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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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A German film (subtitled :huh: ) about the last days of Hitler in his Berlin bunker at the end of WW2.

Fecking fantastic, but didn't realise before starting to watch it that including ad breaks it was almost three hours long :blink:

And, eh, score... 8/10

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Lion, Witch & The Wardrobe

Really enjoyable and stuck, for the most part, close enough to the book but one or two errors that meant the flow was a bit disrupted. Tilda Swinton is fantastic as the White Witch IMO and easily one of the best things about the film. The animal animation is really good but the 'Bad' creatures are not so good.

Comparisons with LOTR are inevitable and it certainly isn't as good as LOTR but then again it never had anywhere near the same budget. Some quality comments in it as well which got the laughs going - "My name is Phillip! :lol: - and overall it is decent enough. I'd say 7 or maybe 8 out of 10.

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Guest Spanky Rodriguez

Spinal Tap - 9/10. Funniest film of all time :lol:

Love the bit when they play at the air base

Lieutenant - If you guys could play at approx 1900 hours. It's now, ooh, 1850 hours

Derek Smalls - So that means we're onstage in 50 hours?

Lieutenant - Actually it's half an hour

Derek Smalls - Oh right


Obviously it's much funnier when you watch it.

Special mention to the Stonehenge scene, the amplifier scene and Nigel Tuffnell's guitar solo scene. Quality

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Bad Santa - 5/10 :(

Did I miss something? I've waited a year to watch this at the appropriate season and I've obviously not understood something.

I was lead to believe that this was a side-splitting, pants-wetting, belly laugh of a movie. It's no Anchorman :rolleyes:

I also watched Home Alone before it - much better :unsure: 7/10

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5/10 - Watchable. The first person segemnet is cool, but just reminds you how fun playing the game is. Not a lot of carnage and frights for what was a genuinely bloody and sometimes scary game.

Directors should realiise there isn't much need for plot for a video game movie just guns, explosions, blood & guts!

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Bad Santa - 5/10 :(

Did I miss something? I've waited a year to watch this at the appropriate season and I've obviously not understood something.

I was lead to believe that this was a side-splitting, pants-wetting, belly laugh of a movie. It's no Anchorman :rolleyes:

I went to see Bad Santa at the cinema when it came out and also thought it was really average. There were some funny moments but overall it wasn't anywhere near hilarious.

The last film i watched was 'Snatch' for the second time last night. It is my favourite film. It's action-packed with a classic storyline, some funny one-liners and about a topic i find quite interesting. Fabulous.

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Just back from seeing Doom.

WHAT A FILM! Dodgy (at best) plot, ropey acting, questionable dialogue - yet very, very, very enjoyable! Leave your brain at home and go watch it, it's fantastic!

9/10 (would have given it 10 if the bird had gotten her chebs oot at any point).

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