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Lucy Letby guilty

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1 minute ago, RH33 said:

I didn't mean to, I simply highlighted that prior to trial no history of mental health had been found, no instances of psychosis etc but it seems to have snowballed.

It wasn't directed at you or anyone in particular. Loads of people nit picking on things

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I think people probably don't want to accept that difficult topics such as infanticide might have the potential for being normal or acceptable to some. I don't think society wants to have a serious discussion around or acceptance that it's a part of the human condition and would rather it boxed as evil or bonkers and so on because it fits outside of the norm.

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The purpose of a trial is to determine fact. Frequently, establishing motive will feed into the pattern of circumstancial evidence that assists the jury in determining fact, but in cases like this there is no immediately obvious motive, so the trials proceed on the presumptive basis that there is sufficient evidence to convict without establishing motive.

Ascertaining what the motive is in serial killers is invariably a lengthy and invasive process, so first off all, there is no reasonable basis for subjecting an "innocent" person to that invasive process prior to trial, and secondly, it could take years and years of psychiatric and psychological investigation and assessment to reach a satisfactory conclusion anyway, further delaying justicial process.

Just because Letby is not a diagnosed psychopath, or does not already have a diagnosis of Facticious does not mean there is nothing "wrong" with her, and the only avenue left is to write her off as "evil", she has not yet been assessed for these because establishing motive was not necessary to establish her guilt. That does not mean there is no motive or that motivating factors will not be determined in good time.

ASPD, possible NPD, and a helping of Factitious disorder imposed on another would be my guess, but we'll no doubt find out in the fullness of time.

She's clearly bonkers, for want of a better term, the fact it has not yet been established exactly how doesn't alter that.

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55 minutes ago, s_dog said:

Wasn't it reported on Panorama that the unit was downgraded? So they still treat babies, but not ones as seriously ill as they did previously.

It wasn't just the deaths either, it was the number of close things when babies were saved from dying. They had 25 'incidents' in total they looked at, and all the other nurses were on shift 5 or 6 times at most in those cases. With the exception of Letby who was on shift for all 25 of them.

I haven’t seen the Panorama  Programme on it, largely i have ignored almost everything I have seen on the topic, apart from some stuff that a friend who works in that field posted(now deleted) on social media.

From what I have seen, the circumstantial evidence against her paints a fairly overwhelming picture. I just found it odd that they were using stats like the one I mentioned without giving the full context of it.

And a thought I just had - Panorama appears to have outlined everything that made it a conclusive “Guilty” verdict. Given it came out almost bang on the verdict being delivered, it had clearly been some time in the making. What would have happened if she had somehow been found not guilty? Did they have an alternative version of the programme lined up that was far more sympathetic in tone with arguments against all of the evidence presented?

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15 minutes ago, Ross. said:

And a thought I just had - Panorama appears to have outlined everything that made it a conclusive “Guilty” verdict. Given it came out almost bang on the verdict being delivered, it had clearly been some time in the making. What would have happened if she had somehow been found not guilty? Did they have an alternative version of the programme lined up that was far more sympathetic in tone with arguments against all of the evidence presented?

think I read somewhere that she actually got found guilty of at least some of the stuff a couple of weeks ago, but because the jury were still deliberating on other bits there were reporting restrictions in place. So panorama presumably had time to edit their footage to suit either way. 

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1 minute ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

think I read somewhere that she actually got found guilty of at least some of the stuff a couple of weeks ago, but because the jury were still deliberating on other bits there were reporting restrictions in place. So panorama presumably had time to edit their footage to suit either way. 

Yes, I think unanimous verdicts were accepted but there were reporting restrictions in place while other charges were considered.

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3 hours ago, Donathan said:

I don’t believe in the death penalty but I’d be fine with them just locking her in a cell and leaving her there without food until she dies of natural causes

That's pretty evil too

And don't give us this "I don't believe in the death penalty" pish then come out with something like that

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15 minutes ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

Those victim impact statements were heartbreaking. Particularly the one parent who talked about the memory box the hospital made for their child including hand and footprints. Now she was conflicted about keeping them as they were made by her child's killer 😭

That’s the thing that really gets to me about it all. Not just the murders, which in themselves are horrific, but the efforts she made to insert herself into the aftermath with the victims. I’m not a parent, but the bit about one of the mums living knowing that Letby was the last person to hold her baby really was really hard to read. 

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