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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Apparently getting my hair cut too short is cause for getting upset with me. I despair at times.

Anyway my real pttgoyn is the fact I've only just found out I've got a 5kg weight limit for my week away and I now need to repackage my case chucking stuff I really don't need.

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Anyway my real pttgoyn is the fact I've only just found out I've got a 5kg weight limit for my week away and I now need to repackage my case chucking stuff I really don't need.


1 pair of jeans, 1 pair of shorts, three t-shirts, one pair of shoes, ample boxers - jobs a good'un.


Very rarely does hand baggage get weighed anyway.

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Pele and Maradona. Messi is a poor man's Best :ph34r:

The only folk who spout nonsense like this are posers trying to be edgy. As someone who grew up watching Pele and Maradona (within the technical and televisual limits of the time) and appreciating what they offered, I have to say that's pish. Messi is a far more technically gifted footballer than either.

The real Ronaldo is miles ahead of the Portugese imposter who is, nonetheless, an exceptionally talented player. Pity he's such a p***k.

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Noticing your rubber gloves have a couple of tiny holes in them, hence why your fingers are white and red after a few hours of using industrial strength detergent.

Eta: forget the 'rinse with plenty of water' label advice (which isn't much use), wash in warm water with lots and lots of veggie oil for effective damage limitation. SG Science 101 ftw. Either that or follow the label and let the water alone leave loads of detergent ingrained which will happily burn your skin away for a few more hours.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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If you judge a player on what added value he brings to a team I'd say Maradona wins it for what he did at Napoli. If you judge it on creating goals out of nothing in the modern game, Messi. If you judge it on the pure joy of watching them do their job, Zidane.

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If you judge a player on what added value he brings to a team I'd say Maradona wins it for what he did at Napoli. If you judge it on creating goals out of nothing in the modern game, Messi. If you judge it on the pure joy of watching them do their job, Zidane.

Messi and Zidane and equal in that respect IMO. Messi can make defenders look like they're not even there, Zidane could pick out a pass that no other player could. Both equally as satisfying to watch for different reasons. 

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My PTTGOYN is discussions (arguments) about who is the best football player. It's a generational thing, you could go back as far as Stanley Mathews, where would he be on peoples' list. The way the game is played is constantly changing and comparing players of 10, 20 or 50 years ago against today's best players seems a bit futile to me. 


My more frustrating PTTGOYN is when you put your car in for repair and they say it will be ready the same day only to get a phone call late in the afternoon telling you it's not quite ready and will take another couple of hours the next morning. The car is a bit of an old jalopy to be fair which is why I don't kick up too much of a fuss in case they tell me not to bring it back to them again.  

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Messi's goals speak for themselves but I hesitate to class him as the greatest as he is generally anonymous when it comes to the International circuit. It can't be down to him being around lesser players as the Argies tend to have a decent group.

For me, Zidane shined at whatever level. If I had to pick between him and Messi there wouldn't be any competition.

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Supported a lady to do some shopping today, got a taxi there due to the pissin rain. When we got out of the shop she said we should walk home as walking was good exercise and the rain was down to a spit. Well it took an hour to walk home and two minutes after we left the shop the heavens opened. Bad and bad enough but that was at half twelve this afternoon and my jeans had to dry on my arse as I didn't actually finish work until 11pm.

I don't really give a f**k if the garden is needing it, the rain can do one.

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Supported a lady to do some shopping today, got a taxi there due to the pissin rain. When we got out of the shop she said we should walk home as walking was good exercise and the rain was down to a spit. Well it took an hour to walk home and two minutes after we left the shop the heavens opened. Bad and bad enough but that was at half twelve this afternoon and my jeans had to dry on my arse as I didn't actually finish work until 11pm.

I don't really give a f**k if the garden is needing it, the rain can do one.

Don't do it again, you need to think about your own wellbeing. I'm guessing you were carrying most, if not all of the shopping bags and although you could manage it I doubt the company you work for would have much sympathy if you were to injure yourself as a result. Also, I'm guessing the lady you supported receives the mobility component of DLA (or PIP) and this should be used for situations like the one you described.

I fully understand why you did it as I've done the same myself. You don't want to come across as being the bad guy and avoid a potentially awkward stand off but your wellbeing is worth more than the cost of a taxi fare.

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