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Raith v Morton

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For what it’s worth the commentary team (who have the benefit of replays) admitted that the first penalty should not have been given. They did allude to the number of fouls being committed by Morton which dragged Raith into that style of play also. 

I honest couldn’t be arsed with watching that all season though. Proper gang. 

Well done Rovers

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Aye, I'm not even sure Kev is an upgrade on Robbie Thomson to be honest, never mind Mcdonald.

I didn't expect him to be better than McDonald,  it's fairly clear we are trying to use funds elsewhere, but I'm a bit underwhelmed so far.

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Have to add - Muirhead trying to shithouse the home end when he scored, sorry bud, your still getting beat 2-1, wrong time to do it ya fucking belter 🤣

Edit - if VirginTon actually was at the game I hope you had a slow and unpleasant journey home. 

Edited by keyser_soze
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I was watching on Raith Tv today. It wasn’t a penalty. I actually think that’s what changed the game a bit. Morton players became incensed by the decision and the game became a bit ‘agricultural’. Thankfully with players like Watson, Murray, Brown and perhaps Byrne in the side, we can give as good as we get now.

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A few thoughts:

Big Kev will improve with time, he’s not nearly the worst in the league already, so I think we’ll be OK…especially with Robbie working with him.

Hamilton is an excellent addition at the defensive end on set pieces, seems to often be the head on/under the ball. I’m not sure it was a total coincidence the second Morton goal came just after we subbed him off.

Ross is a revelation now that his health issues seem resolved. And IM seems to have found an ideal role for him already, a mid to late game sub to absolutely destroy a weary defence.

We’re still having a bit of trouble in front of the goal mouth, but it was much less worrisome today than last year.

I don’t think Vaughan is an automatic starter anymore.

With regard to Morton, a physical team who seemed to get more and more frustrated with a referee who lost control. The SPFL has said you can’t crowd refs this year, but it’s exactly what they did, and got away with…it will be interesting to see if that changes over the year. Jamma will keep them in some games.

The first penalty was, at best, very soft.

I’m also amazed no one got sent off.

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12 minutes ago, TxRover said:

A few thoughts:

Big Kev will improve with time, he’s not nearly the worst in the league already, so I think we’ll be OK…especially with Robbie working with him.


Big Kev gave me the fear at times today, kicking was at best woeful and command of the 6 yard box was non existent. 

Edited by keyser_soze
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Agree re: Vaughan, TX. I think Byrne and Brown at the base of midfield with Connolly one side, Mullin on the other and Stanton in the 10 is our strongest midfield, when everyone is fit. Extremely harsh on Vaughan and Easton, but an incredibly good problem to have. I can’t recall another squad in my time following the club having such depth. 

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5 minutes ago, keyser_soze said:

Big Kev gave me the fear at times today, kicking was at best woeful and command of the 6 yard box was non existent. 

And he also got us through to the Cup match next week…just saying…

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really really strange that Raith fans seem rattled by us considering they won the game 🤣. Before having a go at the opposing team try looking at your own players first. Lewis Vaughan with the most blatant act of cheating I’ve seen in a while. Complete dive.

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18 minutes ago, TxRover said:

Big Kev will improve with time, he’s not nearly the worst in the league already, so I think we’ll be OK…especially with Robbie working with him.

Yeah he’ll get better.  He’s got his weak points but that was always going to be the case bringing in a younger keeper.  No doubts that Robbie will be well aware Kevs kicking is an area he needs to improve on and quickly. All this is why it was so important to get two experienced CBs in front of him.  

A young keeper with two experienced CBs in front of him you can work with.  But having a young keeper with an equally young CB pairing in front of him would have been a disaster.


Also think after today that Millen will be making sure the ball boys know what’s expected of them.  He was not impressed with them quickly chucking the balls to Morton players for throw ins and corners.

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Thought that was a fairly entertaining game today. 5 goals, some, decent football and the game had an edge to it. Read a lot about Morton being overly physical, a gang etc but I'd say both teams were quite physical and gave and recieved some tasty challenges. Could argue that both teams were lucky to end the game with 11 men although  I do think the referee ruined the game and was too keen to give out bookings and stop the game.

Raiths first goal was a good move and finish, second was a very soft penalty imo. Big Muirheads goal was a cracking cross and a bullet header. Then we went from the joy of getting level to Broadfoot making a rip roaring c**t of it on the halfway line which ended with a great finish from the Raith player. Unsure if the second pen was the correct decision or not as it was uo the other end of the pitch but a great save from MacDonald.

Could argue a point a piece may have been fair but given the way we defended today we didn't deserve anything. I do think we looked very lethargic today and played too many square passes. Don't think Dobrowski had a save to make. Glaringly obvious that we need a right back and big Baird fit. Also wouldn't mind another option in midfield to challenge blues and power (both who I thought were shaky today) and Gillespie who I noticed didn't come off the bench at all today despite being named as a sub. Also concerning that Quitongo came off again.


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7 minutes ago, Mr.Blue said:

Unsure if the second pen was the correct decision or not as it was uo the other end of the pitch but a great save from MacDonald.

It looked a clear trip on the replay, and I was shocked it wasn’t a card. Mullin took a poor penalty and Jamma got a trailing leg on it. It was an experienced save.

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19 minutes ago, DaftTon74 said:

really really strange that Raith fans seem rattled by us considering they won the game 🤣. Before having a go at the opposing team try looking at your own players first. Lewis Vaughan with the most blatant act of cheating I’ve seen in a while. Complete dive.

It’s just really satisfying seeing a team with Broadfoot, Quitongo and Muirhead in the XI get beat. You’ll not find a more unlikeable trio in any team in Scotland. Can’t wait to see Vaughan’s dive. 

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9 minutes ago, Hank Scorpio said:

It’s just really satisfying seeing a team with Broadfoot, Quitongo and Muirhead in the XI get beat. You’ll not find a more unlikeable trio in any team in Scotland. Can’t wait to see Vaughan’s dive. 

Big George doing his best to make it a quartet😍

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1 minute ago, Mr.Blue said:

Big George doing his best to make it a quartet😍

He’s quite the p***k, too. You’re right. See if Morton fans just embraced the big rough b*****ds image, I think folk would respect them a bit more. It’s this whole ‘hard done by by the refs’ pish that folk can’t stand. 

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2 hours ago, montheton11 said:

Yes tells us the refs don't  like us much.  However I'm sure your players just got a yellow for  headbutting one of our players . Also If you own admittance stated probs half were not yellow worthy then your 11 don't stack up. Weirdo

I wish Google Translate had a 'seething weegie' option. 

Morton were an absolute gang. Trying to hack, dive and manipulate the ref on their way to a result. 

Pleasing that it got them absolutely nowhere. 

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30 minutes ago, DaftTon74 said:

really really strange that Raith fans seem rattled by us considering they won the game 🤣. Before having a go at the opposing team try looking at your own players first. Lewis Vaughan with the most blatant act of cheating I’ve seen in a while. Complete dive.

Don't think its rattled at all, to be fair none of us really saw the penalty up close, it was at the other end of the ground. If it was a dive, thats disappointing and poor. I think whats got a lot of people annoyed today was just the overall goings on in the match and its perpetuated by the absolute dross served up by the referee in terms of keeping it under control. Quitongo's lunge on Dick was awful, unnecessary and to be fair, not surprising with him. The ref should have pulled play back for the foul he committed on Murray on his way through. Similar with McGrattan throwing the ball at Byrne, that should have been a red had the referee had a spine. 

To Mortons credit, they're very good at what they do, and thats disrupt other teams ability to play their game and take advantage of that to a high level. A horrible team to play against, and thats a compliment. At times it can be like today and really not fun to watch or it could be like Ayr last week and you get a good result out of it. 

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Just now, Hank Scorpio said:

He’s quite the p***k, too. You’re right. See if Morton fans just embraced the big rough b*****ds image, I think folk would respect them a bit more. It’s this whole ‘hard done by by the refs’ pish that folk can’t stand. 

The ref was rancid today.

I can see why some of our fans dont buy the 'hammerthrowers' tag. I don't mind the team getting stuck in and doing the dirty work if it's effective as well as playing decent football. It doesnt happen all the time but as we showed against ayr last week it can get us points.

I do think we need to be more savvy if we are to get involved in battles like today


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