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The Queen of the South thread

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Where did this ridiculous notion that last season should be ignored come from anyway?

It's a strange one.

If you wish to point out that we're newly promoted and should therefore have low expectations, it's apparently fine.

If however, you wish to point out that we broke all records in doing so and have largely maintained the same squad, while highlighting that the league we've joined has an unusually large number of smaller part-time sides, then you really need to grow up and move on. Apparently.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Anyone else been surprised with the impact McShane has had since breaking in to the team ? I just regarded him as a squad player but he is looking like a prospect and very composed on the ball. If he turns out the real deal , I will say well done McIntyre because I am not sure he would have got a chance otherwise

Yes, totally. I wasnt even sure he would be good enough as a squad player, to be honest. Its always a delight when a young player comes in and proves you wrong like this. For me, his inclusion in the last few games has made a huge difference, along with Kev. The midfield has a better shape about it and a lot more mobility and energy.

No one should be surprised about how well Kev has done though ;)

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Don't like to praise players too much before I have seen them in a run of games but McWatts faith in Kevin Dz does not like displaced either. Youth and energy added to midfield to increase competition for places.

As has been the case in defence with Holt back in there. Just up front required now.

Edited to say, that's what last years team was based on, energy and pace, what teams hate playing against. You just have to look at what happened to us at Livi a few weeks ago.

Edited by Hawk
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Don't like to praise players too much before I have seen them in a run of games but McWatts faith in Kevin Dz does not like displaced either. Youth and energy added to midfield to increase competition for places.

Indeed. Its likely that McKenna and Young are competing for the third place behind Kev and McShane now. Its a really nice balance, in my opinion. McShane has the workrate to close down but is also good enough on the ball to keep possession and create chances. Kev looks like the real playmaker. Simple passing to retain possession when required but has the ability to hit long balls and pick out killer passes - I dont know if anyone noticed the pass he played to McShane on Wednesday night. McKenna or Young are then the "ball winners", although both have enough quality to also pass the ball around.

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Holts exclusion against Raith still a baffling JM decision unless he was carrying a knock of course. Would they have beaten us if we didnt play a centre half at full back ? Anyway, as previously said, he has done good things as well. Need a consistent solid defence now , available personnel into consideration of course.

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Holts exclusion against Raith still a baffling JM decision unless he was carrying a knock of course. Would they have beaten us if we didnt play a centre half at full back ? Anyway, as previously said, he has done good things as well. Need a consistent solid defence now , available personnel into consideration of course.

He wasn't injured, he was dropped.

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It beggars belief how anybody could think that Higgins is a better left back than Holt. Probably if Durnan hadn't been sent off against Raith, Higgins would still be at left back. However, he now has an excuse to leave Durnan out again.

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If you want to determine whether we are underachieving so far this season, can you think of any games that we have lost or drawn that we should have won?

Now can you think of any that we've won or drawn that we really should have lost?

To my mind, most of the points we've dropped this season haven't been because we've been totally outplayed by the opposition. So all this talk of being up against better teams that we have no right to be beating (for example Livi, Alloa, and Raith) is complete bollox.

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It beggars belief how anybody could think that Higgins is a better left back than Holt. Probably if Durnan hadn't been sent off against Raith, Higgins would still be at left back. However, he now has an excuse to leave Durnan out again.

I think Holt being dropped was an attempt to improve our set-piece defending. I think originally, thats part of the reason McGuffie got the nod ahead of Mitchell too

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I think Holt being dropped was an attempt to improve our set-piece defending. I think originally, thats part of the reason McGuffie got the nod ahead of Mitchell too

Maybe just maybe we should have signed a Goalkeeper with presence that would come off his line and boss his 6 yard box. Then we wouldn't gave a prob defending set pieces with holt & Mitch playing, although to be fair Guff hasn't done much wrong at right back.
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Don't like to praise players too much before I have seen them in a run of games but McWatts faith in Kevin Dz does not look displaced either. Youth and energy added to midfield to increase competition for places.

I saw a real footballing brain and an ability to read the game and see a pass coupled with good skills and energy. I am glad he has started so promisingly. I have to eat my words about young McShane however. He has been a real stand out in the last couple of games and am delighted to see him doing well

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Maybe just maybe we should have signed a Goalkeeper with presence that would come off his line and boss his 6 yard box. Then we wouldn't gave a prob defending set pieces with holt & Mitch playing, although to be fair Guff hasn't done much wrong at right back.

Ive made my opinion of the keeper and the situation around signing him clear before. Safe to say, I agree with you

I saw a real footballing brain and an ability to read the game and see a pass coupled with good skills and energy. I am glad he has started so promisingly. I have to eat my words about young McShane however. He has been a real stand out in the last couple of games and am delighted to see him doing well

This x 2

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The talk had been about freshening up the team so you just knew that JM would start the same team as Wednesday night. The elder statesmen of the team , McGuffie , Young and Lyle gave every last little thing they had the other night and were absolutely knackered , done in. Why oh why and why again ?

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8 points from 7 games, 4 of the games at home.

Gus had 7 points from 7 games, 3 of the games at home.

We've taken 1 point from 2 games at home against part-timers. We are below Alloa and Dumbarton, after finishing 25 points ahead of Alloa last season.

However, it is a much tougher league and we are playing far better teams, so we shouldn't be expecting anything better. If this is where we are after the changes McIntyre has made, presumably we'd be much worse off if he hadn't made them.

The reality is he has brought in a keeper who is far from good enough (not to blame yesterday) and royally fecked up a good team. If you keep losing games and dropping points to teams that you have better players than, something is seriously wrong.

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I've decided to give the Dumbarton match thread a bodyswerve because if it's anything like the atmosphere at the game today, I'll probably end up wanting to kill myself.

There was a really horrible, poisonous atmosphere on the terracing yesterday, with some of the worst shouts I have ever heard at a football match.

I was queuing at the pie stall for the first goal and had to put up with some idiot screaming in my ear somehow berating Antell for the goal.

Then there was the guy going positively ape-shit about the fact the referee had the cheek to allow an injured Dumbarton player to receive treatment. Baffling.

The winner though was the chap screaming at McIntyre to "make some fucking changes" about 10 minutes after we'd made our third substitution.

All in all it was a pretty unpleasant Saturday afternoon despite the glorious sunshine.

As for the actual game, it was more of the same really. The familiar pattern of dominant possession, missed chances and slack defending. It's highly frustrating, but I'm not feeling dejected yet. Obviously on the scale of things, losing goals and not scoring them leave you in grave danger as a football team. This collection and the manager don't have the same hallmarks as the Macpherson team though. That team lacked bottle and ability, with the manager sharing those attributes, particularly the latter. We know this squad has ability, and I don't think they are lacking in bottle either. I get the feeling we're very close to being okay, my greatest concern is I'm not entirely sure what it is that's missing to turn these results around.

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I'll give him a clue what might be wrong.

1/ The formation

2/ Team selection

3/ The guy that stands in the goal.

He can take it from there.

The formation gets a lot of undue criticism because it's not the beloved 4-4-2, we've been unlucky in the games we've lost and could very easily have gone in our favour.

The team selection is fine, McGuffie has been playing pretty well and warrants his place, The two centre halves have been good so Durnan will struggle to get in after his foolish sending off, who warranted dropping in the midfield after Wednesday, they are paid athletes so they should be fit enough after a proper recovery, Derek Lyle has been in the form of his life and Paton and Russell are scoring goals as well. What would be your starting Line up then?

He's not as good as previous keepers so what? Robinson was crap at crosses too but made up for it by making brilliant saves. Antell has kept us in some games too. he is being made the scapegoat because they'd rather blame him than "Fans Favorites", while hoping he makes a slight error so they can slag him off some more.

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The formation gets a lot of undue criticism because it's not the beloved 4-4-2, we've been unlucky in the games we've lost and could very easily have gone in our favour.

The team selection is fine, McGuffie has been playing pretty well and warrants his place, The two centre halves have been good so Durnan will struggle to get in after his foolish sending off, who warranted dropping in the midfield after Wednesday, they are paid athletes so they should be fit enough after a proper recovery, Derek Lyle has been in the form of his life and Paton and Russell are scoring goals as well. What would be your starting Line up then?

He's not as good as previous keepers so what? Robinson was crap at crosses too but made up for it by making brilliant saves. Antell has kept us in some games too. he is being made the scapegoat because they'd rather blame him than "Fans Favorites", while hoping he makes a slight error so they can slag him off some more.

That`s a lot of players playing well in a team that aint winning very often is it not. Edited by Distant Doonhamer
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