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The Falkirk FC Thread

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How come there have been very few at the previous fan ownership meetings then? The interest isn't there.

That’s just ridiculous. Prior to those meetings their had been NO indication from the MSG they were willing to listen to any supporter investment. I attended the last one and if anything the mood from Martin Ritchie was that he was NOT looking for supporter buy in and that was just simply laughable considering we had just listened to the FOH guys for an hour about how well they were working for Hearts. It was at that point I had heard enough and left before it finished.

I agree with a few others on here, circa 500 contributors on a monthly basis is not pie in the sky but the real money will come from the larger investors, of which there is a decent number.
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I'll fire a tenner a month in nae bother. I expect a clause to be inserted ensuring full protection for keyboard warriors like my good self though. 

I dont expect my online alias to be called out publicly again. And i'll square go anycunt that says otherwise. 

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Do people from Grangemouth call themselves Portonians?

I'm mortally offended and demand and SPFL tribunal look into this as a matter of urgency.

Yip but only if you are born in Grangemouth are you a real Portonian.


Go ahead and report it to the SPFL, I know a good lady lawyer who will sort this out [emoji16]


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2 hours ago, Back Post Misses said:


It is a plan for the structure and how the CIC would operate. How the money is spent will be down to Board that is running the club. People who subscribe to the scheme will have the chance to clear people out if they are not happy with the stewardship.

If you compare that to the farce of Wednesday night I think I know what most fans would prefer.



What would be the outcome of this scheme for the current major shareholders? Presumably their stake holding would be reduced, but would they remain in a position to influence the running of the club? That would be a major disincentive if it is the case. The whole discredited regime needs swept away in its entirety.

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Good to see the fan's share scheme going forward, hopefully it really takes off. I'd ask edbairn or anyone else, why would we not be able to attract even 20% of the number st mirren have in their scheme? I've some shares, I'd get involved in this scheme yet I'm not in bfl, I don't think I'm the only one like this. 

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1 hour ago, knee jerk reaction said:

Good to see the fan's share scheme going forward, hopefully it really takes off. I'd ask edbairn or anyone else, why would we not be able to attract even 20% of the number st mirren have in their scheme? I've some shares, I'd get involved in this scheme yet I'm not in bfl, I don't think I'm the only one like this. 

Because the vast majority of Falkirk fans(probably more so than other clubs) are only interested in what happens on the pitch. Even at the height of the Houston out feeling last year, we could only attract barely 100 people to the meet the manager meeting. I think the majority of fans are quite happy to leave the decision-making to people more qualified and effective than themselves at making them.

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6 hours ago, Ontovictory said:

?? Lucky few? You mean if you work hard.

Fair enough. Had to be smart enough in the first place for sure. Still elements of luck involved in being in the right practice at the right time.

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The idea of fan ownership is something that has always intrigued me and would like to see more clubs end up in that scenario.  Indeed the situation of a club like Falkirk means that they are effectively being funded by season tickets. 

There are two vitally important factors though. You either need one fan who has pretty deep pockets or the cash flow management has to be very disciplined to cover those times where unexpected issues hit. I've no idea if Falkirk have someone who could do this? 

The other main issue is how subscriptions are handled and participated in. Lots of people are keen to get involved in these things for various reasons but when the time comes to actually part with cash, some baulk at it and renage. Also, how are these direct debits maintained - if people can cancel them at shortish notice then it isn't going to work. People get fucked off when things are going badly on the park and may try and cancel their subs 8n protest at the very time when it may be needed most. If you can't cancel within a reasonable time then it puts people off and doesn't take into account that fans' financial situation can change quickly. 

It sounds like the desire is there and there is a decent sized fan base so hopefully it can work out for you lads. 

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7 hours ago, Back Post Misses said:

People who subscribe to the scheme will have the chance to clear people out if they are not happy with the stewardship.


We'll be changing directors every week then with the negativity of many of our fans. Complete recipe for disaster allowing people who haven't a clue about business or finances to have a say in budgeting and strategic decisions.

Edited by EdiBairn
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1 hour ago, EdiBairn said:

We'll be changing directors every week then with the negativity of many of our fans. Complete recipe for disaster allowing people who haven't a clue about business or finances to have a say in budgeting and strategic decisions.

Really? There are a number of fan owned clubs now (not just in scotland) so how come they don't change directors every week? St mirren had a terrible start to the season, how many boards have they went through? 

Your argument seems to be that ordinary fans couldn't possibly do better than the status quo, as if fans have no skills or experience  to offer. We should just know our place and doff our caps! Patronising doesn't even come close, I really hope you are trolling and don't genuinely believe what you are posting. 

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Because the vast majority of Falkirk fans(probably more so than other clubs) are only interested in what happens on the pitch. Even at the height of the Houston out feeling last year, we could only attract barely 100 people to the meet the manager meeting. I think the majority of fans are quite happy to leave the decision-making to people more qualified and effective than themselves at making them.

You give FAR too much credit to some at the club. The only one I trust to do any kind of effective job in the senior management team is Kieran Koszary who proves year after year his worth to the football club.

The rest of that board are the reason the fans have become so apathetic over the years. They have strangled any ambition that was once there over the last few years.

Once this is launched I think you’ll be surprised in terms of its support. When we faced provincial liquidation barely 50 people turned up at a meeting inside Brockville yet in the coming days/weeks hundreds, if not thousands rallied round the club. Why? Cause that’s what we do. Just look at the attendances we have at home & carry on the road when we are at our lowest ebb.
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We'll be changing directors every week then with the negativity of many of our fans. Complete recipe for disaster allowing people who haven't a clue about business or finances to have a say in budgeting and strategic decisions.

I think you are confusing fan ownership with fan run. You can have one without the other. No reason why fully qualified & knowledgable people cant run our club but have part fan ownership. You do also realise even with this plan that over 30% of the owners would still be those in the current MSG?
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We'll be changing directors every week then with the negativity of many of our fans. Complete recipe for disaster allowing people who haven't a clue about business or finances to have a say in budgeting and strategic decisions.
Aye, would be a shame if fans were overly negative and critical over decent ideas...
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We'll be changing directors every week then with the negativity of many of our fans. Complete recipe for disaster allowing people who haven't a clue about business or finances to have a say in budgeting and strategic decisions.
Edi how do you know we don't have intelligent people in our support that maybe run a company or are on the board of a company and could bring something to the table. You do not know the background or history of every single one of our supporters.
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18 minutes ago, Harry Kinnear said:
2 hours ago, EdiBairn said:
We'll be changing directors every week then with the negativity of many of our fans. Complete recipe for disaster allowing people who haven't a clue about business or finances to have a say in budgeting and strategic decisions.

Edi how do you know we don't have intelligent people in our support that maybe run a company or are on the board of a company and could bring something to the table. You do not know the background or history of every single one of our supporters.


To be fair we have supporters who think it's hilarious to shout "Steward! Steward" at the steward as he's walking down the stairs then pish themselves laughing if he turns around.


Every. Single. Fucking. Game. 

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We'll be changing directors every week then with the negativity of many of our fans. Complete recipe for disaster allowing people who haven't a clue about business or finances to have a say in budgeting and strategic decisions.


You are even more naive than I thought.


Don’t like it come up with your own idea. Go speak to Craig and give him the advice and your depth of knowledge of business. After all you think he needs it

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EdiBairn is either trolling or thick. Probably best just ignored now tbh.

I honestly can’t believe people actually engage with the completely baseless drivel he spouts, especially after his recent destruction. There are some that post what I believe are deliberately controversial statements in an attempt to stimulate debate and controversy and that can generate robust discussion but his motivation is just for some attention grabbing perverse logic. Ignore, ignore, ignore.
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I honestly can’t believe people actually engage with the completely baseless drivel he spouts, especially after his recent destruction. There are some that post what I believe are deliberately controversial statements in an attempt to stimulate debate and controversy and that can generate robust discussion but his motivation is just for some attention grabbing perverse logic. Ignore, ignore, ignore.

I agree now
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