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The Falkirk FC Thread

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So your point is the Dunfermline support *is* racist but the Falkirk support is *not* racist? If not, I have no idea what you are talking about, so please explain.

Tbh, mate. I can’t be arsed. Just read your own first post again and think.
I am much more concerned re,
The idiot who tarnished our club again
This fucking woeful excuse for a board.
Quite frankly the first is disgraceful but the action of the latter renders me speechless at times and if something is not done it’s time to consider boycotting. We ain’t missing much with the shite they have put on the park anyway....
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That's quite clearly what's being insinuated both on here and other social media.

Edi do you want folk to lie and say they did hear something if they didn't. Folk on here who have said they or their friend heard nothing have not stated it didn't happen.


The club are calling for fans to come forward if they were in that area but they have the details of the fans who bought these tickets.


These fans are potential witnesses, provide their details to the police and let them investigate and do their jobs.


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7 minutes ago, Harry Kinnear said:

Exactly the way I am feeling. I have never felt so alianated from Falkirk as I do just now.

The end of the statement is the part I do agree with; we need to stick together.

The club have made that more difficult due to the content of the statement IMO but the fans need to continue to back the team.

The leadership of the club needs to be challenged big time. One disaster after another.

They can’t do anything about some idiot making racist comments to players and they have rightly come out strongly to defend that but the rest of that statement is a slap in the face to the thousands of supporters who have continued to back the club this season. Willingly dragging the fans’ name through the mud off the back of an already difficult (isolated) incident with Lewis. No need at all.

Edited by Hughsie
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1 minute ago, Hughsie said:

The end of the statement is the part I do agree with; we need to stick together.

The club have made that more difficult due to the content of the statement IMO but the fans need to continue to back the team.

The leadership of the club needs to be challenged big time. One disaster after another.

They can’t do anything about some idiot making racist comments to players and they have rightly come out strongly to defend that but the rest of that statement is a slap in the face to the thousands of supporters who have continued to back the club this season. Willingly dragging the fans’ name through the mud off the back of an already difficult (isolated) incident with Lewis. No need at all.

Assuming this statement has been written by Craig Campbell, he needs to go IMO. It's been one gaffe after another since he took over from the 'Falkirk is a championship club' nonsense to threatening fans with legal action. Not to mention the disaster on the pitch since he took up post. 

He's the one responsible for the day-to-day running of the club, and he should be the one to blame.

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Just when you think this season can't get any more grim. Disgusting behaviour by some utter cretins in our support. If they were in the main stand then surely it shouldn't be too hard to try and weed these morons out? Somebody must have heard/witnessed it as there was only, what, 100 fans or so in that stand?  Anyone who heard abuse like that on Saturday and keeps quiet is just as complicit in the whole sorry affair in my opinion.


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Just now, The Ghost of B A R P said:

That fuckin statement... BoD v. fans never gonnae end well.

They are creating a divide by tarring the entire support with the same brush. They don't give a f**k about the supporters only themselves. 

With the crowds we provide nothing will change unless those seats are empty.


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1 minute ago, Hughsie said:

The end of the statement is the part I do agree with; we need to stick together.

The club have made that more difficult due to the content of the statement IMO but the fans need to continue to back the team.

The leadership of the club needs to be challenged big time. One disaster after another.

They can’t do anything about some idiot making racist comments to players and they have right come out strongly to defend that but the rest of that statement is a slap in the face to the thousands of supporters who have continued to back the club this season. Willingly dragging the fans’ name through the mud off the back of an already difficult (isolated) incident with Lewis. No need at all.

There's a tone to Falkirk's statements in the last few years I don't like. It differs from other clubs. I'm not saying we go down the Sevco "end every statement with a thinly disguised FTP" route, but there's a real self righteous element to everything the club disseminates.

As if the fans are an inconvenience that gets in the way of officials enjoying match days and blazer wearing. 

They miss no opportunity to slate the fans at every juncture and even when they're in the right, manage to bungle the message in a patronising or aggressive way. I don't know who writes them but it's not good enough.

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Can’t believe what I’m reading. Immediate pathetic attempted deflection onto Stenhousemuir. With Falkirk fan’s shameful history your first instinct is denial?? What a cancer of a club.

Ehhhhhh hahahhahahaha when did I say it was a stenny fan :lol:

Cancer of a club :lol:

Some stenny fans have a HUGE chip on their shoulders.
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The end of the statement is the part I do agree with; we need to stick together.
The club have made that more difficult due to the content of the statement IMO but the fans need to continue to back the team.
The leadership of the club needs to be challenged big time. One disaster after another.
They can’t do anything about some idiot making racist comments to players and they have rightly come out strongly to defend that but the rest of that statement is a slap in the face to the thousands of supporters who have continued to back the club this season. Willingly dragging the fans’ name through the mud off the back of an already difficult (isolated) incident with Lewis. No need at all.

Stick together?
For what,
An excuse for a board who more than once now have publicly criticised their own fans despite the damage they are causing..
A team who have no heart or soul and half of which could not give a f**k about our club....
How much longer are we happy to allow our club to descend to the metaphorical depths of despair?
Hopefully I’ll feel differently tomorrow.
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2 hours ago, Bairnardo said:
2 hours ago, Neilly said:
And the object thrown from behind the goal early in the game (no the scarf lads that was second half) ?
Any mention or just ignore that one as well.
Just a one off. Won't happen again.

Just going to get my magnifying glass and hat gies half an hour

I’m not sure this is an appropriate time for a w**k tbf.

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51 minutes ago, Musketeer Gripweed said:

The stand is seven rows deep. The Stenhousemuir and Falkirk fans were sitting together. Why was this incident not being talked about in hospitality or in the wee bar after the game? Did no-one there actually hear this? I mean, look at the indignation, and quite rightly too, being shown here tonight.

Wasn't in the stand but was in the wee bar for half an hour after the game and there was no mention of it that I heard. Doesn't mean it didn't happen but I would have thought it would have been a main topic of conversation. 

I think it's most likely to have come from someone in hospitality as many of them would have been pished. I know someone who was in hospitality and saw him today but he made no mention of it. I'll see him again next week so will ask if he heard anything and if he knows who it was if he did.

The club need to fully investigate this as we don't want this sort of the thing to be associated with Falkirk. If we can prove who it was he (or she) needs to be banned for life.

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38 minutes ago, Bairney The Dinosaur said:

I’m fucking fed up of this club.

I am genuinely getting to the stage where I don't give a shit what happens.

The club are rotten to the core. If this did happen it doesn't surprise me one bit - there are a small core of our fans who are nothing but arseholes. I've been saying it for years.

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We’re now not only up on the BBC Sports website, but also on the BBC News Scotland website.

Well done to everyone concerned at our club for their handling of a sensitive issue.

We’ll make the board look good but the support look like scum for criticising us....




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