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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 minute ago, Thereisalight.. said:

People I know! The types that post on FB “repost this if you’ve seen stayed in your home all weekend”, or looking out at neighbours who dare to go out twice a day instead of once 

Your post looked like it was referring to people on here. Stay off facebook.

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2 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

It's not means tested but there are some restrictions on which type of business gets it.

You just need to have a property that you are registered with the council to pay business rates on.

If you are classed as getting the 100% rates discount (i.e. you pay no rates) you'll get £10k.

For bigger properties there's £25k available.

It takes about 20 minutes to apply, it's all done by email and it takes approximately 4 weeks for the money to be paid into your account.

Your mate's wife should definitely check it out through Business Gateway.


But the Tories aren't paying people’s wages out of the goodness of their heart, if they put everyone on the dole, people who had never been on the dole wouldn’t stand for it and you would see civil unrest in no time.

If they pay 80% of people’s wages and tell folk they have to stay at home then that money will be spent on rent/mortgages, utilities and at supermarkets which will all be taxed as well as people paying for council tax. It’s not like the government are losing out entirely here and they can still keep a lot of big business happy.

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13 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

If some of the random sampling antibody tests of the wider population that are being reported from Germany, Sweden and the United States are accurate (big if because the tests might not be specific enough for COVID19) then there could easily have already been over 50× as many infections as the official numbers based on testing.

I commented on one of these the other day. They reckoned actual cases 50-85x greater than reported, with a morbidity rate in the region of 0.1-0.2%

I'm surprised that there is not as much focus on this type of testing as there is on a vaccine or effective treatment.

If these antibody test results were shown to be even close to being accurate and reflective of the general population then the pressing need for a vaccine is much much less.

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For the fellow cancer warriors out there 💪 🤮, I had my bloods done on Tuesday, phone app with my oncologist yesterday (usually in person) and off into the beatson tomorrow to get the good/bad stuff injected right into my fucking veins.

Quite a relief that treatment will continue for me, especially having read about people who have been told theirs is cancelled. As mentioned before, it seems to be mainly people who are already in God's waiting room who have been told that, and that seems mainly to be because the risk of them catching it at hospital is considered higher than the risk of not giving them their treatment.

Will be interesting to see what, if any, precautions are in place at the beatson. I was last there ~5 weeks ago and at that point the only unusual thing was a small sign saying that patients should come alone. No PPE, nothing, in fact I felt like such a 🛎 🔚 with my mask on I took it off in the end. Bad enough being cancerous let alone having everyone think you're a twat as well. 

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Going to hold off on patting the tories on the back for doing something similar to most other Western governments regarding finding money to help businesses etc, especially as it would have caused much more harm to the economy just to let everyone get completely fucked financially losing their jobs / businesses and doing f**k all about it. 

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1 minute ago, Marshmallo said:

We are seeing it already on here from Certain Posters.

What happened to yon pozbaird? Wonder if he's still playing golf and going shopping with his wife.

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1 minute ago, Gaz said:


Old Man Danger had a similar rant along the same lines when he was driving his Mrs about to buy a paper and a 10 deck of Mayfair. Screaming "I'M A MARRIED MAN" while sitting in the car park of an Asda to own the libs.

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32 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I commented on one of these the other day. They reckoned actual cases 50-85x greater than reported, with a morbidity rate in the region of 0.1-0.2%

I'm surprised that there is not as much focus on this type of testing as there is on a vaccine or effective treatment.

If these antibody test results were shown to be even close to being accurate and reflective of the general population then the pressing need for a vaccine is much much less.

From Belgium, allegedly the worst affected country per capita. Apparently only 3% of the population have antibodies. (From a random section of the population)


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2 hours ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Just saw that a woman who died in California on Feb 6th was confirmed to have coronavirus. The first “official” US death from it was Feb 29th. Not beyond the realms of possibility to accept it was in the UK and killing people way before the first official death. 

tbsouth had it in late August 1979.

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53 minutes ago, Gaz said:

What happened to yon pozbaird? Wonder if he's still playing golf and going shopping with his wife.

Of course I’m still going shopping with my wife, but only in stores where they allow couples - M&S being one. There are a few others. One being a local butcher, who, on seeing my wife standing outside shouting in for me to get something, said ‘FFS, come on in love, is he your husband?’ They have been great, unfailingly cheery. At every store where they now enforce a ‘one only’ rule, we adhere to it.

In regards to ‘still playing golf’, the last time I played golf was when golf courses were open for business and it was OK to play as long as you adhered to social distancing. Things have clearly changed, I haven’t, just like everyone else, been near a golf course in weeks.

Our health is fine, hope yours is too. The reason I haven’t been posting is simply because I no longer wish to. Been walking, doing jobs in the garden, endlessly washing the car, reading, watching box sets, playing PS4 games, painted a few rooms, but have dipped into the forum from time to time. Last thing I read was people queuing up at B&Q to get stuff being slagged by someone on here. It’s that kind of shite I have no stomach for reading at this time. I’d rather listen to Dominic Raab.

Hope everyone is hanging in there though.

Edited by pozbaird
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6 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

Of course I’m still going shopping with my wife, but only in stores where they allow couples - M&S being one. There are a few others. One being a local butcher, who, on seeing my wife standing outside shouting in for me to get something, said ‘FFS, come on in love, is he your husband?’ They have been great, unfailingly cheery. At every store where they now enforce a ‘one only’ rule, we adhere to it.

In regards to ‘still playing golf’, the last time I played golf was when golf courses were open for business and it was OK to play as long as you adhered to social distancing. Things have clearly changed, I haven’t, just like everyone else, been near a golf course in weeks.

Our health is fine, hope yours is too. The reason I haven’t been posting is simply because I no longer wish to. Been walking, doing jobs in the garden, endlessly washing the car, reading, watching box sets, painted a few rooms, but have dipped into the forum from time to time. Last thing I read was people queuing up at B&Q to get stuff being slagged by someone on here. It’s that kind of shite I have no stomach for reading at this time. I’d rather listen to Dominic Raab.

Hope everyone is hanging in there though.

Courses are still open in Jersey & Guernsey and everything appears to be running well (and no reason why it shouldn't).

I'd hope we'd be back up and running here by June at the latest.

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40 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

Sounds like a bit of wishful thinking from the guy who designed the strategy to me. Not sure where he thinks the herd immunity is going to come from, especially as we don't yet know if immunity is a thing.

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