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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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20 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

Happy to be corrected here but I previously read an article that stated that Goodwillie & Robertson told concerned bystanders regarding the inebriated condition of Ms. Clair that they were "taking her to hospital" to be checked upon. They subsequently put her into Goodwillie's car (he had been drinking) and they took her to a flat and raped her.

I don't think that's correct.  From what I remember from reading the findings of the hearing, they went in a taxi and the taxi driver was one of the witnesses who testified to how inebriated she was.

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4 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

Let's not pretend that the US justice system is any better in this respect when dealing with (relatively) powerful men and accusations against them.

The point of my post was to basically highlight the fact that , in my wife's opinion, Goodwillie & Robertson are fortunate to still have their liberty.

You knocked that one way over the bar, craig, but fwiw, I agree with your tangential point.

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11 minutes ago, Zen Archer (Raconteur) said:

On a brighter note.



I was wondering why this was being posted on the David Goodwillie thread before I remembered this is actually the Raith Rovers thread. Wonder how long before this thread just returns to moaning about Zanatta for only playing when he fancies it.

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4 minutes ago, stevoraith said:

I don't think that's correct.  From what I remember from reading the findings of the hearing, they went in a taxi and the taxi driver was one of the witnesses who testified to how inebriated she was.

Cheers for that.

Think I'll avoid the 3rd party info. from now on.

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7 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

According to the Courier, the player is on £1150 a week basic and will receive all of it (nearly £150k).

Thats why my contributions have stopped. 

Step 1 is complete but my financial input to Rovers is on hold until clarity over what will be funding this is given.

What a fucking joke.

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31 minutes ago, Beastie Russell said:

There must be an opportunity for shareholders to call for an EGM or submit a vote of no confidence in the board ?

I don’t think Sim is going to vote for a vote of no confidence in himself somehow.

I’m reminded about a story I heard of a Hearts shareholder meeting where a similar thing happened. A motion of no confidence was submitted and 90% of the people in a fairly sizeable room raised their hand in agreement with the motion. Roman Romanov then raised his hand in opposition to it. Motion denied. A few cries of “how’s that, eh!!?”

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33 minutes ago, Beastie Russell said:

There must be an opportunity for shareholders to call for an EGM or submit a vote of no confidence in the board ?

I understand the anger and frustration especially against the board members who sanctioned the transfer, however by removing the board who runs the club. John Sim appears to have done a lot of good in his time at the club and put in money which has improved us on and off field. Is it a case that because of one bad decision then the club should just close the doors. I for one don't want that and want to see Raith succeed. Just asking???

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16 hours ago, Nairney said:

When the news, that there had been a u-turn, broke I actually found myself feeling more angry than I had been on Tuesday and Wednesday!

In footballing terms, Rovers are now in exactly the same place they were last week - in that David Goodwillie doesn’t play for them. Yet Raith Rovers are drastically altered. Everything was lost during this fiasco and nothing was gained - not even these mythical goals that would miraculously propel us to win the league. All of this shame and embarrassment has been for nothing. So much has been stripped away from the club I proudly supported for 25 years in the blinkered pursuit of this divisive player and now he’s just binned, gone. 

We’ve gone from club statements lauding him as a talented footballer who is a part of the Raith family to a statement where he, like Voldemort, couldn’t be referenced by name - simply “the player”. Do they really expect us to believe they suddenly changed their entrenched opinion so drastically? That they only just realised what he did and who he is?

I’m a woman, a mum and I work with children. Personally I wouldn’t feel comfortable cheering on a team that contained Goodwillie. So, from that perspective, obviously I’m glad he’s gone. However, it’s too late. It took far too long to “do the right thing” and because of this I find it hard to feel the benefit of being pleased or relieved now he’s gone.

Had the board acted more quickly (I.e. after Val announced she was pulling her sponsorship) so many more relationships could have been salvaged. Goodwillie’s departure came after all the damage was done and I’m incredibly angry about the absolute fuckwittery of the people, at the top, responsible for that.  If any of them genuinely thought “we didn’t realise it would be this bad” then they don’t deserve to hold any position, within any company, that involves decision making more complicated than “what should I order for my lunch?”.

Hopefully change is afoot and hopefully I’ll stop feeling so angry about everything soon. Can’t see myself back at Starks Park until we’ve seen some changes at CEO / boardroom level - because I might burst a blood vessel, or something!

Had the board actually listened to sponsors/ supporters views in December when it was first muted/ rumoured regards DG we wouldn,t be in this mess

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