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EU President?



It looks Mrs Merkel wants Juncker out - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/03/angela-merkel-to-oust-jean-claude-juncker-as-europe-splits-deepe/


"Even before he was appointed President of the European Commission - against the wishes of David Cameron - concerns were raised about Mr Juncker's alchohol consumption which were dismissed as a "smear campaign" by his officials.


"At the time The Telegraph and several other newspapers reported officials worrying about Mr Juncker having "cognac for breakfast" and rolling through long negotiations fortified with large quantities of claret and brandy."


Sounds like the perfect job for Farage! Beer would be cheaper than brandy and claret.  :lol:  

Edited by Bishop Briggs
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I disagree with him on almost every issue but the man is undeniably a fantastic politician. Over the course of 23 years he's singlehandely turned UKIP from an irrelevant,single issue fringe party into the driving force behind us leaving the EU.

There was a guy who did the same in the early part of last century. Had a greater success than Farage but it all ended badly.

He was an Austrian gentleman.

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There was a guy who did the same in the early part of last century. Had a greater success than Farage but it all ended badly.

He was an Austrian gentleman.



Godwin's Law applies.


There were a few Russian blokes who had did the same. It ended badly for them and over 50 million of their countrymen.

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Godwin's Law applies.


There were a few Russian blokes who had did the same. It ended badly for them and over 50 million of their countrymen.



Attempts at building huge empires end in failure, especially when they are driven by collectivist ideologies like national socialism, Maoism and Marxist Leninism.


The EU's ideology is the neoliberal Project of pan-European political union. It's failure is inevitable as you cannot force 28 countries to abandon their diverse cultures, beliefs and traditions. 

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Attempts at building huge empires end in failure, especially when they are driven by collectivist ideologies like national socialism, Maoism and Marxist Leninism.


The EU's ideology is the neoliberal Project of pan-European political union. It's failure is inevitable as you cannot force 28 countries to abandon their diverse cultures, beliefs and traditions. 

We were not being forced to abandon these things. 

I'm going to leave it there. The deed is done. I wish us all luck, we'll need it.


edit for missing 'it'. 

Edited by cyderspaceman
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The EU's ideology is the neoliberal Project of pan-European political union. It's failure is inevitable as you cannot force 28 countries to abandon their diverse cultures, beliefs and traditions. 

Utter bollocks.  The premise is simply free exchange of goods, labour, capital and services.  This is entirely sensible.  Those who oppose that notion are either racist or stupid.


Still, Farage no more; Boris no more.  That only leaves the wee shit Gove as the one remaining 'Leave' prominent politician and not even his wife likes him.

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Utter bollocks. The premise is simply free exchange of goods, labour, capital and services. This is entirely sensible. Those who oppose that notion are either racist or stupid.

Still, Farage no more; Boris no more. That only leaves the wee shit Gove as the one remaining 'Leave' prominent politician and not even his wife likes him.

A bigot referring to people as racist. Is there a hierarchy that I am not aware of?

Anyway, only a complete tool would think that the EU is only about "free exchange of goods, labour, capital and services". If that were the case then we could dispense with things like Europol and not have included provision for the creation of an EU military force in the Lisbon Treaty. Why the need for an EU foreign policy chief?

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A bigot referring to people as racist. Is there a hierarchy that I am not aware of?

OK I ken you're thick as f**k...but really?


Yes really.

I'm almost sure this is a pointless question and your answer will use all the tawdry old diddy tropes..but go on then, chap.  Justify your description of me as a bigot.  You've wanted to say this for a while so fill your boots.

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No chance. Carswell is despised because he supported Vote Leave and is pro-immigration. The NEC could expel him, possibly this afternoon, for his negative comments about Farage and his anti-immigration posters.

Paul Nuttall will probably succeed Nigel Farage as Leader. There will be other candidates such as Patrick O'Flynn, the former political editor of the Daily Express.

Nuttall who is a nasty piece of work will be a likely favourite.

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