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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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8 minutes ago, keyser_soze said:

Please sign the guy from Morton, I can see the tweet now -

Substitution for Raith - Strapp on, Dick off.

Plus he’s probably better than Dick, not that I don’t like Dick, I think Dick’s great. Would just prefer Strap on the pitch.

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50 minutes ago, Dalgety Rover said:

Hahaha the state of some people on this. I’m not naming any names but there’s a few individuals on this and on twitter who are “offended” at this announcement which has gone viral, who were also happy that we signed a convicted rapist.

It is a tweet made by a man whose job is to be good at social media. He knows what he’s doing better than anyone on this forum. When’s the last time a Raith Rovers post got over a million views? I’ll wait. 


Glad to see it was a cunning ploy. Thought the chap had made a cock-up when I first read it.

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11 hours ago, Brashy's Boots said:

Supporters of English teams saying we're now their favourite Scottish club, for example, whether they mean it or not, paves a way for future engagement, and engagement can be monetised.

What a lot of absolute fucking nonsense. 

The tweet made me chuckle by the way.....

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4 minutes ago, Grant228 said:

Fairn play to anyone managing to bring Goodwillie into that Dick tweet. That's some good outrage, fair play! 

I brought him up to point out the hypocrisy. Some people were outraged about the unnecessary sexual nature of the announcement, but were also happy to have a rapist playing upfront for us. 

Surely you see where I am coming from? 

Edited by Dalgety Rover
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Take the twitter based hilarity out of the equation, that's 2 relatively underwhelming announcements.

Happy with both to be part of the squad, but how I feel about those will be determined by the other business we do.

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1 minute ago, CALDERON said:

Take the twitter based hilarity out of the equation, that's 2 relatively underwhelming announcements.

Happy with both to be part of the squad, but how I feel about those will be determined by the other business we do.

Robbie Thomson is about as good a number two goalkeeper as you'll get at Championship level, particularly given how content he seems to be as the back-up. 

You're absolutely right, though. If these signings are the "lowest" we make in terms of importance to the squad then it's a very good foundation, but if this is the top end, we could be in trouble. 

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I think these are core "squad" signings and none too shabby if that's what they turn out to be. The real judgement will be where they fit in, both capable, dependable, good strong club servants but their worth will depend on what happens next.

Mentioned the announcement wasn't quite my cup of tea though no harm done yesterday. Into the office today and the first thing my colleague said with a smile was "some patter from your team".  She absolutely loathes football and last time she even acknowledged my interest was "that" signing. The shift of focus was wholly welcomed by me.

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2 hours ago, CALDERON said:

Take the twitter based hilarity out of the equation, that's 2 relatively underwhelming announcements.

Happy with both to be part of the squad, but how I feel about those will be determined by the other business we do.

2 hours ago, Raith Against The Machine said:

Robbie Thomson is about as good a number two goalkeeper as you'll get at Championship level, particularly given how content he seems to be as the back-up. 

You're absolutely right, though. If these signings are the "lowest" we make in terms of importance to the squad then it's a very good foundation, but if this is the top end, we could be in trouble. 

On the other hand, while underwhelming, having the keeper coach (and potentially backup keeper) and LB (potentially CB or backup LB) roles filled helps move us forward. Once you have Thomson signed the loss of MacDonald isn’t a “oh Jesus, we only have O’Neil signed” issue…much as having Liam (see what I did there?) eases pressure and lets us be a bit more selective.

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It's worth remembering too that the playoffs for the Premier and the Championship are still ongoing. No disrespect at all intended to Thomson and Dick, but of all the out of contract senior players who we'd realistically be looking to keep, I'd say they are the two who are least likely to have other options available that might depend on who gets promoted/relegated, who finishes where etc. So in that sense it's maybe not surprising that Thomson and Dick have been announced first now that the new owners are in place. Like others have said, perfectly happy to have these guys on board as squad players and for the continuity they'll bring on and off the pitch, but it's the signings that come next that will really matter.

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The only thing that I'm disappointed with is that Ruaridh couldn't come up with anything risqué for Robbie T's announcement. On signing side I'm happy with those guys who have agreed to stay, although like many I very much hope there's a lot more to come yet.

I'm neither up nor down regarding the tone of Liams re-signing announcement, is it embarrassing? Well maybe for some. Is it slightly poor taste? Perhaps. But it's not obscene. Is it on a par with the media circus we faced a year past February? No not a bit!  Is it more of a positive than a negative? Yes I'd say so.

The tweet probably got way more exposure down to how Twitter is set up these days than anything but so what, it's worth a wee bit of eye rolling but more than that? I think not.

Those screaming exclusiveness should remember that it's just that, every tweet, post or statement will not please everyone and for everyone feeling put out by it there will be another one who isn't and probably a dozen who are completely apathetic to the whole thing.

People offended or claiming offence at this are probably the same people who dislike Carry-on films and Saucy Seaside Postcards.  They probably think that kind of thing has had it's day and should be consigned to history.  I don't, the nudge and a wink humour was part of our cultural heritage, fair enough it probably wouldn't work to the same extent today but I don't see that as a reason to consign stuff like this totally to history.

It'd be a very dull world if everyone thought exactly the same, ok so perhaps some feel the tone was a little off key but again IMO that's no reason to throw the baby out with the bath water.

I doubt very much if Ruaridh's future efforts will be as controversial but if they are no worse and manage to generate a quarter the same level of interest then I couldn't care less.

It probably means I'll now be getting asked by the resident Arsenal and Boro' fans at work how the Dick extension is going, but I can happily live with that! After all I've had 15 months of them asking how "Rape Rovers" are doing, so anything that moves us along the road and away from that car crash of a chapter is more than welcome in my book.


Edited by Scottydog
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The dick extension is a good bit of business btw.  Surely most on here will like Dick at the back?  Its semen to me like there's only a few snowflakes.

I firmly believe that with Dick, the only way is up.  He is a fine upstanding guy.    Hopefully he'll stop the cock ups at set pieces.

(The Karens just had an anuarism).

Millions of tweets = getting the club name in the limelight, and that can only be a good thing for future advertising etc.  Good on Ruaridh.  Keep it up.  fnar fnar.

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