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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Dunkirk - 9/10. 

I would just agree with most of what has been said already in this thread, especially Renton's post. The cinematography is sublime, and the acting is extremely strong throughout - I would give a special mention to Mark Rylance's fantastically understated performance as Mr Dawson, and particularly his interactions with Peter. Perhaps the film's biggest strength is in the relative lack of dialogue, allowing for an intense, enhanced focus on actions and deeds rather than words. Masterful. 

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Right, bit of a catch-up post from the last week or so...


The Magnificent Seven 7.5/10

Rewatch of the recent remake. Still really good, still genuinely enjoyed it. Well worth a watch if you didn't catch it at the cinema (Netflix)

Spaceballs 4/10

Pretty low on the Brooksometer. Some amusing moments (Netflix)

Trainspotting 8/10

Good! Story was a bit clunky but the callbacks to the first film were nicely played on the whole. (DVD)

The Cat Returns 7/10

Slight and silly but thoroughly enjoyable (torrent)

Con Air 10/10

No description required (Sky)

Duncan and Kirk 7.5/10

Pretty, pretty intense stuff. The three separate timelines is a little confusing to start with, i wish I'd picked up on those sooner and would like to see it again, but it all comes together nicely. The sound is incredible, and that wasn't even in IMAX. The score is metronomic, pulsating and primal. There's no discernible tunes and it merges so well with the sound effects you can't tell where one begins and the other ends. It's so overwhelming that the few moments of silence (for example when Bane's engine finally cuts out) all the more powerful. Zimmerman has been a genuine innovator in cinema score. Yeah, good film even if the story was a little slight. Was essentially a collection of brutal battle/survival scenes brought together with a flimsy narrative (not sure how historically accurate it was), but that didn't make it any less engaging. Harry Styles did well. (cinema)

The Death of Louis XIV 7/10

Basically Louis 14 played by Brian May dying for 2 hours from gangrene of the leg whilst his valet and doctor ponder what to do with him. Don't think the film leaves the room or the next door room once for the whole film, just wish I'd seen it at the cinema to get the full effect. Interesting although could have been a bit more engaging. Bloke playing the king is the guy who played the little kid in 400 Blows, didn't even recognise him! (Curzon)



Edited by Christophe
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Dunkirk 7/10

As has been stated already, its very good but not quite excellent. Plenty of good performances, but the story seemed a bit scattered with the timeline etc. Definitely worth a watch though

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How I spent my summer vacation (Netflix)

Always liked Mel Gibson movies and this is another good one,set in a Mexican prison , decent story and action, doesn't take itself too seriously. 7/10

Shame it wasn't released as Get the Gringo which was the US title apparently,much better IMO.

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Easy Money (Netflix)


Comedy with Rodney Dangerfield. I think he's in better form in Back to School but this was still an enjoyable hour and a half of cheap laughs.




Edit: bonus half point for his neighbours knockers.

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On 05/03/2017 at 15:23, tongue_tied_danny said:

The Founder

A fascinating period drama about the growth of the McDonald's  fast food chain. It somehow managed to make a load of business deals entertaining. 

Michael Keating is in good form as a travelling salesman who saw the potential and spread the chain across the USA.


The Founder was a great movie I seen last night. Not only about how quickly the franchise spread but in how to back stab someone with legality and steal their name and business model. :lol:

I liked they way they portrayed the the real McDonald brothers getting totally shafted and screwed over by an unscrupulous opportunist who eventually stole their idea on the speedy system that gave us fast food.

Michael Keating was on top form also 8/10.

It may stop me from ever having a McDonald's ever again because of what Kroc did to the McDonald brothers. So much for Capitalism at work when you can have your ideas stolen from you legally?

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The Great Wall (Amazon rental) - 4/10


Wasnt really expecting much however it really was pretty bad. Pretty bland story line, no real plot twists or excitement in it. Matt Damon must have got offered a fair chunk of cash to star in this one!



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Les miserableś

I've put off seeing it for years as I'm not big into musicals.

What a phenomenal movie, really enjoyed it and forgot it was a musical halfway through.

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On 7/24/2017 at 12:12, Shandon Par said:

Get Carter


Don't think I'd ever seen more than a few snippets of this before. Sat down with missus to watch it last night. What a bunch of horrible b*****ds! Really bold film to hve such a brutal main character. Really impressed by all the scenes in bars, nightclubs, horse racing as it all looks so believable. You never think these are extras, it just looks like the film is playing out in real time in some sections. Plus, any film with Britt Eckland getting her tits out is going to get at least 8/10 from me.

When Carter arrives in Newcastle and orders "a pint of bitter in a thin glass" (wtf is a thin glass?), that bar is full of regulars as extras. There's an old guy with polydactylism  (he has 6 fingers on one hand) which you can see quite clearly.

It's a brilliant film well worthy of your 9/10.

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The Stanford Prison Experiment (sky cinema) True story. Decent. 68/100

Have you seen The Experiment and if so is it still worth watching this?

Watched a few recently.

Beauty and The Beast

Emma Watson was as I expected: dull and wooden. Really don't rate the girl. I didn't think the English accents worked given it had a French feel. I know the animated film was done with mainly American accents but I didn't notice it as much. I liked the added parts about Belle's mum's death and The Beast's father being horrible. The sets were nice as well. Not a touch on the animated one though.


The Longest Ride

Really enjoyed this. Was expecting the usual soppy American romance film but felt this one was more than that. The two stories were really nice and even though I saw the ending coming at the auction it was still a nice finish.


Hacksaw Ridge

Really loved this. As a film and a story. The balls the guy must have had to stand by his beliefs was nothing short of incredible. And his bravery on the battlefield was unbelievable. If it hadn't been a true story you would think his actions were just glamorised nonsense. The action scenes themselves were incredible. I had a look at IMDB afterwards and I've actually watched all the films Gibson has directed and loved every one. It's a shame he's such a crackpot and doesn't produce more work because I actually think he's a terrific director. Shout out to the score as well. I actually thought it was the work of Hans Zimmer it was so good.


It only misses out on full marks because I selfishly wanted another few actions scenes as they were so good.
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Watched A Serbian Story as well. Wasn't as shocked as I had expected to be except the last scene when he is filming with the two under the sheets. Seen it coming but jesus f**k!

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When Carter arrives in Newcastle and orders "a pint of bitter in a thin glass" (wtf is a thin glass?), that bar is full of regulars as extras. There's an old guy with polydactylism  (he has 6 fingers on one hand) which you can see quite clearly.
It's a brilliant film well worthy of your 9/10.

A thin glass is what you drink out of these days.

In the 70's most pubs sold pints in dumpy glasses with handles.
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Kong: Skull Island (Amazon rental) - 7.5/10

Quite enjoyed this as a switch your brain off action film. Bit of a different telling of the Kong story. Plus it has Brie Larson in it who is lovely!!

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On 28/07/2017 at 21:47, Arch Stanton said:

When Carter arrives in Newcastle and orders "a pint of bitter in a thin glass" (wtf is a thin glass?), that bar is full of regulars as extras. There's an old guy with polydactylism  (he has 6 fingers on one hand) which you can see quite clearly.

It's a brilliant film well worthy of your 9/10.


Get Carter.jpg

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