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Some disgusting comments on here about Gemma Collins.
All from Throbber. 

If you look at the nudes she shared online she actually looks not too bad but then other pictures of her she looks atrocious. As a man who would shag a barbers floor I’m not 100% sure I would ride her if presented with the opportunity.
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Although I have a strange motion that they have the balls to do it, I can't help but hate beggers in a country like the UK. There's plenty opportunity to get yourself sorted out even from the lowest rung.
Some people just don't fucking want to. I've been close to complete rock bottom before but never would have contemplated giving in utterly.

I don't claim to be some kind of amazing person, or a role model or such like in the slightest, but I worked fucking hard to earn what I do and I don't see why I should help feed some no-effort, it-wasn't-my-fault arsehole more drugs, drink or fag money.

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I don't claim to be some kind of amazing person, or a role model or such like in the slightest, but I worked fucking hard to earn what I do and I don't see why I should help feed some no-effort, it-wasn't-my-fault arsehole more drugs, drink or fag money.

Standing outside the Subclub a few years ago, a tramp once asked me and my mate for money so he could buy a cup of tea. We asked him what it was really for and his reply was “cider and blues”
He got a fiver off each of us for his honesty.
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53 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

Although I have a strange motion that they have the balls to do it, I can't help but hate beggers in a country like the UK. There's plenty opportunity to get yourself sorted out even from the lowest rung.
Some people just don't fucking want to. I've been close to complete rock bottom before but never would have contemplated giving in utterly.

I don't claim to be some kind of amazing person, or a role model or such like in the slightest, but I worked fucking hard to earn what I do and I don't see why I should help feed some no-effort, it-wasn't-my-fault arsehole more drugs, drink or fag money.

Mmmm.  I’ve also worked fucking hard to have what I have but realise there are folk who can be in desperate straits through reasons, experiences and situations that I will never understand.

I’m grateful that I’ve never been in their position nor has any of my family.

It doesn’t mean I hand out money willy nilly but I’m not so judgemental.


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1 hour ago, Stellaboz said:

Although I have a strange motion that they have the balls to do it, I can't help but hate beggers in a country like the UK. There's plenty opportunity to get yourself sorted out even from the lowest rung.
Some people just don't fucking want to. I've been close to complete rock bottom before but never would have contemplated giving in utterly.

I don't claim to be some kind of amazing person, or a role model or such like in the slightest, but I worked fucking hard to earn what I do and I don't see why I should help feed some no-effort, it-wasn't-my-fault arsehole more drugs, drink or fag money.

Where does it rank on the Bristol Scale?

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7 hours ago, Stellaboz said:

Although I have a strange motion that they have the balls to do it, I can't help but hate beggers in a country like the UK. There's plenty opportunity to get yourself sorted out even from the lowest rung.
Some people just don't fucking want to. I've been close to complete rock bottom before but never would have contemplated giving in utterly.

I don't claim to be some kind of amazing person, or a role model or such like in the slightest, but I worked fucking hard to earn what I do and I don't see why I should help feed some no-effort, it-wasn't-my-fault arsehole more drugs, drink or fag money.

It's estimated that 20-25% of homeless people have severe mental illness, compared with 6% of the non-homeless. Other estimates suggest it could be as high as one third.

Lazy fuckers.

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On 27/08/2018 at 17:09, Stellaboz said:

Although I have a strange motion that they have the balls to do it, I can't help but hate beggers in a country like the UK. There's plenty opportunity to get yourself sorted out even from the lowest rung.
Some people just don't fucking want to. I've been close to complete rock bottom before but never would have contemplated giving in utterly.

I don't claim to be some kind of amazing person, or a role model or such like in the slightest, but I worked fucking hard to earn what I do and I don't see why I should help feed some no-effort, it-wasn't-my-fault arsehole more drugs, drink or fag money.

I hate people like you tbh.  It's the very definition of sanctimonious.  Its like Michael Jordan saying I'm really good at basketball so why can't everyone be?  People are different, circumstances are different, you're really just trying to justify being an arsehole imo.  One of the things that makes us human is compassion, people like you don't have much.

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I don't mind the police tbh-

They deal with the absolute worst of humanity on a daily basis. The wee fannies who've leathered their maw for a cigarette, weans who have been abused, junkies who are sitting in their own shite.
They take that on so that people like me can go about our lives and think decently about mankind.

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If you think the police are bad here try America. 

I find if you treat them with respect and don't argue they are ok. One thing though, and this is maybe the unpopular bit, is that most of the Scottish detectives and quite high up police on tv seem thick as f**k on camera. They should have posh accents like in the films. Check it out on the next STV news or reporting Scotland. 

"Aye well we are looking intae it ken"

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