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The Falkirk FC Thread

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Some questions/observations as a result of that shocking car crash of a statement :

  1. Why is MR signing the statements when he recently announced he's had enough & was out?
  2. If there was verbal abuse "of a threatening level" & risking "himself & his family" - why is this not a police matter?
  3. If No.2 is real and it is a police matter then they should not be commenting on it , they've just made the same mistake again as they did with the jumping the gun racism fake news statement.   
  4. If Craig Campbell is such a hot shot off the pitch pulling in all that investment, who's decision was it to let him be directly involved in the  football strategy where he has no expertise and which clearly got us relegated?  
  5. The real reason I can see he has gone is that we simply cannot afford a CEO on his wage in League 1, which is obviously a result of our relegation - their fault not ours  - yet we get the blame, an absolute disgrace and it displays a complete contempt (and perhaps hatred) of the fans.     
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If you are rating Taiwo as a 2/10 then I'd be interested to hear your views on last years squad.

Too many players for me to give my view on them all so my condensed highlights are ;
1 - Goalies total pish all three till Harry arrived he’s top drawer.
2 -Defenders More center halfs than the rest of the division put together - none as good as Watson who we gave away and even then he was pish strangely I liked the edge as he did 80% of things pretty well , the other 20 % were the problem . Generally we were too defensive and on many occasions we got in each other’s way. I blame the managers tactics for that ! Getting rid of Muirhead was sensible , not having a decent RWB was a problem all season .
3- Midfield , No ball carrier all season I liked patons desire , no flair although DKD was as decent as mcshane was poor none of them were good enough or more importantly worth paying to watch.
4 Attack Rudden as a breath of fresh air as what he lacked in guile he made up for as he exceeded in goal snatching - we had no other attackers worth noting all season the winger we signed from Morton is over rated at average and all the players Hartley and his agent signed were worse than a joke.
So apart from Rudden it was the worst squad I can recall since the days of John perry .
The football in the main was terrible and played in the air more than the deck , we had nobody who could beat a man wide and What summed the season for me was we played 1 up against Morton at home when we had to win !

I blame the clubs owners for the whole clusterfuck of a season and fear they will top it all by taking a “better” offer from some chancers rather than do the right thing by the fans and accept our offer !

There is no money to be made in football in Scotland out with the old firm so we should just ask a big WHY when we here about American investors.
I pray they don’t do a Hearts Dundee or even Rangers and sell us down the river ! Watch this space !
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Ooft Ritchie doesn't give a f**k anymore. Surely a big sign that the club will be in new hands soon enough. 
Just hope the new regime punt McKinnon as soon as their in the door. The fans group will know that's what the majority of us want so it will probably happen. 
Kerr and Miller dream team please!

Sacking McKinnon isn’t the answer, and I’d wager it’s not what the majority of fans want. We spend 80k on him, can’t afford to pay him off.

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What a statement.

I think it's fair to say there's a scorched earth approach going on here, you hate us so we hate you too.

Campbell & Lang have presided over an unprecedented (Sevco aside) level of incompetence and the club is a laughing stock as a result.

Nobody is condoning threats etc but cmon tae f**k, he had to go, no question. Phrasing it like that is a cynical attempt to let Campbell escape with some dignity. GTF.

39 minutes ago, Senor Bairn said:

Craig Campbell being sacked is fantastic news, and that statement should show all people buying season tickets exactly who their money is going to. Double win imho.

What a sad state of affairs we are in.

100% this.

Edited by ilostmyself
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5 minutes ago, BottiBiabi said:



Sacking McKinnon isn’t the answer, and I’d wager it’s not what the majority of fans want. We spend 80k on him, can’t afford to pay him off.



To be honest, with everything else that’s going on, I’d completely forgotten about McKinnon.

He is the absolute least of our worries at the moment.

A statement like that one tonight shows that nothing is off the table when it comes to the current board. Worrying times.

It is absolutely vital that the club is promoted next season. We need everyone pulling together and a positive feeling to return but Ritchie and the board have now made that impossible in my opinion. 

New owners may well come in but the place is absolutely poisonous just now and that will take a bit of turning around.

Not to mention we don’t have a team currently.

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What a statement. Wouldn't expect any less after his Brexit ramblings.
I think it's fair to say there's a scorched earth approach going on here, you hate us so we hate you too.
Campbell & Lang have presided over an unprecedented (Sevco aside) level of incompetence and the club is a laughing stock as a result.
Nobody is condoning threats etc but cmon tae f**k, he had to go, no question. Phrasing it like that is a cynical attempt to let Campbell escape with some dignity. GTF.
100% this.
Billy brexit was Doug Henderson not MR.
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6 minutes ago, Ranaldo Bairn said:
33 minutes ago, ilostmyself said:
What a statement. Wouldn't expect any less after his Brexit ramblings.
I think it's fair to say there's a scorched earth approach going on here, you hate us so we hate you too.
Campbell & Lang have presided over an unprecedented (Sevco aside) level of incompetence and the club is a laughing stock as a result.
Nobody is condoning threats etc but cmon tae f**k, he had to go, no question. Phrasing it like that is a cynical attempt to let Campbell escape with some dignity. GTF.
100% this.

Billy brexit was Doug Henderson not MR.

Ah my mistake, I'll delete that, cheers.

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3 hours ago, Bainsfordbairn said:

We used to have a lady - a volunteer of course - who was quite heavily involved in the PR side at one time. It was her day job and she'd been doing it for some time at high level in a number of companies.

I remember pulling her up when Chairman Brexit was doing his bull in a china shop impersonation. Her defence was the she could only advise, not dictate, and that some people in the boardroom always felt they knew better.

We used to have a guy who was Falkirk through and through and knew exactly what was required for the job but his face didn`t fit with certain individuals and he was removed.

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If he felt him and his family were feeling threatened why didnt he bring the police into it?
i would have, not for my sake but for my family's.
I smell shite.... again.
This whole saga from beginning to hopefully the end has just been one disastrous statement after another.
PR is definitely not their strength.

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You've been away barely a day and in that time you've lost a potential major investor and released a statement blaming the fans for one of the major players in your disaster of a season leaving the club.

Damn right I'm obsessed. There's more twists and turns at Falkirk than a season of game of thrones except we never need to wait a week at a time for the next action packed episode.

fair enough tbh first time I find myself actually agreeing with port-ton.
just confirms how #bigtime we really are though.
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1 hour ago, PG.Colossus said:

There’s been no feckin threats. Jackanory bullshit to cloak his incompetence and for Ritchie to have a dig on the way out.

Correct, but the problem is these statements get picked up by the media who report it as fact.

If the BOD don't detract or apologize then the mud sticks forever more.   

I recall Tom English on Radio Scotland quoting a list of examples of fan racism in football and included  Falkirk fans for the Dennon Lewis fiasco.

I heard Lang admitted they got that wrong at a fans meeting but that's not good enough , it had to be a public statement to correct the one they stupidly rushed to put out  with zero evidence.

Lang, Campbell & the rest are incompetent - that's not a threat but a fact. 

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I agree with the content of the statement, in that some of the venomous personal abuse and hatred directed towards Craig Campbell has been far too much for what is only at the end of the day a man doing his job(badly).  He’s been involved in some poor decision-making at a football club, so it is right he’s stepped down. But some people need to realise that it’s not a life or death situation. 

On the other hand, the timing of it is far from ideal with season ticket sales beginning and new ownership hopefully imminent. You can see why Martin Ritchie feels the way he does though when you see the physical and verbal abuse he has been subjected to, having invested millions of pounds into the club. 

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Video footage of them being hounded now up with the Record one, Ritchie has definitely done a Ratner with this one.


As far as opening their mouths and the wrong things coming out the lot of them would put Donald Trump to shame.


Edited by AL-FFC
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