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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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1 minute ago, Hedgecutter said:

Braved a frozen garden earlier to put out some bird food and so far it seems that none of it has been touched. Replace the llama with sparrows and this is pretty much me just now:


They've probably all died from thirst.

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My neighbours 3yr old granddaughter and I spent over an hour building a couple of snowmen on the front green yesterday, only for some daft cow and her daughter to jump on them and flatten them earlier. c***s.

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My neighbours 3yr old granddaughter and I spent over an hour building a couple of snowmen on the front green yesterday, only for some daft cow and her daughter to jump on them and flatten them earlier. c***s.

Don't watch the short animated film called The Snowman. It may be the end of you.
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15 minutes ago, Unleash The Nade said:

Guys who buy button down collar shirts , but don’t button down the collar 


Not that much of a style faux pas is it?  I met a client today who wore cuff-links on a single-cuff shirt which is much worse.  I thought that had died out in the 1980s.

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1 minute ago, The_Kincardine said:

Not that much of a style faux pas is it?  I met a client today who wore cuff-links on a single-cuff shirt which is much worse.  I thought that had died out in the 1980s.

It is .

Wtf go to the bother of buying a button down shirt if you’re not going to button the collar?

Why not go the full hog and not button up the front of the shirt too ? 

Agree with your cuff link one.

I used to work beside a guy who did that !

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8 minutes ago, Unleash The Nade said:

It is .

Wtf go to the bother of buying a button down shirt if you’re not going to button the collar?

Why not go the full hog and not button up the front of the shirt too ? 

Agree with your cuff link one.

I used to work beside a guy who did that !

Most of my work shirts have spread-collars and are double-cuffed so I I seldom have your button dilemma.  I do have a couple of shirts with cuffs like this:


Would you fasten all three buttons?  I usually can't be arsed.

Maybe we should have a collar and cuff debate...

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1 minute ago, The_Kincardine said:

Most of my work shirts have spread-collars and are double-cuffed so I I seldom have your button dilemma.  I do have a couple of shirts with cuffs like this:


Would you fasten all three buttons?  I usually can't be arsed.

Maybe we should have a collar and cuff debate...

Has to be all 3 fastened

 Respect the button !

Edited by Unleash The Nade
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13 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

This Facebook page; https://www.facebook.com/Bring-back-a-16-Team-SPL-249023147562/

There never was a 16 team SPL, so how can it be brought back? You can't bring back something that never existed.

Then how come Sevco have 5 stars above the logo on their strip?

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30 minutes ago, Tynieness said:

c***s that take their mutts to pick up the kids at school gates.  Leave them in the house or learn to control them properly.

I detest the school run.

Wankers with 4x4 vehicles, arseholes that take their coffee cups, the psuedo poshies dressed in their finest attire, the twats who go in their gym gear before their pilates pish, the insincere shite that's discussed by two faced cows you hear gossiping about the lady they have just been talking too.

It's dreadful.

I don't have kids and have never had to do a school run but the street I need to drive along from my parents house to my flat has two schools on it and on occasion I've been passing before 2pm, I'm honestly shocked at the number of people sat in their cars staring at their phones. They actually sit there for more than an hour so that they can get a space near the front gate? What the f**k is that all about? The number of 4x4's is increasing too, all driven by women who have zero perception of how wide their daft big car is and park about 8 feet from the kerb. Fucking c***s the lot of them.

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