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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Ant Man

Saw this yesterday, enjoyed it. Paul Rudd is always good, as is Michael Douglas (he is definitely beginning to show his age though). It was my first time seeing a film in the IMAX and I have to say it was really something, the graphics and overall experience were both great.

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Birdman (4/10)

Fading and delusional movie actor tries his hand at theatre. Barely interesting or believable base concept had the film on the verge of tedium and smugness throughout, saved in part by some individually nice scenes and very good performances across the board, non more so than the brief cameo by the critic Lindsay Duncan.

No idea why this garnered so much acclaim.

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Just back from seeing this. Think Paul Rudd was great and he's one handsome b*****d! This film is another great addition from Marvel, good humour throughout as expected and some really cool action scenes. Seen a couple of folk saying the CGI was quite poor but I certainly didn't notice that, looked great to me. I suspect they are just chatting shit or nitpicking. Shout out to Michael Pena as Luis, his comic timing was terrific I thought. If they go ahead with a sequel in the future I'd be delighted.


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13 Minutes

Subtitled German flick about the life of the guy behind a plot to kill Hitler.

Heavy going at times but fairly interesting.


I'm not sure I'd want to watch that. Radio 4 did a drama of said event and it was brilliant stuff. I'm not sure cinema could improve it.

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I'm not sure I'd want to watch that. Radio 4 did a drama of said event and it was brilliant stuff. I'm not sure cinema could improve it.

I haven't heard the radio version so I can't comment on that but the film is very well done. It was directed by the same guy who made Downfall.

If you're interested in the subject matter then it's well worth watching.

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The Offence: Sean Connery and Ian Bannen in a very uncomfortable film to watch, but, my god they are really good.

9/10 Easily. Actors, acting!

Yep yep yep. My mother's a big Connery fan and would happily be skelped all over the kitchen by the man, but she hates this film. She is wrong; so very wrong!

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The Phoenix Project - drama about a group of young scientists who try to bring dead creatures back to life. Nothing like as interesting as it sounds, and the listed plot synopsis that they run into "a host of unforeseen consequences" is not only a massive exaggeration, but the consequence(s) are as mundane as it's possible to imagine. It comes across that the filmmakers were trying to go for some great neurological and spiritual revelation, but it's very much kids' stuff. Just not very well thought through, and quite disappointing to watch by the end.

Don't Blink - big group of friends and hingers-on head out to a remote cabin/hotel in Colorado, only to find the place deserted and their buddies disappearing whenever they drop out of sight. Not a lot more to the film than that, and nothing is resolved satisfactorily, but it's a reasonably entertaining watch, with the makers playing with the idea by making characters drop out of frame momentarily, or briefly hiding them behind objects. Not bad; could've been something special if they'd managed to come up with something more interesting at the end.

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The Legend of Barney Thomson

Thought it was ok, liked that it was filmed in Glasgow therefore I recognised lots of locations (eg Bridgeton train station). I didn't realise it was based on a book. Thought Emma Thompson played a good part as his mum.


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Pitch perfect.

Was on tv last night. Quite enjoyed it really. Some funny bits with some decent singing. Felt like a mix of so many other films (sister act 2/school of rock etc) but enjoyed it for what it was.

A 6.5 out of 10 turned into a 7.5 for anna kendrik.

It's the first time I've seen kendrik in anything and I think I'm in love!

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Inside Out

Don't think I've ever blubbed so much at a film (but I may have been a bit emotional after a hearty pub lunch). There were a few really young kids in the cinema and apart from the bright colours and beautiful animation I think it would have largely gone over their heads.

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