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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 hour ago, GloryHole said:

Bercow in a speech to lawyers tonight  calling the PM a thief and that Bercow will do throw the rule book out and do everything he can to stop no deal....offfffftttttt.

And this is from a Person who was meant to be impartial. 

Well we know he never was. 

A disgrace to Parliamentary Democracy. 

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Think its quite funny that the rabid racist brexiters are foaming at the mouth about medicines just being airlifted when they don’t seem to understand that we can’t just transport radio-isotopes from other countries without bilateral agreements on the movements of restricted materials. The government don’t seem to be telling anyone either. This it’ll be alright on the night stuff is so stupid its absolutely mystifying that people that dumb are able to live.

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10 hours ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

This is the problem in a nutshell. I like to think I pay attention - tediously so according to Mrs WRK - and I had to choose a least worst option. Nobodywith a modicum of common sense would argue that the EU was the best of all possible situations. Equally, no-one with a functioning brain would think that by cutting all ties (not just trade) the UK would become Utopia.

Unfortunately, common sense and a functioning brain are not required to qualify to vote.

I see Universal Suffrage as one of the greatest marks of a civilisation, but some of these first-and-only-time-voter mouthbreathers make me seriously question whether there should be some sort of qualifying measure introduced.


'Universal Suffrage is one of the greatest marks of a civilisation'.

'Unfortunately, common sense and a functioning brain are not required to qualify to vote' 

Struggling to disagree with you there, but that's the situation we're in.

EVERYBODY gets a vote. It's got to be like that unless votes are restricted to a select few. 

I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want that, but I'm with you as far as the short term/what's in it for me vote goes. 


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Everybody's favourite pub owner has used his company's preliminary results as a wee personal political message.


"Journalists regularly ask Wetherspoon for comments on Brexit - although some publications begrudge our few paragraphs on the subject in this section.


"The UK is clearly in political deadlock, parliament having refused to carry out the pre-referendum promise in the leaflet (Appendix 2) sent to every household which said "The Government will implement what you decide."


"Democratic power in the UK in the last 30 years has been diluted by a political faction in parliament, the media and boardrooms, which has a quasi-religious belief in the undemocratic EU - with its unelected presidents, MEPs who cannot instigate legislation and unaccountable court. Voters resent this loss of power - and distrust of politicians and the 'elite' is the result.


"In recent weeks, the 21 'Tory rebels' (over half Oxbridge), who helped to block 'no-deal' were joined by 25 bishops (two-thirds Oxbridge), the latter group asserting (Appendix 3), contrary, many of us believe, to common sense, that no-deal will be disadvantageous to the poor.


"As another straw in the wind, former Supreme Court judge and Reith lecturer Lord Sumption described Brexit supporters as 'grim fanatics' (Appendix 4).


"John Bercow, Emily Thornberry, Dominic Grieve, Keir Starmer, Jo Johnson, Philip Hammond, David Gauke, David Lidington, Hilary Benn, Rory Stewart and many other pro-EU Oxbridge MPs have played a leading role in frustrating the referendum result, by enmeshing parliament in a legal and administrative spider's web.


"The economic judgement of this faction, led in the past by the likes of Michael Heseltine, Peter Mandelson and Tony Blair, the CBI and the Financial Times, has been extremely poor.


"It advocated joining the disastrous predecessor of the euro, the exchange rate mechanism, the euro itself, and incorrectly forecast an immediate recession in the event of a Leave vote in the referendum.


"Author and athlete Matthew Syed has recently illustrated how a lack of diversity among elites leads to poor decisions. Investment guru Warren Buffett has pointed out that forecasts tell you a lot about the forecaster - but nothing about the future.


"The faction's forecast today is that leaving the EU without a deal will be a 'cliff-edge', a 'catastrophe' or a 'disaster'.


"Remainer MPs' main argument - having consistently voted against the only deal on offer - to justify their attempts to scupper Brexit, is that costs for consumers and businesses will axiomatically increase in the event of 'no deal'.


"However, leaving without a deal avoids a legal liability to pay £39 billion (Appendix 5), allows the UK to eliminate protectionist import taxes (tariffs) on over 12,000 non-EU products, (including rice, oranges, bananas, Antipodean wine, children's clothes and car parts etc) and results in resumption of the control of fishing waters.


"Above all, no-deal increases UK democracy - the most powerful economic stimulant.


"It is an absurdity to argue that a reduction in UK input costs, combined with increased democracy, will have a harmful effect on the economy - just as it would be absurd for a business to adopt this argument if its own costs were reduced.


"Free trade, which the ending of tariffs implies, never made any country poorer, as former Australian High Commissioner, Alexander Downer, recently said (Appendix 6).


"Elite Remainers are ignoring the 'big picture', regarding lower input costs and more democracy, and are mistakenly concentrating on assumed short-term problems, such as potential delays at Channel ports - which are easier to extrapolate on their computer models.


"Despite continuing political problems, stemming from the transfer of democratic power to a technocratic elite, Wetherspoon continues to perform well. Like-for-like sales for the six weeks to 8 September 2019 were up 5.9%.


"We currently anticipate a reasonable outcome (pre IFRS16) for the current financial year, subject to our future sales performance.


"As in previous years, we will provide updates, during the year, on the company's trading.



ps. profit before tax Is down 4.5% (before exceptional items)



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7 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:

Everybody's favourite pub owner has used his company's preliminary results as a wee personal political message.


ps. profit before tax Is down 4.5% (before exceptional items)



He looks about two financial years-worth of bad results away from a massive heart-attack which would be a handy bonus tbh. 

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7 hours ago, oldbitterandgrumpy said:


'Universal Suffrage is one of the greatest marks of a civilisation'.

'Unfortunately, common sense and a functioning brain are not required to qualify to vote' 

Struggling to disagree with you there, but that's the situation we're in.

EVERYBODY gets a vote. It's got to be like that unless votes are restricted to a select few. 

I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want that, but I'm with you as far as the short term/what's in it for me vote goes. 


That's what most political parties offer. There aren't too many altruistic voters about who will vote for tax increases (on themselves) for jam in 20 years time.

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34 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

That's what most political parties offer. There aren't too many altruistic voters about who will vote for tax increases (on themselves) for jam in 20 years time.

Ity's not even altruism, though. I will happily accept some constraints on my income in the form of taxes, and use of resources in order to combat climate change*, in order that my Grandchildren have some kind of future. In 20 years time, as they're carting me off to Sunset House, I want to be able to look them in the eye and say I did what I could.

*Even though the vast majority  of the problem is caused by massive corporations, not us riff-raff.

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Author and athlete Matthew Syed has recently illustrated how a lack of diversity among elites leads to poor decisions. Investment guru Warren Buffett has pointed out that forecasts tell you a lot about the forecaster - but nothing about the future.

And then Tim goes on to make some forecasts about the future, of course...

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55 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

That's what most political parties offer. There aren't too many altruistic voters about who will vote for tax increases (on themselves) for jam in 20 years time.

If people on low to average wages stopped voting for parties offering tax cuts for the rich, the Tories would never get in again. Altruistic c***s.

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