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In my opinion, and the stats back it up, we literally couldn't sign a better part time striker within Scotland at the moment. A really, really positive signing in a position we've struggled for years to get a proper part time player in for. A proven quality L1 striker on a 2 year deal :)

I think as a support we need to accept Jim McIntyre is the manager, and will continue to be until at least September/ October. There's no point in moaning about nonsensical things the man does or just making up bollocks ('we've not offered anyone contracts', 'McIntyre clearly doesn't want to be here', 'He's obviously lost the dressing room' etc). Clearly there are a couple of players at the club who have been here long term but won't be next season for various reasons, we need to accept that and look forward.

These new deals and the beginning of signings from outwith the club show just a small amount of the groundwork that goes into preparing for the summer/ a new season. As I said before, if you get rid of a manager at this stage you chuck so much of that in the bin that you'll never catch up properly for the following campaign, the new manager struggles in these circumstances and the merry-go-round of managers continues..... While I'm hardly enthused about Jim McIntyre being in charge next season, there are positives to it as has been shown so far.

I kind of zoned out entirely from expecting any sort of performances/ results this season 3 or 4 weeks ago as it's utterly irrelevant and the prep for the upcoming campaign is far, far more important than dead games at the end of a shit season. 

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1 minute ago, SimonLichtie said:

In my opinion, and the stats back it up, we literally couldn't sign a better part time striker within Scotland at the moment. A really, really positive signing in a position we've struggled for years to get a proper part time player in for. A proven quality L1 striker on a 2 year deal :)

I think as a support we need to accept Jim McIntyre is the manager, and will continue to be until at least September/ October. There's no point in moaning about nonsensical things the man does or just making up bollocks ('we've not offered anyone contracts', 'McIntyre clearly doesn't want to be here', 'He's obviously lost the dressing room' etc). Clearly there are a couple of players at the club who have been here long term but won't be next season for various reasons, we need to accept that and look forward.

These new deals and the beginning of signings from outwith the club show just a small amount of the groundwork that goes into preparing for the summer/ a new season. As I said before, if you get rid of a manager at this stage you chuck so much of that in the bin that you'll never catch up properly for the following campaign, the new manager struggles in these circumstances and the merry-go-round of managers continues..... While I'm hardly enthused about Jim McIntyre being in charge next season, there are positives to it as has been shown so far.

I kind of zoned out entirely from expecting any sort of performances/ results this season 3 or 4 weeks ago as it's utterly irrelevant and the prep for the upcoming campaign is far, far more important than dead games at the end of a shit season. 

Well said, that man 👍🏻

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Excellent signing. The kind of player we should have been targeting for the last couple of seasons.

Mind you we need to remember that there are no Scottish players good enough for us.

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Calum Gallagher's as good a striker as anyone could get in League 1.

One of my favourite Airdrie players in recent seasons and I hope he does well for you guys.

He's struggled at Championship level this year but IMO he's probably the best part time striker in the country.

Not only that, he's a great guy too, wish him nothing but the best and hope we can give him the send off that he deserves, in the last 4/5 seasons, a club legend. 

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That's a very impressive signing. Its been a shite season for you lot but I imagine it must be good to know that plans are being put in place for being very competitive next season already. Gallagher has to be pretty much as good an option for a League 1 side as you could hope for.

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What a signing for yous, PFA player of the year in his last season in league 1. As others have said he’s easily the best part time striker in the country.

Gutted to see him go but a player of his quality can’t be starting from the bench.

Edited by Diamonds02
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Just now, David Fernández said:

Calum Gallagher's as good a striker as anyone could get in League 1.

One of my favourite Airdrie players in recent seasons and I hope he does well for you guys.

He's struggled at Championship level this year but IMO he's probably the best part time striker in the country.

Not only that, he's a great guy too, wish him nothing but the best and hope we can give him the send off that he deserves, in the last 4/5 seasons, a club legend. 

Thank you.


5 goals and 3 assists in 1500 minutes on the park - effectively goal or assist every 2 and a bit games - is still not too shabby for a guy who’s not been a first choice player 


Good luck to Airdrie next season - you’ve had a great year 

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A brilliant signing. A proven part time striker who has experience across the Scottish leagues.

it’s refreshing to have these announcements without the daft precursors we’ve been used to in recent years.

The performances on the pitch have been disappointing but I think the work done behind the scenes is promising. I guess the Jimmy Boyle connection with Airdrie may have helped to swing this one.

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Gallagher is an excellent signing for the Lichties, and if he gets anything like decent service he's devastating at that level.  Struggled this season as being the only part timer in our squad the training schedule was problematic for him - and of course he's been playing against better defences.  As we've seen in the previous couple of seasons, though, he's an excellent striker at League 1 level.  His movement in the box is incredible.  He doesn't score many spectacular goals (*that one* against Kelty last year notwithstanding), but you simply will not find a better striker for that level when it comes to finding and moving into space.   There is no such thing as a crowded penalty box for Calum Gallagher.

I'd have been happy to keep him on a squad player, but he rightly feels he can get regular football a level down, and he'll leave with the best wishes of the Airdrie fans for what he's contributed to us over the last few years.  His barra-load of individual awards season are testament to what he can do.  Sad to see him go, but it's probably the right time, it's a good move for him, and a good signing for Abroath.

He's a thoroughly decent guy as well, and one of those players who makes the effort to do the high-fives and photos etc with the kids.

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That’s as good a signing as Arbroath could make for League One. I wouldn’t say he’s a particularly brilliant finisher but very intelligent, great movement in the box and has developed into a great all round striker. I’ve written a big post in the Airdrie thread so won’t repeat myself too much but Stewart and Gallagher is a great start to rebuilding this Arbroath team for League One. He’s based in Glasgow so I did wonder if he’d go to a club nearby but despite the malaise around the club and McIntyre just now, it bodes well that he’s keen to sign there.

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Just come on to pie and bovril after a bit of an absence. Sorry you have not had a successful season and would like to wish you every success in League 1. Hope to see you back in the Championship  in 25/26.

I don't know what's going on at the club so perhaps shouldn't comment. So offering only a couple of personal opinions. 

I was very surprised when the club let Linn go. He was a player (with McKenna and McBride) I would have loved to see playing in Jags colours. I know Linn was nearing the end of his career but still considered him to be an influential player (like Lawless for us). While not the only reason I thought not playing him and his subsequent departure contributed to the Club's decline. Why wouldn't Cambell play him? It seemed to me Campbell was cutting off his nose to spite his face by not playing him. Was there something going on with them?

Finally, I hope I am wrong, but I thought appointing your present manager was a mistake.

Haste ye back to the Championship. Hopefully we will be there waiting to welcome and not passing you on our way to League 1.

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Very unusual to see a reaction like this to a new signing from the players ex clubs fans, speaks volumes and I’ve enjoyed reading them all so thank you 


I also think that this is the kind of signing that will encourage other players outwith the club to come and choose to play for Arbroath and it will also mean that the boys we have here already will be encouraged and know that we could potentially be a good side to play for next year 



Edited by 1320Lichtie
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I'm not really saying anything new, but that's a terrific signing. Calum Gallagher in League One is like Dwight Gayle was in the Championship down south a few seasons ago. Just a guaranteed goalscorer, who maybe isn't quite capable of taking that next step. So fair play getting him tied down early. That's as good a signing as any League One team will make all summer, and it's only April!

He's an absolutely fantastic team player. Will work himself into the ground, do the ugly side of the game. Run channels, hold play up. All that good stuff. It still pisses me off that we had fans berate him every week for us because he runs in a weird, ungainly way. Sure, he's not the most aesthetically pleasing forward in the world, but I'd kill to have him back at The Rock.

Genuinely lovely guy too with a really nice nature about him. As said above, he'll be one happily dishing out high-fives and selfies with the kids.

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Can only reiterate the point that it’s an unreal signing. He will score goals next season, even more so if Arbroath try and play the ball on the deck. 

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