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Old biddies from Morningside etc. on the news already gurning about it being 0.3 seconds since they were due to get their second dose and why oh why have they not got it yet. They were bombarding local practices about when they would get their jab before Christmas as well.

Between this uppity grasping and the Thursday night clap drivel being brought back, I'm swithering towards taking the side of the virus over humanity.

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28 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
42 minutes ago, pandarilla said:


Yes the Chief Execs own words this afternoon were that there appears to be a huge shift in attitude between the initial lockdown and where we are now as a fair chunk of his own staff applying were already working from home. It will be interesting to get a look at those applying although obviously can't comment on actual cases on here, more generalisations.

It's almost as if there's a general pattern of behaviour among parents that could explain all this 'whit about ma needs!' gurning.

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It's almost as if there's a general pattern of behaviour among parents that could explain all this 'whit about ma needs!' gurning.

I also believe the government were well warned to make sure they get their initial response to the first wave right as prolonged and intermittent restrictions would effect how seriously people would take them
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7 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

The letter that came through from the SG recently needed to put the bit about just waiting till you get invited for a jab in 72 point bold font.

- .... . / -. .... ... / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -... . / .. -. / - --- ..- -.-. .... / .-- .... . -. / -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / ..-. .-. --- -. - / --- ..-. / - .... . / --.- ..- . ..- . / ..-. --- .-. / - .... . / ...- .- -.-. -.-. .. -. . .-.-.- / -.-- --- ..- / -.. --- -.. -.. . .-. -.-- / .- ..- .-.. -.. / - --- .-. -.-- / ...- --- - .. -. --. / .. -. .--. .- - .. . -. - / ..-. . -.-. -.- . .-.

Better idea, clap that ^ at 8pm tomorrow




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The letter that came through from the SG recently needed to put the bit about just waiting till you get invited for a jab in 72 point bold font.
Probably doesn't help that ITV breakfast were championing some 91yo Dodger who badgered the NHS for his first jag and this morning received his second. They were treating him like some sort of hero when the reality is he's a selfish old b*****d.
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1 hour ago, die hard doonhamer said:

They inconsistent approach across the country to this is a bit frustrating. My local authority (Perth & Kinross) are only taking kids if both parents are essential workers. My wife is (she'll be working in one of the hubs), which means I get the joy of working from home while also home schooling on my own. Thankfully, though, she got notification today that they've split the staff up and will now be doing week on/week off, so it'll only be the case every second week.

From what I'm hearing, this is because the Scottish Government only want pupils in where there is no realistic alternative childcare. They want as few pupils in schools as possible. If you're a key worker but are working from home, you don't get a space.

Local councils have either deliberately or intentionally misunderstood this guidance and some have been offering places to all and sundry. What should have been happening over the past couple of days is that schools should have been ordered to dramatically reduce the number of pupils in school.

Edited by Gaz
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Our local rag is running a story about residents of a care home being positive days after receiving the vaccine. No mention of the time it takes after vaccination to develop immunity. You can probably imagine the comments on the Facebook page already.

It's going to be difficult enough for Government agencies to encourage take up without every single case of a vaccinated person testing positive regardless of how soon after the jab being seized upon as proof it doesn't work !

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2 hours ago, 101 said:

It would be some laugh if Ireland finished their vaccinations first.

Am I being thick how is Dh1m a slur? 

I'm sure that atleast one of the celtic fans will explain all....

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3 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:

Apparently the essential workers school placement scheme in my LA has been swamped, way over subscribed despite it running at under 20% capacity last time. Council employees who are not essential have been told to withdraw their applications as 35% made were from their own staff (although plenty other non essential workers have also applied). My staff have now been approached to look at some sort of tech solution to an evaluation process that was never thought necessary.

It's one thing being a snippy parent as it was described on here but it's taking it to a whole new level applying for a front line / essential workers place for your kids when your not !

We have 8% in the school, 17 kids and slightly higher in nursery. However school my kids go to have 50, roll is about 90 higher.

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Our local rag is running a story about residents of a care home being positive days after receiving the vaccine. No mention of the time it takes after vaccination to develop immunity. You can probably imagine the comments on the Facebook page already.

It's going to be difficult enough for Government agencies to encourage take up without every single case of a vaccinated person testing positive regardless of how soon after the jab being seized upon as proof it doesn't work !
There will no doubt be a few deaths as well. No matter how small the number (probably statistically insignificant) you know certain papers will make a big deal of it.
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This clapping can GTF!
I work in care myself and my wife is a student nurse but I find the whole thing very patronising, with politicians and celebrities eager to use it as a photo opportunity.
It is almost as bad as poppy time with people trying to outdo each other with the noise they can make to show that they care about the NHS more than the next person.
My wife was once unable to speak with her mum on the phone(they live on the south coast) as her dad advised ‘she is outside banging some pots and pans together just now!’ Guess who she voted for as well.
Has Captain Tom started walking round his garden again as well yet?

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8 minutes ago, Glen Sannox said:

I see P&B Poster Boy Macron’s vaccination programme is going well. The French have managed to administer 352 vaccines. We’ve done a million!

I've lost count of the number of times people have said how great macron is. It's all macron, macron, macron. 

I'm glad you've put the fanboys in their place. 

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36 minutes ago, Glen Sannox said:

I see P&B Poster Boy Macron’s vaccination programme is going well. The French have managed to administer 352 vaccines. We’ve done a million!

We approved the vaccines first

At a speed which raised many eyebrows around the world

Good but also not surprising we are ahead of many in vaccination numbers, at the moment

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