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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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29 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Shortly? Its 09:15am ya bam!!!

It's my birthday next week so normal rules are out the window. Plan to get work wrapped up by 11. Then have a "romantic" weekend with missus tomorrow and Sunday, work Monday then off for more festivities on Tuesday. Growing old disgracefully. 

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On the A90 at Ellon there are two signs 100m apart. One says 'Old Meldrum' and the other says 'Oldmeldrum'.


Even if both are acceptable (which it's not), then it should be consistent at the very least.


Stella isn't much stronger than other beers. Most regular lagers are about 5%. Stella is 5.2%.


There must be some reason behind it. I'm fine with the occasional sesh on Stella, yet half the volume of Staropramen will almost always give me a nasty hangover.



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I do something that gets on my own nerves.
For years when fuelling up my car I've always tried to get it to stop right on £10.00 or £20.00 as these are the notes I have in my wallet and usually don't have change to pay if I go over by a few pence and don't fancy breaking a tenner or a twenty just to get landed with a load of pocket smash. However, since the advent of the payment card it doesn't really matter if you stop a few pence over or under, yet I can't seem to break the habit of trying to get the pump to stop dead on the £. I always remember that it doesn't matter as soon as I've finished fuelling.
Condensing my lifetime weed smoking quota into a few years in my late teens definitely fucked my memory. 

You do realise that those purple, blue, red, yellow and if you're lucky, green notes in your wallet mean you now live in [emoji1037]?
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I can't be the only one reading this as an attractive lassie desperately trying to find feeble excuses to spend time with her cynical, brooding, and (apparently) oblivious co-worker.
Throw the girl a bone, FFS.

Could be that. My first thought was that she's dyslexic.

I had a guy sitting next to me who used to ask me to check his e-mails before he sent them. They were just fucking gibberish, so I had to ask him what he was trying to say, then re-write the e-mails for him before sending.

However, your unrequited love angle is definitely more likely. He should definitely try it on. HR will probably be understanding.
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1 hour ago, Eednud said:

You do realise that those purple, blue, red, yellow and if you're lucky, green notes in your wallet mean you now live in emoji1037.png?

Yeah, Boghead Ranter pointed that out already you pair of pedantic c***s. It'll take me a few years to get used to it I reckon - I still call them quids which is why I get so many blank looks from shop staff before I realise my mistake. 

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8 minutes ago, Hedgecutter said:

Lollypop men / ladies (or whatever politically correct name they have now) who operate perfectly good pelican crossings for kids.

I mean, if you can't even operate a button that stops traffic dead for you then, well, you know...

I am not so sure.  A four year old might not know that you have to press the button first or you have to wait for the light to turn red for the traffic before you cross.
Also, some drivers are just plain stupid and do not slow down when they get near a pelican crossing - and maybe they would not spot a small child.

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6 hours ago, Rugster said:

It's not 5.2 any more, they brought it down a few years ago to 4.8%.

I only discovered this a couple of weeks back. It's no really an issue as I switched over to Peroni a good few years back :) 

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8 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

Stella is ace. Everything else a distant second.

Away wi yerself. It stinks. It actually stinks. The smell from the bottle is foul and it doesn't taste much better. 

8 hours ago, 8MileBU said:


Same here. f**k all wrong with a good cold pint of Tennents.


Tennents is pish as well! I'm not a snob by any means. I drink Tennents when I'm out but I'm under no illusions that it is a nice lager. Once you're halfway through the first pint you're used to it so it isn't an issue. Stella however...

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Why would you drink something you don't enjoy? I can't stand beer/lager and wouldn't drink one just because everyone else was. Even when I buy a pint of cider, if it's a rotten pint I'll not bother finishing it.

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12 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

Why would you drink something you don't enjoy? I can't stand beer/lager and wouldn't drink one just because everyone else was. Even when I buy a pint of cider, if it's a rotten pint I'll not bother finishing it.

I'm not a big drinker. I go through phases of drinking lager of heavy. Right now I'm in a lager phase. Tennents is everywhere and is generally reasonably priced. I'm not going to sit and pay over the odds for, granted, a nicer pint only to completely disregard the taste when you're finished the first one. 

If I want to sit sipping and savouring the taste of a good beer I'll buy one. If I'm out for a pint with a friend we're generally there to get a bit drunk and watch football. It serves a purpose. 

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6 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

Each to their own, but I'd pay more for something I enjoy rather than a wee bit less and not enjoy what I'm drinking.

I enjoy whiskey. 

I wouldn't make it past half time if I was merrily sooking that down!

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10 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Stella isn't much stronger than other beers. Most regular lagers are about 5%. Stella is 5.2%.

Standard lagers like Tennants, Carlsberg, Fosters etc are 4%. The stronger ones have more flavour but Tennants isn't as insipid as Carlsberg, say. Carlsberg Export used to be ok but I haven't seen it for a while. 

Edited by welshbairn
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