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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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At Edinburgh airport at the minute and the way that the computerised wifie says "last call for de remaining passengers....".

It's "the" not "de" you automaton arsehole.

Aberdonian criticising pronunciation !

Anyway, furry boots you goin' min?

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Waiting to hear if you've been successful after a job interview. Had it last Thursday and still haven't heard yet. Used to work for the company years ago and if memory serves, their recruiting takes fucking ages. Still though, hurry up you dicks.

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Waiting to hear if you've been successful after a job interview. Had it last Thursday and still haven't heard yet. Used to work for the company years ago and if memory serves, their recruiting takes fucking ages. Still though, hurry up you dicks.

You have my sympathies. It's pish having to wait for a reply, especially if you're in a job you can't stand and can't wait to get out of.

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Anyone know how long the NHS usually take to respond to a job application? Closing date was a week ago, if I haven't heard anything by now does it mean I probably won't get an interview? I hate the way employers won't just fire off an email saying sorry, we don't want you. It's fucking rude.

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Anyone know how long the NHS usually take to respond to a job application? Closing date was a week ago, if I haven't heard anything by now does it mean I probably won't get an interview? I hate the way employers won't just fire off an email saying sorry, we don't want you. It's fucking rude.

The NHS can take anything up to about 6 weeks just to invite you to interview. I'm pretty sure I got a rejection email too so I wasn't left hanging the time I wasn't asked to interview. Just takes forever.

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You have my sympathies. It's pish having to wait for a reply, especially if you're in a job you can't stand and can't wait to get out of.

Cheers mate, that's exactly how it is for me right now.

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".....we will look at this case and see what lessons can be learned......."

First heard this phrase in the aftermath of the Victoria Climbie case and now it is the mantra of every talking head and politician who has to step in front of a microphone to answer questions about a f**k-up.


They usually add pish like, "Procedures will be examined robustly". I wish every politician who trots out bland shite like this a horrible lingering death.

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During those horrible application binges you end up on during periods of unemployment, I'd get responses from perhaps 1% of employers. I figured it was because I'm a useless, unemployable shitebag, but this thread has altered my perceptions.

Now I know that you guys are all useless, unemployable shitebags too :thumsup2

Edited for more shitebag.

Edited by BigFatTabbyDave
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