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Guest Brockvillenomore

Some thoughts - never been a fan of the board but this is a new low. Some things to add that I haven't seen here, or elsewhere.

  1. The Rawlins have repeatedly stated and in writing I've seen that the Board is the most "professional" they've ever worked with. Do they still think this? If they do, it confirms a concern amongst a lot of the support I talk to, is the board enjoy this endorsement because they will only do what the Rawlins wants. So with 26% of the club they are in complete control. Their next actions will be interesting - he can't support two, possibly three of them now. We are a laughing stock and the Board has achieved the impossible - uniting the support in a unanimous vote of no confidence.
  2. A consistent theme with the CI and the NB is the arrogance, sense of entitlement and expectation of special treatment they both felt in the board was a blocker to any progress. We all see that now and the disdain, "I know best" attitude jumped out at you. The support from fans of other clubs has been a relief as it confirms that we're not living in an alternative universe where this sort of guff is acceptable. 
  3. That's 2 forums where the Board have accused the NB of "walking away", when the truth is they set out their demands at the outset, demands that look tellingly familiar with the demands of the support now btw....and there were six weeks of meetings, exchange of correspondence, offers etc. When Mr Rawlings eventually put his position forward, rejecting the proposal and throwing his full weight behind the board, trotting out the most professional bla, bla, yawnnn mantra the NB decided enough was enough and walked. The board characterise it is a start and finish, with no middle, when the middle was six weeks and included GD recording a meeting without permission. It is no accident as they want to portray the NB as the party to blame and not them, because they're doing their best...sound familiar? 
  4. All this talk about "investment" in the "infrastructure" and the "foundations" of the club are talking points, a smoke screen - it's not an investment when you're spending money you don't have, it's fiscal madness and you're putting the long term future of the club at risk.


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14 minutes ago, ilostmyself said:



The place the club finds itself is nothing to do with the board, the people whose job it is to run the club? Is that what you're saying here?


I remember when football used to be about 11 players on a park. If the people running the club aren't giving you the budget they should that's different.

It seems to me they are supplying a budget so check 1.

The head coach has been their 10 games or whatever it is you played.and want rid. How many managers have you weren't through in recent years. The fans turned on the players and managers. My experience of falkirk fc from a fans perspective is very negative and it didn't come from a boardroom.

The expectation that you should go up because its falkirk just doesn't work. You need to get a team together that is going to get promoted. Holt done well at livingston but he's not good enough for here. 


Why would decent quality player come to a basket case club where the fans are fighting with the board on a managers case after 10 games and slate players and they hadn't had 10 games 

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9 minutes ago, superandy_07 said:

Oh my, they'll have to do a special on the whole thing 

Last Minute Winner has to be Deans and Colburn doing a duet to Erasure "Give a little Respect" and they could have a group of us fans in the background booing and holding up "Get to f**k" banners.

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I'm getting decidedly fucked off by this pretence that although recruitment has been terrible the process is right.

Is it?? You had Ompreon on trial for several weeks and signed him! As other posters have said Seb Ross was a bang average Cove player, not even a starter - also signed - 2 Yr deal. Jaime Wilson 2 year deal again following a trial period.  He's utter garbage. Luke Holt 2 year deal. Ben Hall new deal. Brad McKay on a 3 year deal. 

All their much touted new process has done is give dross 2 year deals rather than 1.


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Quite incredible that the most respect being shown to Falkirk supporters is coming from our rivals on this forum. Some of those greatest hits from that motley crue behind the table are entertaining only to those who said them.

Forget about new investment, because our board will behave as if they are losers on Dragon's Den ("I have a suggestion, how about you invest half a million and instead of a significant share of the business, we'll spend it correctly and promise to send you a Christmas Card. Just one, mind!")

The longer the contempt that is held for those who help to put more of a crowd in a stadium than several Premierships and Championship teams, the more chance we'll have Voluntary Liquidation again (or as the Board maybe sees it, Project 2026).

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I remember when football used to be about 11 players on a park. If the people running the club aren't giving you the budget they should that's different.
It seems to me they are supplying a budget so check 1.
The head coach has been their 10 games or whatever it is you played.and want rid. How many managers have you weren't through in recent years. The fans turned on the players and managers. My experience of falkirk fc from a fans perspective is very negative and it didn't come from a boardroom.
The expectation that you should go up because its falkirk just doesn't work. You need to get a team together that is going to get promoted. Holt done well at livingston but he's not good enough for here. 
Why would decent quality player come to a basket case club where the fans are fighting with the board on a managers case after 10 games and slate players and they hadn't had 10 games 

You can't have it both ways, either the board is culpable for hiring the manager who wastes their budget or the manager is at fault for wasting the budget. There needs to be some accountability.
Absolutely nobody is suggesting that we have a divine right to promotion, just the simple logic that the biggest budget in the league managed well should be able to at the very least deliver a real challenge.
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I'm getting decidedly fucked off by this pretence that although recruitment has been terrible the process is right.
Is it?? You had Ompreon on trial for several weeks and signed him! As other posters have said Seb Ross was a bang average Cove player, not even a starter - also signed - 2 Yr deal. Jaime Wilson 2 year deal again following a trial period.  He's utter garbage. Luke Holt 2 year deal. Ben Hall new deal. Brad McKay on a 3 year deal. 
All their much touted new process has done is give dross 2 year deals rather than 1.
And, since Holt mentioned Nesbitt specifically (and again not to be hard on Nesbitt, he has the eye test going for him), what stats or metrics is Nesbitt producing that makes him a roaring success? This is all meant to be analytical (except when Deans wants to spew forth utter nonsense) so why is someone who forms part of a totally impotent attack the kryptonite to the fans argument that recruitment has been shite?

I like Nesbitt, he works hard, he looks like he is trying, but come on to f**k, if "easily predictable signing tries hard in matches" is justification for paying a DoF 50k pa to come up with this stuff, just gove me the fucking job and I will go all out to get Michael Moffat then put my feet up.
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1 minute ago, ilostmyself said:



You can't have it both ways, either the board is culpable for hiring the manager who wastes their budget or the manager is at fault for wasting the budget. There needs to be some accountability.
Absolutely nobody is suggesting that we have a divine right to promotion, just the simple logic that the biggest budget in the league managed well should be able to at the very least deliver a real challenge.


How many challenges have been lost before the season started.?

Noone is getting time. As I said I see falkirk being in this position for the foreseeable. 

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12 minutes ago, AlanCamelonfan said:

Holt done well at livingston but he's not good enough for here. 

Holt only did well at Livingston as Martindale did all the work. Holt is a liability. Get rid. 

Falkirk need an experienced manager to get them out of this division. The club needs a shake up from top to bottom. 

There is still plenty of time this season to sort these issues out. Good luck Bairns fans. You deserve better. 

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17 minutes ago, Brockvillenomore said:

That's 2 forums where the Board have accused the NB of "walking away", when the truth is they set out their demands at the outset, demands that look tellingly familiar with the demands of the support now btw....and there were six weeks of meetings, exchange of correspondence, offers etc. When Mr Rawlings eventually put his position forward, rejecting the proposal and throwing his full weight behind the board, trotting out the most professional bla, bla, yawnnn mantra the NB decided enough was enough and walked. The board characterise it is a start and finish, with no middle, when the middle was six weeks and included GD recording a meeting without permission. It is no accident as they want to portray the NB as the party to blame and not them, because they're doing their best...sound familiar?

Totally agree with everything you’ve said and I back the NB investment 100%. However, if I have one minor criticism it’s that there should’ve been at least one representative from the NB group in attendance who could’ve said everything you just have above. The Board got off lightly here when in truth, everything from Deans recording a meeting without permission to the six weeks of dialogue should’ve been thrown at them on the spot.

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4 hours ago, Rugster said:

I really, really don't want to stick up for him, because he was a disgrace, but I think he worded that badly (nothing new there) and what he was meaning was the vast majority of fans find the behaviour of some unacceptable. I may well be wrong though, I can't force myself to watch it again to check.

I think that's what he was trying to say.

I was at the meeting and came away thinking it was Deans that had made a comment about threats and abuse. Having watched it back it was actually Colburn and I think it was this he was referring to as being unacceptable (which it is). However, the guy has such a condescending attitude and crabbit looking pus it was easy to think that he was just mumping for the sake of it. 

When the audience started to react to his comments he should have made it clear that he was referring to the threats and abuse and NOT to booing at the games. He could even have given some examples of the threats that the BOD have had. To then say though that the team are failing on the pitch due to booing from the stands was completely laughable.

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4 minutes ago, Yflab said:

Holt only did well at Livingston as Martindale did all the work. Holt is a liability. Get rid. 

Falkirk need an experienced manager to get them out of this division. The club needs a shake up from top to bottom. 

There is still plenty of time this season to sort these issues out. Good luck Bairns fans. You deserve better. 

That maybe right but they had mckinnon took them down alright mostly Hartley doing both went on elsewhere and have done a job.


Also if u look at any other teams pie and bovril their is not endless pages of moans about the board. It's supposed to be a football forum this should be called falkirk.fc business management forum

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7 minutes ago, ShaggerG said:

I think that's what he was trying to say.

I was at the meeting and came away thinking it was Deans that had made a comment about threats and abuse. Having watched it back it was actually Colburn and I think it was this he was referring to as being unacceptable (which it is). However, the guy has such a condescending attitude and crabbit looking pus it was easy to think that he was just mumping for the sake of it. 

When the audience started to react to his comments he should have made it clear that he was referring to the threats and abuse and NOT to booing at the games. He could even have given some examples of the threats that the BOD have had. To then say though that the team are failing on the pitch due to booing from the stands was completely laughable.

Problem with that is that it's 99.9% certain these claims of 'threats' are utter lies, which he'd then have been forced to admit. 

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1 hour ago, Reggie Perrin said:

Predictably there are simpletons on the Happy Clapper Facebook pages claiming to be “reassured” by the performance of Deans and Co at the meeting.

Also a fair few coming out with the “I’ll never boo a Falkirk player” , “ let’s get right behind the boys” stuff.


You’re joking right? Exact reason I left that group years ago. 

Straight up frightening is what it is, but don’t expect any change lads - we’ve been fed the medicine. 

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2 minutes ago, AlanCamelonfan said:


Also if u look at any other teams pie and bovril their is not endless pages of moans about the board. It's supposed to be a football forum this should be called falkirk.fc business management forum


Yet here you are adding to the endless pages, move along you utter simpleton.

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