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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Because of that wee incident?! :lol:

Her sister called me a peado and said they boys were coming to get me. :lol:

Me too. I have no idea why. Explain LOUDAH.

You are a paedo. :ph34r:

He is.


they get annoyed at the slightest thing, my 'mate' the small jakie one that likes wearin white went mental at me cos i called him a c**t on this ages ago and he's making it all worse by tellin everyone it's true, despite him knowing it isnt

He's an idiot. Big Billzo, eh?

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I am made of glass- I think I'm going to have to announce my retirement from football. First game of 5s in a month and what seemed an innocuous bang just above the knee has caused my knee to swell up and stiffen- and there's no ice in the flat.

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Guest Dunc?
I'm best man at my mate's wedding this weekend and he's supposed to be picking me up tonight to go to Middlesbrough (where he's getting married) and he's not answering any of my calls or txts. <_<

If it was anyone else, I'd be worried something had happened but he does this all the time! I fully expect to get a txt in a few hours with an excuse and he'll no doubt turn up tomorrow morning.

Here are some examples:

I arranged a meal for 25th birthday and he never showed up. Hours later he txted and claimed he was working on call and had been called out due to a bad RTA. He's a dentist. "You've severed your femoral artery, buy nevermind that! Look at your teeth, let's get you to a dentist!". Hmm, don't think so.

Hours after he was supposed to arrive at a house party one night, he phoned and claimed he'd been pulled over by the cops for a dodgy light in his car and that he had to repair it within 24hrs or go to court. This was around 7pm. On Hogmanay. Mysteriously, he arrived the next morning with all his lights working. "I found a garage open late". Very good.

On the night of my stag do, he claimed he'd be late because he had to look after his guinea pigs because his fiancee was working late. Phoned him flat to berate him and his fiancee answered! "Aye, she'd only just got home" was the excuse (which might've worked if she hadn't already told me she'd been in all night!).

He once went home early from a party back in our schooldays because "my mum had a nosebleed and I'm a trained first-aider". :blink:

He's been my best mate for 12 years and he's had a rough time of things (his mum died when he was 17, his dad remarried when he was 18 and started a new family without him), but he has the most infuriating habit of agreeing to something, changing his mind and then lying about it rather than just say "I can't be arsed doing that" (And he's done it since we were around 15!). His fiancee goes mental at him for doing it too, but it's like he's a complusive liar, he just can't help it.

I've got a pal who's a bit like that. Not so much lying about why he's not going to do something, but lying about stuff he's done. He just seems like he can't stand a lull in conversation, so he fills it with a story instead.

He works in a shop, and if you believe everything he says, he's shagged all the female staff and fought with all the men.

Although, the most far-fetched story that I think he's told is either true, or he puts the groundwork and research into his lies.

He told me that he'd been out for a drive in his Mum's car (he doesn't drive), because he was bored, and that he'd crashed it straight into a roundabout, then got his Grandad to come and tow the car back to his house. It'd been a complete write off, so his Mum bought a new car.

Now his Mum definitely has a new car, and I just thought "Nice story, but your maw's just bought a new motor", but then I was driving in the area where he said he'd crashed, and I came up to a roundabout with a big hole in the side. Now either he's actually telling the truth, or on the same day that someone else crashed into this roundabout, his Mum bought a new car, and he's fabricated a story centred around the two of them.

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No I never! :P

I changed mine from the post in the NSFW forum about 2mins after it posted.

So did I. :(

I read through more than half his post until I said outloud, Steven your not married you lying b*****d. :lol::lol::lol:


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I'm best man at my mate's wedding this weekend and he's supposed to be picking me up tonight to go to Middlesbrough (where he's getting married) and he's not answering any of my calls or txts. <_<

If it was anyone else, I'd be worried something had happened but he does this all the time! I fully expect to get a txt in a few hours with an excuse and he'll no doubt turn up tomorrow morning.

Here are some examples:

I arranged a meal for 25th birthday and he never showed up. Hours later he txted and claimed he was working on call and had been called out due to a bad RTA. He's a dentist. "You've severed your femoral artery, buy nevermind that! Look at your teeth, let's get you to a dentist!". Hmm, don't think so.

Hours after he was supposed to arrive at a house party one night, he phoned and claimed he'd been pulled over by the cops for a dodgy light in his car and that he had to repair it within 24hrs or go to court. This was around 7pm. On Hogmanay. Mysteriously, he arrived the next morning with all his lights working. "I found a garage open late". Very good.

On the night of my stag do, he claimed he'd be late because he had to look after his guinea pigs because his fiancee was working late. Phoned him flat to berate him and his fiancee answered! "Aye, she'd only just got home" was the excuse (which might've worked if she hadn't already told me she'd been in all night!).

He once went home early from a party back in our schooldays because "my mum had a nosebleed and I'm a trained first-aider". :blink:

He's been my best mate for 12 years and he's had a rough time of things (his mum died when he was 17, his dad remarried when he was 18 and started a new family without him), but he has the most infuriating habit of agreeing to something, changing his mind and then lying about it rather than just say "I can't be arsed doing that" (And he's done it since we were around 15!). His fiancee goes mental at him for doing it too, but it's like he's a complusive liar, he just can't help it.

HE sounds like me. Tonight I was meant to be going to a house party but I said I was going shopping for stuff for my new room at like 3. I never did, and if I did I still could've went. Oh well.

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