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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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When you're working on one thing and have to stop yourself jumping around to other things in the middle of it. I need to tell myself "one thing at a time!" multiple times a day at work. Irritating brain.

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11 hours ago, Swarley said:

20 years, man and boy. Hardest game in the World. 

Clearly I must be doing something right as nothing I've worked on has been described as "deprecated". 

First time I came across the concept of deprecation within software was working with Java around 2000. I remember some API classes and methods being deprecated in favour of newer alternatives, and I didn’t think about it too much at the time; but a few years later I remember thinking “What are the actual implications, and will the use of the deprecated APIs mean that code breaks in future JVMs?” Even then, I only considered it because we were putting out product versions in parallel, with different lengths of support.

I don’t think it has ever been properly understood by most software engineers, just because it’s a weak “probably don’t use this…” hint - so there’s no immediate proscription, and the existing code base won’t generally be revisited for preventative maintenance, nor will new code completely avoid the deprecated resources if doing so takes any significant additional effort.

Generally, I think that “obsolescent” (ideally with a published timescale) would be more helpful in practice - in the same way that’s done with software aimed at users rather than developers. But I suppose that “deprecated” is technically more correct; which is, of course, the best kind of correct.


”deprecated” seems… unsatisfying.

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12 minutes ago, sugna said:

First time I came across the concept of deprecation within software was working with Java around 2000. I remember some API classes and methods being deprecated in favour of newer alternatives, and I didn’t think about it too much at the time; but a few years later I remember thinking “What are the actual implications, and will the use of the deprecated APIs mean that code breaks in future JVMs?” Even then, I only considered it because we were putting out product versions in parallel, with different lengths of support.

I don’t think it has ever been properly understood by most software engineers, just because it’s a weak “probably don’t use this…” hint - so there’s no immediate proscription, and the existing code base won’t generally be revisited for preventative maintenance, nor will new code completely avoid the deprecated resources if doing so takes any significant additional effort.

Generally, I think that “obsolescent” (ideally with a published timescale) would be more helpful in practice - in the same way that’s done with software aimed at users rather than developers. But I suppose that “deprecated” is technically more correct; which is, of course, the best kind of correct.


”deprecated” seems… unsatisfying.

It's soul destroying to discover a function that does exactly what you're looking for, only to see it's deprecated and the modern way is to learn the syntax for a more complex family with hundreds of potential options  :(

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Not really petty, but when your late train misses your last available connection by a minute.  Would rather be half an hour later than just a minute tbh.

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28 minutes ago, Richey Edwards said:

GP practices cancelling your appointment at short notice and giving you another appointment fucking weeks away.


Funny. If you do that to them they usually charge you.

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There's a fridge magnet at my other half's maw's hoose that cheeses me off every time I go there.  Why you ask? Because it says:




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The wee, tiny freezer at the top of our wee, tiny fridge being so rammed that it gets left ever so slightly ajar overnight so it defrost the things at the front whilst simultaneously producing a load of ice  on it's wee tiny walls.

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Held up coming home from work today because the wee midget Tory PM can’t be inconvenienced by having to stop at a roundabout. 

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31 minutes ago, Newbornbairn said:

Settled down on the couch for the playoff game only to find there's no football on the BBC tonight. Thought they were covering the playoffs?

It's on Sky for some reason

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Social media ridiculous censorship.  These companies and their algorithms  know far more about me than any traditional media yet are constantly  trying to prevent any content have any sweary words or 'sensitive' content like I'm a 4 year old.

Meanwhile they have moderators ticking off openly abusive content as not conflicting their guidelines.  

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11 hours ago, parsforlife said:

Social media ridiculous censorship.  These companies and their algorithms  know far more about me than any traditional media yet are constantly  trying to prevent any content have any sweary words or 'sensitive' content like I'm a 4 year old.

Meanwhile they have moderators ticking off openly abusive content as not conflicting their guidelines.  

Quite right.

If you want to look up frotting or felching on social media, you should be able to do so with the benevolent hand of Elon Musk on your shoulder and happy thoughts of Mark Zuckerberg's face foremost in your mind. 

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13 hours ago, parsforlife said:

Social media ridiculous censorship.  These companies and their algorithms  know far more about me than any traditional media yet are constantly  trying to prevent any content have any sweary words or 'sensitive' content like I'm a 4 year old.

Meanwhile they have moderators ticking off openly abusive content as not conflicting their guidelines.  

I know. It's a f**king pain in the a*rse, the stupid w**king c**ts. Even on here you can't say John McVeigh is quite possibly a tit. 

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Virgin Media fault near the house meaning I've had to physically go into the office on a Friday. Rebooted my router about 40 times this morning to try connecting my laptop for work only to receive a text from Virgin about 9.40 saying there's a fault in the area. 

Their website is saying the fault might not be fixed until after 2pm tomorrow 🙄

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