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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Oh dear :(

He lost it a bit after scoring against Dumbarton away. I don't think he got the fans back on his side after that........ As I've said, I liked him and hope he does well, apar from when he plays us of course.

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The support will be fine for him as long as he tries and isn't awful. People moaning on here about our fans is more annoying than people actually moaning.

And now I'm moaning about people moaning about people moaning. Anyone want to moan about that?

My head hurts.

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If Baird is to go I just hope there is a team in England keeping tabs on him. How much did the Pars get from Crawley for Gibson?

Wouldn't like him to go to the Pars, getting money from them is like getting blood from a stone, they'd probably offer us a freindly at SP and we would end up fucking paying for him to go.

BTW, King Kenny will be straight in for him.

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Catch 22 for us. Yeah, we are skint and need the money. However, a guy like Baird could mean the difference between mid table and a relegation scrap. And good lord we don't want that.

We also dont want to go the way that Dundee, Livi and Dunfermline are going.

Things are tight but we're just about coping - and I'd rather we watch a poorer standard of football than go back to attempting to compete at a level that our fanbase can't support. I've watch a shite standard of football for most of the last 40 years - i can watch it some more..............

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not been on in a while , Give the Guy Graham a chance i say , and if baird wants to leave ill be gutted cause good player but then on other hand i think well f**k him doesnt want to play for the shirt and the club doesnt deserve to wear it !!

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I'm disappointed that he's come out and said he wants to leave purely because it puts the club at a disadvantage when it comes to negotiating any deal. Now, obviously that's fairly simplistic and any bidding club would almost certainly already be aware that he wants away, through his agent or whatever, but it can't do anything other than weaken the Rovers position when they're discussing any possible transfer fee.

He almost certainly has to leave the club now, because he's alienated himself from the support, and buying clubs know that. The Rovers have to sell.

I've got absolutely no problem with him wanting to leave and play at a higher level, though.

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I'm disappointed that he's come out and said he wants to leave purely because it puts the club at a disadvantage when it comes to negotiating any deal. Now, obviously that's fairly simplistic and any bidding club would almost certainly already be aware that he wants away, through his agent or whatever, but it can't do anything other than weaken the Rovers position when they're discussing any possible transfer fee.

He almost certainly has to leave the club now, because he's alienated himself from the support, and buying clubs know that. The Rovers have to sell.

I've got absolutely no problem with him wanting to leave and play at a higher level, though.

I'm a bit disappointed too, but I understand his position entirely. I haven't read Fantalk but I'm sure it'll be full of revisionists claiming they're happy for him to leave, he's a traitor and he was never all that good anyway, when in reality we should all be praying a team doesn't come in for him.

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I'm almost suspicious with the way things have developed, and I do wonder if he's been tapped up in some way.

I can understand him wanting to play at a higher level (no complaints - it's only a natural desire), but wasn't he saying that he'd be staying here next year not all that long ago?

Edited to add: FanTalk is indeed full of that sort of nonsense. Good riddance to Baird, and him and Tadé were poor, apparently. Absolute horse shit.

Edited by Michael W
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I too, am a little taken aback with Baird's quotes. In a post match interview this season he said the main reason for signing for Raith was the "security of the two year deal" and that the "gaffer has shown faith" in him by offering him such a deal. It would have been nice for Baird to get his head down and just focus on fufilling his contract until it ran out or some other team swooped and bought him. You never heard or read about Tade saying he wanted out in January and I wish Baird had done the same. If he does end up staying he could find himself a little bit alienated with some sections of the support, which would be a shame.

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Hey guys , Baird is doing what we would all do . As much as we love the Rovers the players don't . It's just a jersey to play in and pay the bills . If another jersey will pay more it's bye bye - harsh but true . Fans have to just cheer for the "jersey" no matter who is in it .

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can someone tell me what ive missed, as far as i was aware john bairds been honest with himeslf the club and the fans, what have we got to grudge him? hes not saying he wants away, he saying if the chance comes he feels he is ready to step up . His last interview ended with him saying "last season was great, i loved it" "i guess we willhave to wait and see what pre season brings" "will be hard to emulate what weve achieved"............

never read or heard him saying "i dont want to play for raith rovers"

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The support will be fine for him as long as he tries and isn't awful. People moaning on here about our fans is more annoying than people actually moaning.

And now I'm moaning about people moaning about people moaning. Anyone want to moan about that?

My head hurts.

I`ve been going to the Rovers for a hunner years and the only time i have booed was at Claude Anelka.....and surely that dont count....does it?:huh:

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Well if someone wants him they will have too! I dont think anyone will either though to be honest. A great player for us, but I cant see who would pay money for him.

I guess in an ideal world there would be a bit more player loyalty in the game.

Edited by CALDERON
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Well if someone wants him they will have too! I dont think anyone will either though to be honest. A great player for us, but I cant see who would pay money for him.

I guess in an ideal world there would be a bit more player loyalty in the game.

Dont think for one minute he has came out and said this without being told prior to what clubs etc are in for him his agent could have been doing the rounds months ago he must have been tapped no player would ever come out and say this without no contact imo

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I really hope they do - I think baird has done a good job but dont think I'm being harsh in thinking he is not SPL class. He has been one of the best forwards we have had in the last 10 years ish and if we could get cash for him after only one good year then great. His link up play is great but he is often drawn out of possition to collect and link the play and is not a in the box poacher (which is harder to find) but there has been plenty games where I have been not that impressed by his game. I think its a great opertunity for the club with his award of player of the year maybe helping suggest he is better than he is, helping lure an offer in. the club needs the money and baird will want to play at higest level bigger cash so its a win-all round as long as we get a decent replacement which will be possibly harder - if we lost baird, id be happy to have Andy Kirk,Mcmennamin, Cassa or K. Smith. Our midf is the weakest area - if we had better quality and faster attacking minded central midf we wouldnt need baird to drop in to link up the play. our only midf to do that is Walker - Id be interested to see how many goals baird scored with walker in c.midf compared to wide.

While he has done great for the club id rather get a little money for him now than get nothing next year. I would be surprised if anyone paid more than 30k for him!

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I really hope they do - I think baird has done a good job but dont think I'm being harsh in thinking he is not SPL class. He has been one of the best forwards we have had in the last 10 years ish and if we could get cash for him after only one good year then great. His link up play is great but he is often drawn out of possition to collect and link the play and is not a in the box poacher (which is harder to find) but there has been plenty games where I have been not that impressed by his game. I think its a great opertunity for the club with his award of player of the year maybe helping suggest he is better than he is, helping lure an offer in. the club needs the money and baird will want to play at higest level bigger cash so its a win-all round as long as we get a decent replacement which will be possibly harder - if we lost baird, id be happy to have Andy Kirk,Mcmennamin, Cassa or K. Smith. Our midf is the weakest area - if we had better quality and faster attacking minded central midf we wouldnt need baird to drop in to link up the play. our only midf to do that is Walker - Id be interested to see how many goals baird scored with walker in c.midf compared to wide.

While he has done great for the club id rather get a little money for him now than get nothing next year. I would be surprised if anyone paid more than 30k for him!

£30 k would be great for a player we signed for nada

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