that require booting. Crystal Skull doesn't exist, naturally.

Seeing as how they decided to go down the 'Son of Indy' route, I thought it was a shame that they didn't do a film with Indy and an adult Short Round. Apparently in the comics/novels/whatever, Indy put Short Round through college and he was basically a surrogate father. Would've been infinitely better than Shia LeFuckingBouef, and him being grown up would've done away with the annoyance factor that put people off Temple of Doom so much.

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Temple of Doom's great if you don't go into it expecting the same kind of film as the other two, although Spielberg's wife has some pie-related issues that require booting. Crystal Skull doesn't exist, naturally.

Seeing as how they decided to go down the 'Son of Indy' route, I thought it was a shame that they didn't do a film with Indy and an adult Short Round. Apparently in the comics/novels/whatever, Indy put Short Round through college and he was basically a surrogate father. Would've been infinitely better than Shia LeFuckingBouef, and him being grown up would've done away with the annoyance factor that put people off Temple of Doom so much.

Possibly, but I have always imagined that at some point after TOD, Short Round realised he had left his wallet in the room with the spikes, and accidentally restarted them with devastating effects.

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1915 - The Battle For The Alps

I bought this on DVD for a couple of quid in CEX yesterday as I enjoy war films and I'm particularly interested in reading about the less well known theatres of war. This movie was about the conflict between the Italian and the Austro-Hungarian armies on the Alpine front in WW1. So far so good, unfortunately the film itself was the biggest pile of fucking shite I've seen for a very long time. Unrealistic battle sequences and a really corny love story between an Austrian solder and an Italian chick.


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Temple of Doom's great if you don't go into it expecting the same kind of film as the other two, although Spielberg's wife has some pie-related issues that require booting. Crystal Skull doesn't exist, naturally.

Seeing as how they decided to go down the 'Son of Indy' route, I thought it was a shame that they didn't do a film with Indy and an adult Short Round. Apparently in the comics/novels/whatever, Indy put Short Round through college and he was basically a surrogate father. Would've been infinitely better than Shia LeFuckingBouef, and him being grown up would've done away with the annoyance factor that put people off Temple of Doom so much.

I didn't really enjoy Temple of Doom. The blonde woman and Short Round are unbearably annoying, in my opinion.
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