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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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5 minutes ago, Turkmenbashi said:

Thankfully I got toilet paper on Monday as there was none left today. Panic buying definitely a thing here.

I'll probably just pull the two-ply apart.  Lasts twice as long that way. 

That or stream an endless supply of T in the Park videos and avoid going for a shite for three days, all for that authentic Balado experience. 


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4 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

The former Director of Public Health in England is on QT, and has just got tore right into the Government

Who hasn't?

They are by far the worst government ever and it gives me great pleasure to laugh in the face of any Scot who voted for this shitshow ahead of self government.

Defending voting for the Union after this is over will become virtually impossible and I can't wait to hear the shit they come away with.

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2 minutes ago, Hedgecutter said:

I'll probably just pull the two-ply apart.  Lasts twice as long that way. 

That or stream an endless supply of T in the Park videos and avoid going for a shite for three days, all for that authentic Balado experience. 


Dump and Shower:whistle

Who needs paper 

When you can

Dump and Shower :whistle

©Welshbairn Public Information Jingles Inc

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12 minutes ago, Hedgecutter said:

I'll probably just pull the two-ply apart.  Lasts twice as long that way.


Time to get more creative, lads. Take a tip from Rabelais.

'I have', answered Gargantua, 'by a long and curious experience found out a means to wipe my bum. The most lordly, the most excellent, the most convenient that was ever seen. I have wiped my tail with a hen, with a cock, with a pullet, with a calf's skin, with a hare, with a pigeon, with a cormorant, with an attorney's bag, with a Montero, with a falconer's lure. But to conclude, I say and maintain that of all the torcheculs, arsewisps, bumfodders, tail-napkins, bunghole cleansers, and wipe-breeches, there is none in the world comparable to the neck of a goose, that is well downed, if you hold her head betwixt your legs. And believe me therein upon mine honour, for you will thereby feel in your nockhole a most wonderful pleasure, both in regard of the softness of the said down and of the temporate heat of the goose, which is easily communicated to the bum-gut and the rest of the inwards, in so far as to come even to the regions of the heart and brains.'"

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1 hour ago, RandomGuy. said:

Figures seem to show that not one single person of the 135k cases has died without having underlying health issues. Not one.

WHO reckon your chances of dying from it, under the age of 50, is 0.5%.


That was the report that concerned me a tad. To be fair though, no mention of young folk actually dying but it doesn’t sound pleasant.

Edited by Scary Bear
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Question Time is fun. Tory saying we’re doing the right thing, former medical expert guy saying government’s approach is utter bollocks and is seething.
The guy is coming across as a bit of a tinfoil hat type.

Far, far too emotional.

I fucking despise the tories but I'm not sure their handling of this is poor.

(obviously the chronic underfunding and asset stripping of the nhs long term is going to play a part, but apart from that)
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1 hour ago, RandomGuy. said:

Probably because he spent about 90% of the last month of his life around the disease.

Exact same happened with Ebola/SARS etc. Healthcare workers who are around the disease for such a huge, uninterrupted, length of time get absolutely battered by it. 

Genuine question.

How can you get "absolutely battered" by it?

Surely you either have it or you dont. Once you have had it and got over it your in the clear?

Is that not the case?

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That was the report that concerned me a tad. To be fair though, no mention of young folk actually dying but it doesn’t sound pleasant.
Yeah that's definitely the scariest thing I've read so far. Cheers for sharing.

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Part of our flights got cancelled today, called BA and they basically said we can put you on earlier plane we’ve no idea if you’ll get there or home. Could face disruption and delays and they’ve no idea what’s going happen.  
So took full refund option. 

Only question mark is if Disney will refund our day tickets. Only had couple nights in hotel and car hire and they were cancelled today no charge.

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1 hour ago, Nkomo-A-Gogo said:

Mikel arteta has it now.

It would be absolutely fucking hilarious if Liverpool were denied the league because of this.

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9 minutes ago, Gaz said:

It would be absolutely fucking hilarious if Liverpool were denied the league because of this.

I don’t think it will transpire, but imagine coronavirus denying Liverpool their first title in thirty years, and stopping nine-in-a-row for Celtic, all in the same season.

’Mon the coronavirus.

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