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Heads Gone - The Peppino Impastato Memorial Thread

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Yas, Magna Carta innit 

if I remember rightly one of these tits got to a crown court to appeal fines for ignoring some law, parking or planning or the likes, and the legal arguments could be summed up as follows (I paraphrase):

appellant -I don’t consent to be subject to the law.

judge- so fucking what? Tough titties, you loonball. 

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Just now, Melanius Mullarkay said:

The one with one time Liverpool haddie Rickie Lambert attempting to say the word belligerent is toe curling stuff.

Almost as bad as his rambling about cleaning water by talking to it.

Edited by cb_diamond
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8 minutes ago, cb_diamond said:

The one with one time Liverpool haddie Rickie Lambert attempting to say the word belligerent is toe curling stuff.

Almost as bad as his rambling about cleaning water by talking to it.

Just saw that 😂


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3 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Is it these freemen on the land lot?

It might as well be, by the look of it. As usual, it's unclear what they're annoyed about, other than that their maws made them tidy their rooms before they'd be allowed out to play.

A few years back, one of the scammers at the head of the "you can't tell me what to do, you're not even my real dad" movement paid for billboards to go up around England, thinking it would bring in more marks to their grift. When they went up, the credulous were all over the internet gloating about how the government was finished, and everybody would now know THE TRUTH and would rise up. Here's the billboard in question:


In reality, nobody knew what they were on about, and the few who DID THEIR OWN RESEARCH discovered a contradictory mess of Web 1.0 sites gibbering unintelligible nonsense, which seems to be part of the idea; if you talk enough and fire out as much text as possible, it'll obfuscate the fact that you've no credible arguments. If anyone asks you to concisely explain what you believe, fire out the names of some medieval laws that have been superseded many times over the centuries, and say DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.

I'm on the thread below trying to get one of them to explain what they were all about and failing miserably (back when I was genuinely clueless about all this), but it gives you an idea of the type of mentality you're dealing with. It starts off with Dryhorce claiming that they're very smart and able to run rings around the law, which should tell you everything you need to know. They absolutely come across as spoofs of themselves; it's clear by this point that they just want the right to break the law and avoid tax, and are absolutely furious that everybody else won't rise up to back them en masse and protect them from justice, much like the angry arseholes who'd harass shop staff about masks during the pandemic and be incredulous that the other shoppers didn't have their back.

Even the anarchists understand that shit has to be paid for somehow, and maybe allowing roasters to use the roads as their own personal speedway track might not be a smart move.


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1 hour ago, johnnydun said:

Sounds like some Sex Pistols lyrics.

John Lydon has a far better turn of phrase than that!

Plus, he at least appreciates that things like the NHS need to be paid for, and not just by other people.

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1 hour ago, BTFD said:

Jesus, what fresh hell is this.

Sovereign citizen crap, by the sounds of that. We’ve been dealing with these morons for decades, welcome to our latest export!

Edited by TxRover
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8 hours ago, ICTChris said:

James English is a podcaster, he focuses on sports people, gangsters, terrorists etc. He is hugely popular in the sleeve tattoo community.  

He’s probably best known for recording an interview with Daniel Kinahan, head of the Kinahan drug cartel. The podcast was never broadcast as the week before it was due to go out Kinahan and his organisation were all sanctioned by the USA meaning anyone connected to him were subject to restrictions in travel and business. 

I once saw a clip of English interviewing former UDA/UFF terrorist Jonny “Mad Dog” Adair and asking him “loyalist, what got you into all that?”. Adair and his unit murdered dozens of people in sectarian attacks. There’s a good rundown of them here - https://m.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/sunday-life/johnny-mad-dog-adairs-hallion-battalion-where-are-they-now/35105516.html

I didn’t watch any more of the Adair English podcast but I’m sure Adair got grilled on all the innocent people he murdered and the other numerous victims of his gang.

"So Mad Dog, what was it like in the UDA dressing room? It must have been a right laugh with some of those boys!"

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I was always tempted to go round to one of these Freeman's houses with a baseball bat with a nail in it and demand his telly. 

"Go on, call the police whose law you don't believe in then. This is how things tended to work in the Middle Ages anyway, you daft cnut"

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