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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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21 minutes ago, Bert Raccoon said:

I've never been called for jury duty but surely it's better than going to work unless you actually like your job?

You spend all day surrounded by utterly braindead morons in what can only be described as a disorganised shambles. But enough about my work...

ETA: The issue with being called for the High Court is that the case is almost a certainty to be 'bad'. Like a weightlifting injury or the Beast thread on here.

Edited by Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo
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1 hour ago, GordonD said:

If you actually served on the jury, it's five years. I was called up in April this year even though I was on a jury in November 2014. I filled in the form telling them and was excused. You'd think they would check that sort of thing before sending out the letters.

My sister's been called up every 5 years according to your information, according to her every fortnight. Anyway, she is a retired school teacher, her husband who has never been called is a retired IT guy for Scottish Power, and I'm a general layabout who also hasn't been called, but have always been on the electoral register. What kind of criteria do they go on when they decide who to call? I'm desperate to send some white collar criminal down.

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5 minutes ago, peasy23 said:

Slugs. Found a few on the kitchen floor lately, always in the middle of the floor and no hint of a trail to try and figure out what direction they came from. Do the wee feckers teleport themselves there?

Put an unbroken ring of salt round the edge of your kitchen, that'll show you where they're coming in.

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Folk who run for the bus and then just slow down as soon as the bus driver appears to be pulling over.

... unless the driver just thinks "f*** you lazy b**ch" and pulls away before they reach the stop, in which case it's just glorious to watch the resultant seething mess.

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Out of principal I never run for a bus, even if it were the lass bus out of Saigon I would still refuse to run towards out of principal.

I love seeing people marginally miss it, I have seen people shake their fists in a cartoon manner at busses after they have pulled out as well, great to see.

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Hordes of tourists who clog up pedestrian crossings by point blank refusing to cross the road on a red man, even if there is no sign of traffic in either direction.

Add to that hoards of tourists who suddenly come to a complete halt in the middle of the street to take multiple photos of the most mundane shit imaginable.
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Hordes of tourists who clog up pedestrian crossings by point blank refusing to cross the road on a red man, even if there is no sign of traffic in either direction.

I do this when teaching my weans how to cross the road. The weans are giving me a look like 'come on da there's clearly nae fucking traffic and pensioners are lapping us' but still...it's the done thing.

f**k tourists though, they've got no excuse.

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I got accosted by an American woman on Castle Street in Inverness a year or so back demanding to know where the castle was. I pointed out the large castle shaped building on the hill above her and she argued that I was mistaken and that it wasn't the castle. She then pointed at some rabbits on the grass and asked me if they were rabbits. I genuinely don't know if she was taking the piss or just an idiot.

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7 minutes ago, Cyclizine said:

I got accosted by an American woman on Castle Street in Inverness a year or so back demanding to know where the castle was. I pointed out the large castle shaped building on the hill above her and she argued that I was mistaken and that it wasn't the castle. She then pointed at some rabbits on the grass and asked me if they were rabbits. I genuinely don't know if she was taking the piss or just an idiot.

Missed opportunity there!

Real live haggis - easily mistaken for rabbits
.. and a haggis nest that looks just like a castle.

She would have been thrilled.

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2 minutes ago, Cyclizine said:

I got accosted by an American woman on Castle Street in Inverness a year or so back demanding to know where the castle was. I pointed out the large castle shaped building on the hill above her and she argued that I was mistaken and that it wasn't the castle. She then pointed at some rabbits on the grass and asked me if they were rabbits. I genuinely don't know if she was taking the piss or just an idiot.

Back in the day I was standing chatting at the stage door of the theatre I was working at on Leicester Square. An IRA bomb had gone off the night before, nobody hurt as I remember, and the Police were on their hands and knees looking for evidence. An American couple came up to me and asked what they were doing. I told them Princess Di had lost a contact lens. "Aw, that's cute."

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6 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

Missed opportunity there!

Real live haggis - easily mistaken for rabbits
.. and a haggis nest that looks just like a castle.

She would have been thrilled.

Then sell her a bridge.

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23 minutes ago, Cyclizine said:

I got accosted by an American woman on Castle Street in Inverness a year or so back demanding to know where the castle was. I pointed out the large castle shaped building on the hill above her and she argued that I was mistaken and that it wasn't the castle. She then pointed at some rabbits on the grass and asked me if they were rabbits. I genuinely don't know if she was taking the piss or just an idiot.

Didn't realise my MIL had been to Inverness. Once she was done with you, she'll have spent the day asking charity shop workers for background information on the donated goods.

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