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George Floyd/Black Lives Matter Protests

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48 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

What’s the argument for leaving the statues up?

Probably who decides what is acceptable?     Do we remove, Churchill, Drake, Wellesley, Victoria ?

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4 hours ago, The Golden God said:

Someone I went to school with and still have on FB because of her crazy posts, including being anti vax and claiming 5G is a weapon, has now decided that George Floyds death was a false flag and BLM/AntiFa are funded by George Soros so as to divide us and start a race war.

I've seen the argument advanced that his killing was premeditated to stoke protests and basically have Americans give up on lockdown voluntarily as the government don't have anything to show for it

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3 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

I don't remember anything I was taught in history at school.

History was awful at my school. How castles were built, the Spanish Armada/Britannia Rules The Waves, there was this Hitler bloke, right, and Britain kicked his arse, and some tedious local history, all in the most superficial detail. Think that about covers it.

The most egregious was the coverage of Rome, who were these blokes who came over to Britain and left straight roads, aqueducts, and lots of pottery, before good old Blighty sent them packing. The fascinating ancient empire, with all of the conquest, political machination, invention, and social upheaval that I've since become familiar with, and that's the navel-gazing shite that those c***s decided to spent a year telling us about?

6 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I’d honestly never heard of that before. Cheers

The Jim Crow Museum website has changed a lot since I was last there, but used to be full of interesting information about Jim Crow, and about the racial stereotypes that permeated American society, and still affect how people view black people today. It's easy to think that racism isn't as bad now, what are they complaining about, but that resource was certainly an eye-opener.

If nothing else, it's worth a look for the breathtaking collection of racist American memorabilia that they're still adding to from the present day. Coon Chicken, anyone?

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A free extract from Malcolm Gladwell’s 2013 book. Not specifically about race, more about how people don’t respond well to authority when they don’t feel that they have a voice. He has a style that goes way off on what seems like a tangent so you normally need to bear with him until things click into place about what he’s getting at.


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I passed through Haddington yesterday. There were a few BLM placards left on a fence which local neds had overwritten with young team slogans.

Passed through again today and the BLM placards had been repainted to cover up the ned graffiti 

Can't be bothered going through tomorrow to see if the neds strike back tbh 

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2 hours ago, Mr Waldo said:

Probably who decides what is acceptable?     Do we remove, Churchill, Drake, Wellesley, Victoria ?

The people who own the statues. They should listen to all the voices, decide which are good arguments and which are bollocks and then, the bit they've all failed with over the past three decades, actually do something about the really obviously terrible ones.

My own opinions:

Churchill's achievements outweigh his sins, but really everyone needs to get onboard with the obvious fact that he as racist AF.

Victoria didn't own or trade slaves and she didn't have meaningful political power to do anything about the issue. By all accounts she was particularly kind to black and Asian people.

Francis Drake - yes, get him down. He raided ships for loot, took slaves he found and sold them at the next island. He and his cousin Hawkins went to Africa and enslaved between 1,200 and 1,400 people, and according to contemporary accounts that probably meant they killed three times as many. One of the best things to come out of all this is that we're learning these facts - I didn't know this before yesterday.

Which Wellesley? Wellington?

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