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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Paying a few bills over the phone and the guy on the other end continually called me "mate" or "buddy" at the end of every sentence. Gets real annoying during a 5 minute call.Now I'm not agains bonhomie , but less is more!.Oh, he was a Geordie btw, this what they do?

I got moaned at by my boss for not building enough rapport with customers on the phone. Can I use for post for an example why it can piss off customers?

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Paying a few bills over the phone and the guy on the other end continually called me "mate" or "buddy" at the end of every sentence. Gets real annoying during a 5 minute call.Now I'm not agains bonhomie , but less is more!.Oh, he was a Geordie btw, this what they do?

Not as annoying as folk you use Americanisms like "real annoying".

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Not as annoying as folk you use Americanisms like "real annoying".

Not as annoying as folk who write sentences that make no sense

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This -


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Jane should be going to jail she is a menace on the roads with aggressive undertaking possibly mounting the kerb or driving in a bus lane also tail gating a scooter and honking the horn to get it to move is classed as reckless driving.
How do you save money by spending more money in their shops, what kind of evil logic is this?
Edited by CityDave
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Sigh. My twice-yearly trip to the dental hygienist is never fun, so I'd steeled myself for the usual bollocking as I sat in the waiting room. (I've mentioned previously I actually moved practices to get away from her, only to find she'd followed me to the new one).

Appointments are scheduled to last half an hour... 15 minute for the actual work, 10 minute lecture at the end, and presumably the final 5 minutes to floss her broomstick.

It started quite well. She was 10 minutes late in, which would surely mean that the 10 minutes lecture reserved would be cut short. I also turned on the charm early doors - after she remarked she'd been in the business 30 years, I enquired whether she started work when she was 5 years old.

When you go to a garage or a dry cleaners, you don't get lambasted for how you run your motor or how you treat your clothes. Even the doctor will politely suggest you cut down on the fags / booze / crystal meth and leave it at that. Yet the whole time she spent scaling and polishing, she was issuing dark warnings about the need for flossing (just for the record, I do do it - although apparently I'm doing it wrong). Another highlight was her jabbing my gums with what looked like a scalpel, then remarking "your gums are bleeding".

Then at the end, she said with a straight face "I'm afraid it's time to start nagging you". Cue another 10 minute belittling diatribe, including pictures of diseased gums and phrases like "you only get one set of teeth".

And just to cap off the misery, she declared "I'm booking you in for another appointment in three months time".
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Seriously, tell her to go f**k herself with a rabid badger. You're paying for a service, not a sermon.

I was tempted, but it's hard to with your mouth full, and once it's over, you're just wanting to get out of there.

But I am going to change practices again. Hopefully she won't follow me there too.

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Sigh. My twice-yearly trip to the dental hygienist is never fun, so I'd steeled myself for the usual bollocking as I sat in the waiting room. (I've mentioned previously I actually moved practices to get away from her, only to find she'd followed me to the new one).
Appointments are scheduled to last half an hour... 15 minute for the actual work, 10 minute lecture at the end, and presumably the final 5 minutes to floss her broomstick.
It started quite well. She was 10 minutes late in, which would surely mean that the 10 minutes lecture reserved would be cut short. I also turned on the charm early doors - after she remarked she'd been in the business 30 years, I enquired whether she started work when she was 5 years old.
When you go to a garage or a dry cleaners, you don't get lambasted for how you run your motor or how you treat your clothes. Even the doctor will politely suggest you cut down on the fags / booze / crystal meth and leave it at that. Yet the whole time she spent scaling and polishing, she was issuing dark warnings about the need for flossing (just for the record, I do do it - although apparently I'm doing it wrong). Another highlight was her jabbing my gums with what looked like a scalpel, then remarking "your gums are bleeding".
Then at the end, she said with a straight face "I'm afraid it's time to start nagging you". Cue another 10 minute belittling diatribe, including pictures of diseased gums and phrases like "you only get one set of teeth".
And just to cap off the misery, she declared "I'm booking you in for another appointment in three months time".

My hygenist, whilst not the utter boot yours sounds, used to generally give me a hard time about my flossing regime. This is most down to the fact that whilst my teeth are fine, they are very close together, overlapping in some cases, and the tartar builds up pretty quickly if i don't floss regularly.

I invested in one of those waterpik flossing thingumyjigs that floss your teeth with a thin jet of water. My next trip to the hygenist was met with a verbal pat on the head as to the improvement in the build up.

So if you want yours to shut the f**k up (and have really nice teeth) get yourself one of those things.

Edited by KnightswoodBear
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Sigh. My twice-yearly trip to the dental hygienist is never fun, so I'd steeled myself for the usual bollocking as I sat in the waiting room. (I've mentioned previously I actually moved practices to get away from her, only to find she'd followed me to the new one).
Appointments are scheduled to last half an hour... 15 minute for the actual work, 10 minute lecture at the end, and presumably the final 5 minutes to floss her broomstick.
It started quite well. She was 10 minutes late in, which would surely mean that the 10 minutes lecture reserved would be cut short. I also turned on the charm early doors - after she remarked she'd been in the business 30 years, I enquired whether she started work when she was 5 years old.
When you go to a garage or a dry cleaners, you don't get lambasted for how you run your motor or how you treat your clothes. Even the doctor will politely suggest you cut down on the fags / booze / crystal meth and leave it at that. Yet the whole time she spent scaling and polishing, she was issuing dark warnings about the need for flossing (just for the record, I do do it - although apparently I'm doing it wrong). Another highlight was her jabbing my gums with what looked like a scalpel, then remarking "your gums are bleeding".
Then at the end, she said with a straight face "I'm afraid it's time to start nagging you". Cue another 10 minute belittling diatribe, including pictures of diseased gums and phrases like "you only get one set of teeth".
And just to cap off the misery, she declared "I'm booking you in for another appointment in three months time".

Cardinal at the hygienist;


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In fairness to myself, my dentist told me my teeth were fine. There's no stains or owt on them, no pain, no bleeding (except when she stabbed me) etc. I'm not doubting there was a bit of decay and that, but it's not like I never floss!

Anyway - cheers for the advice KWB... I like the claim on their website that the thingymajig is apparently 9,350% more effective than dental floss! :thumsup2

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