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The Very Meh Humza Yousaf Thread.


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The Scottish Labour Party would do well to refrain from taking too much for granted here; all the reasons that I completely stopped voting Labour are still valid and folk of a certain age would do well to recall why Labour were all but eviscerated in Scotland - anyone who thinks that UK Labour is about to radically shift the dial just hasn't been paying attention.  It's still about monarchy, missiles and big business interests for these guys.

But this is a full-blown crisis for the SNP and no mistake, and Swinney will be no more than a caretaker leader.  It's also a full-blown crisis for the cause of Scottish independence as we now have the strange dichotomy of a sizeable part of the electorate still seeking it and the political body charged with pursuing it lying like a burst ba' in the corner.  Something will have to give, and it may be that out of office the SNP can somehow regroup, or preferably be replaced with a nascent left-of-centre party composed of capable politicians attuned to the electorate and the magnitude of the task. 


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38 minutes ago, VictorOnopko said:

If there's one person who can end this phase of hysteria and turbulence, and tread some water by imposing some droning, tedious inertness instead, it's this guy.

Some may call him a technocrat - I'd say he is a boring fud.




Also came across as a voter-repellent weirdo in his first spell as leader (2000/04). Will be very surprised if he is anything more than a caretaker as his first spell in office was, at best, bruising.


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12 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

The Scottish Labour Party would do well to refrain from taking too much for granted here; all the reasons that I completely stopped voting Labour are still valid and folk of a certain age would do well to recall why Labour were all but eviscerated in Scotland - anyone who thinks that UK Labour is about to radically shift the dial just hasn't been paying attention.  It's still about monarchy, missiles and big business interests for these guys.

But this is a full-blown crisis for the SNP and no mistake, and Swinney will be no more than a caretaker leader.  It's also a full-blown crisis for the cause of Scottish independence as we now have the strange dichotomy of a sizeable part of the electorate still seeking it and the political body charged with pursuing it lying like a burst ba' in the corner.  Something will have to give, and it may be that out of office the SNP can somehow regroup, or preferably be replaced with a nascent left-of-centre party composed of capable politicians attuned to the electorate and the magnitude of the task. 


Yes, the SNP and the Independence movement are two separate entities but only a fool would suggest that the likely success of the latter is not highly dependent upon the former.  I fail to understand anyone who supports Independence enjoying the, albeit self-inflicted, problems of the SNP.


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21 minutes ago, D Angelo Barksdale said:

Where's the next manager thread, or are we just bumping the old one ?

Yogi incoming!?

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11 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

The Scottish Labour Party would do well to refrain from taking too much for granted here; all the reasons that I completely stopped voting Labour are still valid and folk of a certain age would do well to recall why Labour were all but eviscerated in Scotland - anyone who thinks that UK Labour is about to radically shift the dial just hasn't been paying attention.  It's still about monarchy, missiles and big business interests for these guys.   

I don't think Labour could be confident of getting the most seats and I can't see how they get to government (in Scotland) any time soon.

I understand why Sarwar has to push the bring on an election line, I'd expect that of any opposition party in the same situation, but the '17 years of failure' line is embarrassing thing to say given the election results in that period.

For the SNP being in power for 17 years straight is a long time, and not having a spell as opposition to refocus and rebuild kind of leads them to looking a bit tired, especially as Sturgeon and Salmond who were talented leaders are away. However, I can't see independence voters changing parties, so not sure how the SNP manage to lose. 

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41 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

Listen tae this fud scratching around for relevance. Tory lite kunts......



He should do another dance to get people listening to him. Might not feed into his argument there about serious leadership, but it’s the only thing I can remember him doing.

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Swinney's reputation for technocratic competence seems to mostly come from being a bald centrist who wears glasses rather than anything he's actually done in politics.

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3 hours ago, JS_FFC said:

Kate Forbes case an interesting one. Clearly her religion means that she holds personal socially conservative views on issues like abortion, gay marriage and the trans debate. There are some people within the SNP and outside of it who consider that should prevent her from ever leading the country, even though she hasn’t actually proposed to implement any socially conservative policies (to my knowledge). I think they’ll end up convincing Swinney to do it until the general election and then hold a proper contest after that. 

Kate Forbes believes in conversion therapy.  She’s also aloof, largely unlikable and pretty much unapproachable in her constituency.   But really, her campaign should stop at the end of the first sentence. Irrespective of whether she proposes it or not.  

John Swinney is the Derek Adams of the Indy movement.  

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Are we thinking that most folk just aren't aware of Forbes' views/abilities and think she looks like a nice lassie, but they'll be in for a shock if she takes over?

Ash Regan permanently looks like someone took a shit on her porch and she's not impressed by how the polis are handling it, so that's probably what scuppered her.

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There's nothing like a man who was shit at the job over 20 years ago to turn SNP fortunes around 🙂

Whoever gets the gig should tell the greenies to do one, they've proven themselves to be unreliable and shout fascist at anyone further right than Karl Marx. Get the Lib Dems on board 🙂


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11 minutes ago, BFTD said:

Are we thinking that most folk just aren't aware of Forbes' views/abilities and think she looks like a nice lassie, but they'll be in for a shock if she takes over?

Ash Regan permanently looks like someone took a shit on her porch and she's not impressed by how the polis are handling it, so that's probably what scuppered her.

That's exactly it. There's a lot of people, many who'll even think themselves leftwing, just hear she's better for independence and roads or something like that. And that's enough for them.

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Humza Yousaf’s government passed a law that says that no one under the age of 18 can be put in a prison/young offenders institute even if they commit murder, rape etc. One of the most horrific calculated acts ive ever known was committed by someone who at 16 under this legislation wouldn’t be in a prison or YOI to keep the public safe despite showing no remorse and clear attempts to hide the crime, unspeakable evil, Natalie Don, the childrens minister stood up in parliament and boasted about this. Its also now ‘being in conflict with the law’ instead of being involved in criminality. There are legal loopholes which the government is aware of in other acts which they ignore, despite again them putting the public at risk.  

The policies of this SNP government and the performance of the SNP at all levels (except id argue at Westminster where Flynn seems to do a good job) are failing the public, they don’t learn from mistakes, they double down, things arent getting better, under them for the last 17 years, the NHS is failing, legal system broken, the ferry fiasco, honestly we need a break from them. 

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