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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Escape From New York (1981) 8.35/10

Wonderful rubbish from the 80's, possibly the first time I've seen it sober. Some great scenery munching from the cast all round!

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The Turin Horse - Guy and his daughter's bleak existance in some rural wasteland is shown through the painfully slow and repetitive process of them eating boiled potatos with their fingers, getting water from a well, trying to feed a pretty haggered looking horse - who we assume is the subject of an anecdote narrated about Nietszche going insane - staring out of a window at nothing etc. At one point a neighbour pops in to talk about the external word's ruin and the end of days. As the horse - the family's livelihood - begins to die and their well runs dry, the couple leave for the horizon. In a painfully depressing sequence, they are seen to return a minute later. As if the neighbour was right and the world has ended. Eventually their oil lamps cease to work. Dying horse, no water, no light, no escape.

Good laugh.

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Alien Abduction: The McPherson Tape - early found-footage-fest, purporting to be a real-life recording of an American family's Thanksgiving gathering, which is interrupted by a hostile alien invasion. Talking head interviews with law enforcement, moviemakers and FX dudes are interspersed at points where the tape starts to drag (which it does, frequently).

The po-faced found-footage conceit is frankly laughable considering the level of acting on display, combined with the need to pixelate anything approaching a special effect (alien witchcraft messing with the camera, apparently). Far worse is the fact that virtually nothing happens during the running time; you're left watching an extended family argument while the aliens presumably dance around outside shining laser pens of death through the windows (effects that could not be replicated, according to the experts).

This is truly dire stuff, and the constant reinforcements that this is OMG TOTES REAL AND COULD NOT BE FAKED!!! cross the line into being offensive; nobody is as stupid as the filmmakers seem to have believed.

I saw this about 14 years ago and enjoyed it.

The Internship - 5/10.

Typical Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson fare. Vince Vaughn eats in every scene and does a lot of talking and Owen Wilson bags a girl that is tremendously out of his league. This film also reminded me that I hate how movies make nights out in a club look like the most amazing time ever when they're almost always completely shite.

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The Turin Horse - Guy and his daughter's bleak existance in some rural wasteland is shown through the painfully slow and repetitive process of them eating boiled potatos with their fingers, getting water from a well, trying to feed a pretty haggered looking horse - who we assume is the subject of an anecdote narrated about Nietszche going insane - staring out of a window at nothing etc. At one point a neighbour pops in to talk about the external word's ruin and the end of days. As the horse - the family's livelihood - begins to die and their well runs dry, the couple leave for the horizon. In a painfully depressing sequence, they are seen to return a minute later. As if the neighbour was right and the world has ended. Eventually their oil lamps cease to work. Dying horse, no water, no light, no escape.

Good laugh.

Jesus. That does sound slightly erm... hard going.

I have a tendency to really enjoy thoroughly depressing films right enough, so will no doubt give it a go.

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The Turin Horse - Guy and his daughter's bleak existance in some rural wasteland is shown through the painfully slow and repetitive process of them eating boiled potatos with their fingers, getting water from a well, trying to feed a pretty haggered looking horse - who we assume is the subject of an anecdote narrated about Nietszche going insane - staring out of a window at nothing etc. At one point a neighbour pops in to talk about the external word's ruin and the end of days. As the horse - the family's livelihood - begins to die and their well runs dry, the couple leave for the horizon. In a painfully depressing sequence, they are seen to return a minute later. As if the neighbour was right and the world has ended. Eventually their oil lamps cease to work. Dying horse, no water, no light, no escape.

Good laugh.

Running Time: 146 min


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Easy Money - Swedish thriller about a Business School whizzkid, Serbian mobster and Chilean prison escapee who's lives overlap in their criminal efforts to make a shit load of quick cash. All very cliched. For example, one is a torn-faced leather jacket wearing c**t with a Ratko Mladic poster but its alright cos he's got a daughter. Enjoyable enough all the same. Fans of all the BBC4 Scandinavian shows will enjoy spotting the actors from these series popping up throughout.

Entertaining and stylish but unoriginal. Solid 7/10.

Running Time: 146 min


Aye, it wasn't a laugh a minute. One of those ones where you fall asleep at a really weird time and wake up at about 1am in a mood to watch a 2 1/2 hour black and white existentialist drama about a Hungarian peasant trying to come to terms with the death of his horse. Sure we've all been there man.

Director has another film which is 7 hours long apparently.

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X-Men Days Of Future Past.

Loved it. Beats X-2 I think and I would place it up there with the best Marvel films I've seen.

The action and set pieces are as stunning as you'd expect, Singer is an old hand in this universe now. All the performances are excellent but there's just something about Fassbender that just absolutely eats up the screen no matter what he's in.


Edited by AberdeenBud
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