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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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1 hour ago, DiegoDiego said:

See also: folk who get up to stand at the carriage doors ten minutes before arrival at Haymarket to then block the exit as they're not actually alighting until Waverley.

Is this still about travel?

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1 hour ago, DiegoDiego said:

See also: folk who get up to stand at the carriage doors ten minutes before arrival at Haymarket to then block the exit as they're not actually alighting until Waverley.

^ ^ ^ Gets off at Haymarket!😉

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7 hours ago, BFTD said:

I've had a sore head for the past couple of weeks, on and off, and haven't been sleeping well as a result, which is making the headache worse. Reached the point where I absolutely cannot be arsed doing anything and I can't wait for the holidays to arrive.

Also, sending parcels to the EU has been an absolute lottery since July, as the Royal Mail haven't sorted their documentation to the satisfaction of the EU's "new" VAT regulations. Just had another parcel kicked back by Irish customs - apparently writing "VAT Paid - here's the IOSS number" on the box isn't enough. Royal Mail just give automatic refunds and their helpline quite cheerfully admits that they haven't updated their parcel labels yet. They've only known this was coming for more than a year, FFS.

Gosh, it's almost as if Brexit had been a clusterfuck or something

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8 hours ago, tamthebam said:

Gosh, it's almost as if Brexit had been a clusterfuck or something

This is sort-of Brexit, but also not really. It's an issue with new EU rules (which have now been enforced for almost six months) on payment of VAT on imported goods. Anything bought from outside the EU has to be supplied with the proper shipping documentation to prove the VAT has been paid. Sometimes you get away with writing the proper numbers on the box yourself; sometimes not. Seems like a lot of it is automated, so if a machine somewhere doesn't see the correct info on your label, it's getting turned back at customs.

Other couriers have managed to include the correct information, but not Royal Mail yet. Worse, they know this is an issue, but give no warning that sending a parcel into the EU with them is a toss-up.

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20 hours ago, red23 said:

So just returned from travels, something about holidays turns people to morons.


No idea why, but holidays just seem to induce some condition involving a sudden and complete lack of spacial awareness along with a temporary drop in IQ.

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20 hours ago, red23 said:

So just returned from travels, something about airports turns people to morons.

  • Standing as close to the baggage reclaim as possible, completely blocking vision and access for everyone else. 
  • People holding up the queue at security by collecting their stuff/putting things back on on the belt rather than taking their box elsewhere and doing so.
  • People who still race to be first on to the plane, the best thing airlines ever did was board the plane by zone, but then still try get on anyway.
  • Got on plane, someone in my seat, argues this is his seat, turns out it wasn't and he just sat wherever he fancied.
  • Was in the business lounge on my return journey, was a queue for a table in the restaurant area, where you can have a full meal. Some woman in a massive panic comes running up full tilt to the attendant saying she has a flight to catch in 30 minutes so must skip the queue (of about 10 people) Rather than accept she won't have time and should really be heading to gate, kicks off a massive fuss screaming at the attendant to let her in. Now if she's on business class she will also get food on the plane so it's really not necessary. 
  • People playing music/games/watching a film using the speaker on the phone during the flight. Some boy watching the Celtic highlights full blast in the seat in front of me, how can someone be such a c**t?
  • AND probably the worst one for me, people who pull themselves up off their seat on the plane using the back of your seat rather than push themselves up off their own seat.

There are many more but won't go on 🤣

• Short people (not me) who recline their seat back into the space of tall people (me)

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Just now, Boghead ranter said:

• Short people (not me) who recline their seat back into the space of tall people (me)

On this related note, this is why I stand wherever I want at gigs, and knock back any requests to let shorter giggers get in front of me to see.  I'll start standing further back at gigs when shortarses stop reclining seats on planes, thank you.

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12 minutes ago, Boghead ranter said:

• Short people (not me) who recline their seat back into the space of tall people (me)

I was on a flight years ago where a wee woman in front of me kept throwing herself backwards in an attempt to recline her seat through my knees. After some extended glaring from her husband, they called a stewardess and feigned stupidity as to why the seat wouldn't recline. The stewardess pointed out that she had a tall gentleman behind her, and she wouldn't be able to recline her seat as a result, which she found quite outrageous.

Not a word was said to me directly during this whole procedure; I got the impression that they weren't used to flying with the plebs in the cheap seats.

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1 minute ago, Snafu said:

Cats are using my garden as a toilet its been going on for a while but has got a lot worse in the last couple of months. I worked hard tidying up the garden only for this to get worse. It's horrible, I never see them do it and I don't know about it for days later as I go to work in the dark and come home in the dark.

Solutions - anything bought from a shop is a waste of time and money as the cats get used to it. Can't put down citrus, pepper, curry powder as the weather is too wet. Maybe some plants in borders like lavender which is said to be unpleasant to cats. Either that or will have no choice but to pave everything over, but I don't want to be dictated or have no choice to on how I should have my garden.

I'll put this to the wise of P&B for a solution. No violent solutions please.

The cats keep coming in because they've marked it as theirs and there's nobody/nothing to tell them otherwise. Get your own cat and let it defend your territory. That's not violent, that's just nature.

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3 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Cats are using my garden as a toilet its been going on for a while but has got a lot worse in the last couple of months. I worked hard tidying up the garden only for this to get worse. It's horrible, I never see them do it and I don't know about it for days later as I go to work in the dark and come home in the dark.

Solutions - anything bought from a shop is a waste of time and money as the cats get used to it. Can't put down citrus, pepper, curry powder as the weather is too wet. Maybe some plants in borders like lavender which is said to be unpleasant to cats. Either that or will have no choice but to pave everything over, but I don't want to be dictated or have no choice to on how I should have my garden.

I'll put this to the wise of P&B for a solution. No violent solutions please.

Try a motion activated sprinkler.

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11 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Cats are using my garden as a toilet its been going on for a while but has got a lot worse in the last couple of months. I worked hard tidying up the garden only for this to get worse. It's horrible, I never see them do it and I don't know about it for days later as I go to work in the dark and come home in the dark.

Solutions - anything bought from a shop is a waste of time and money as the cats get used to it. Can't put down citrus, pepper, curry powder as the weather is too wet. Maybe some plants in borders like lavender which is said to be unpleasant to cats. Either that or will have no choice but to pave everything over, but I don't want to be dictated or have no choice to on how I should have my garden.

I'll put this to the wise of P&B for a solution. No violent solutions please.

A feline version of this launchpad will do the trick. This isn't violent, it's physics.


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1 hour ago, Snafu said:

Cats are using my garden as a toilet its been going on for a while but has got a lot worse in the last couple of months. I worked hard tidying up the garden only for this to get worse. It's horrible, I never see them do it and I don't know about it for days later as I go to work in the dark and come home in the dark.

Solutions - anything bought from a shop is a waste of time and money as the cats get used to it. Can't put down citrus, pepper, curry powder as the weather is too wet. Maybe some plants in borders like lavender which is said to be unpleasant to cats. Either that or will have no choice but to pave everything over, but I don't want to be dictated or have no choice to on how I should have my garden.

I'll put this to the wise of P&B for a solution. No violent solutions please.

I also have the same issue they are digging up my lawn and then, badly, burying their shite.

Not a huge issue in the winter but going to be annoying come the summer. I was thinking about getting lion manure apparently that works.

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4 minutes ago, 101 said:

I also have the same issue they are digging up my lawn and then, badly, burying their shite.

Not a huge issue in the winter but going to be annoying come the summer. I was thinking about getting lion manure apparently that works.

Heard of the lion manure thing as well, don't know how easy it is to acquire though.

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10 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

Heard of the lion manure thing as well, don't know how easy it is to acquire though.

Apparently you can get it online.

5 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Cat's have never seen a lion, we've never seen a Balrog or know what it really looks like.

Can you imagine what picture forms in a cats mind when getting a whiff of lion shit?

They probably just have some chemical memory that something that can kill them is around.

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1 hour ago, 101 said:

I also have the same issue they are digging up my lawn and then, badly, burying their shite.

Not a huge issue in the winter but going to be annoying come the summer. I was thinking about getting lion manure apparently that works.

Keeps the elephants away, too.

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